Degrees Offered with a Major in Animal Sciences

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Animal Molecular and Cellular Biology 
      • optional second concentration in Domestic Animal Genomics
    • concentration in Domestic Animal Genomics
    • concentration in Reproductive Biotechnology 
  • Master of Science
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Domestic Animal Genomics
    • concentration in Reproductive Biotechnology 

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Animal Sciences Departmental Courses

ANS 5446Animal Nutrition3
ANS 5935Reproductive Biology Seminar and Research Studies1
ANS 6040Concepts in Applied Ethology3
ANS 6288Experimental Techniques and Analytical Procedures in Meat Research3
ANS 6312CApplied Livestock Reproduction3
ANS 6313Current Concepts in Reproductive Biology2
ANS 6379LTechniques Genetics2
ANS 6387Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits in Livestock3
ANS 6447Ruminant Nutrition4
ANS 6449Vitamins3
ANS 6452Principles of Forage Quality Evaluation3
ANS 6636Meat Technology3
ANS 6637Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment of Pathogens in Food Systems3
ANS 6702Physiology of the Mammary Gland and Lactation2
ANS 6704Mammalian Endocrinology2
ANS 6711Current Topics in Equine Nutrition and Exercise Physiology2
ANS 6714Current Topics in Microbial Physiology in Animals1
ANS 6715Gastrointestinal and Feed Microbiology3
ANS 6716Physiology in Farm Animals1
ANS 6723Mineral Nutrition and Metabolism3
ANS 6751Physiology of Reproduction3
ANS 6775Essentials of Livestock Immunology1
ANS 6905Problems in Animal Science1-4
ANS 6910Supervised Research1-5
ANS 6932Special Topics in Animal Science1-3
ANS 6933Graduate Seminar in Animal Science1
ANS 6936Graduate Seminar in Animal Molecular and Cell Biology1-2
ANS 6939Animal Molecular and Cellular Biology Journal Colloquy1
ANS 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
ANS 6942Supervised Extension in the Animal Sciences1-3
ANS 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
ANS 7979Advanced Research1-12
ANS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PCB 6816Thermal Physiology1

Additional Courses for Major Credit in Animal Sciences

AEB 5326Agribusiness Financial Management3
AEB 6385Management Strategies for Agribusiness Firms3
AEB 7182Agricultural Risk Analysis and Decision Making3
FOS 5205Current Issues in Food Safety and Sanitation3
FOS 5225CPrinciples in Food Microbiology4
FOS 5437CFood Product Development3
FOS 5732Current Issues in Food Regulations3
FOS 5126CPsychophysical Aspects of Foods3
FOS 6226CAdvanced Food Microbiology4
FOS 6315CAdvanced Food Chemistry4
FOS 6317CFlavor Chemistry and Technology3
FOS 6355CInstrumental Analysis and Separations5
FOS 6428CAdvanced Food Processing4
FOS 6455CIndustrial Food Fermentations3
HUN 5447Nutrition and Immunity3
HUN 6245Advanced Human Nutrition3
HUN 6301Nutritional Aspects of Lipid Metabolism3
HUN 6305Nutritional Aspects of Carbohydrates3
HUN 6321Proteins and Amino Acids in Nutrition3
VME 5244Physiology: Organ Systems4

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Courses

ALS 5156Agricultural Ecology Principles and Applications3
ALS 5905Individual Study1-4
ALS 5932Special Topics1-4
ALS 6046Grant Writing2
ALS 6166Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues3
ALS 6921Colloquium on Plant Pests of Regulatory Significance1
ALS 6925Integrated Plant Medicine4
ALS 6931Plant Medicine Program Seminar1
ALS 6935Topics in Biological Invasions3
ALS 6942Principles of Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management3
ALS 6943Internship in Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management1-10
ANS 6936Graduate Seminar in Animal Molecular and Cell Biology1-2
BCH 5045Graduate Survey of Biochemistry4
STA 6093Introduction to Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences3
STA 6329Matrix Algebra and Statistical Computing3

Animal Sciences (PHD)

SLO 1     Principles of Animal Sciences     
Identify, interpret, and discuss the principles of the animal sciences with a deeper mastery of a chosen specialization.

SLO 2     Employ Scientific Methods         
Employ scientific methods to critically appraise and devise solutions to problems in the animal sciences

SLO 3     Solve Problems and Generate New Information
Propose and deploy scientific methods to solve problems and generate new information.

SLO 4     Prepare Grants for Funding         
Prepare grants for extramural funding during their PhD program.

SLO 5     Professional Behavior   
Display ethical conduct and interact with others with honesty, cultural sensitivity, and respect.

SLO 6     Effective Communication            
Communicate effectively in professional situations.

Animal sciences (MS)

SLO 1     Principles of Animal Sciences     
Identify, interpret, and discuss the principles of the animal sciences with a deeper mastery of a chosen specialization.

SLO 2     Apply Scientific Methods             
Apply scientific methods to problems in the animal sciences and develop new solutions to such problems.

SLO 3     Problem Solving Skills    
Propose and deploy scientific methods to solve problems and generate new information.

SLO 4     Professional Behavior   
Display ethical conduct and interact with others with honesty, cultural sensitivity, and respect.

SLO 5     Communicate Effectively             
Communicate effectively in professional situations.