Degrees Offered with a Major in Entomology and Nematology

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration​
    • concentration in Global Systems Agroecology
  • Master of Science
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Agroecology

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Entomology and Nematology Departmental Courses

ALS 5156Agricultural Ecology Principles and Applications3
ALS 6046Grant Writing2
ALS 6166Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues3
ALS 6502CLinear Models in Agriculture and Natural Resources3
ALS 6935Topics in Biological Invasions3
ENY 5006Graduate Survey of Entomology3
ENY 5006LGraduate Survey of Entomology Laboratory1
ENY 5160CSurvey of Science with Insects3
ENY 5212Insects and Wildlife3
ENY 5223CBiology and Identification of Urban Pests3
ENY 5226CPrinciples of Urban Pest Management3
ENY 5241Biological Control4
ENY 5332Graduate Survey of Urban Vertebrate Pest Management2
ENY 5405Insects as Vectors of Plant Pathogens3
ENY 5516Turf and Ornamental Entomology3
ENY 5566Tropical Entomology3
ENY 5567Tropical Entomology Field Laboratory2
ENY 5611Immature Insects4
ENY 5820Insect Molecular Genetics3
ENY 6166Insect Classification3
ENY 6203LInsect Ecology Laboratory1
ENY 6203Insect Ecology3
ENY 6206Ecology of Vector-Borne Disease3
ENY 6207Ecology and Conservation of Pollinators3
ENY 6248Termite Biology and Control2
ENY 6401LInsect Physiology Laboratory1
ENY 6401Insect Physiology3
ENY 6406Molecular Biology of Insects and Nematodes3
ENY 6454Behavioral Ecology and Systematics of Insects3
ENY 6456CSocial Insects3
ENY 6572Apiculture I3
ENY 6575Apiculture II3
ENY 6576Honey Bee Biology3
ENY 6591CAdvanced Mosquito Identification3
ENY 6593Advanced Mosquito Biology3
ENY 6651CInsect Toxicology3
ENY 6665Advanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology I3
ENY 6665LAdvanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology Laboratory1
ENY 6706Forensic Entomology3
ENY 6821Insect Microbiology3
ENY 6905Problems in Entomology1-4
ENY 6910Supervised Research1-5
ENY 6931Entomology Seminar1
ENY 6932Special Topics in Entomology1-2
ENY 6934Selected Studies in Entomology1-4
ENY 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
ENY 6942Insect Diagnostics1-3
ENY 6943Entomology Internship1-3
ENY 6944Entomology Extension Internship1-3
ENY 6945Practical Work Experience in Entomology and Nematology1-3
ENY 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
ENY 7979Advanced Research1-12
ENY 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
IPM 6021Insect Pest and Vector Managem3
NEM 5004CGraduate Survey of Nematology3
NEM 5707CPlant Nematology3
NEM 6101Nematode Morphology and Anatomy2
NEM 6101LNematode Morphology and Anatomy Lab2
NEM 6102Nematode Systematics and Molecular Phylogeny2
NEM 6102LNematode Systematics and Molecular Phylogeny Laboratory2
NEM 6103Insect Parasitic Nematodes2
NEM 6103LEntomopathogenic Nematodes Laboratory1
NEM 6201Nematode Ecology3
NEM 6708Field Plant Nematology2
NEM 6905Problems in Nematology1-4
NEM 6931Nematology Seminar1
NEM 6932Special Topics in Nematology1-4
NEM 6934Selected Studies in Nematology1-4
NEM 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
NEM 6942Nematode Diagnostics2
NEM 6943Nematode Internship1-3
NEM 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
NEM 7979Advanced Research1-12
NEM 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PMA 5205Citrus Pest Management3
PMA 6228Field Techniques in Integrated Pest Management2

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Courses

ALS 5156Agricultural Ecology Principles and Applications3
ALS 5905Individual Study1-4
ALS 5932Special Topics1-4
ALS 6046Grant Writing2
ALS 6166Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues3
ALS 6921Colloquium on Plant Pests of Regulatory Significance1
ALS 6925Integrated Plant Medicine4
ALS 6931Plant Medicine Program Seminar1
ALS 6935Topics in Biological Invasions3
ALS 6942Principles of Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management3
ALS 6943Internship in Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management1-10
ANS 6936Graduate Seminar in Animal Molecular and Cell Biology1-2
BCH 5045Graduate Survey of Biochemistry4
STA 6093Introduction to Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences3
STA 6329Matrix Algebra and Statistical Computing3

Entomology & Nematology (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Identify insects, other arthropods and/or nematodes, and describe their relationship with the environment and humans

SLO 2     Knowledge        
Discuss appropriate research methodology, including aspects of statistical design and analysis, in the execution of arthropod research

SLO 3     Skills     
Effectively communicate science orally and in written form to an audience of scientific peers

SLO 4     Skills     
Effectively communicate science orally and in written form to a non-specialized audience through educational activities

SLO 5     Skills     
Apply critical thinking and inquiry/analysis methodologies to solve problems and generate new knowledge

SLO 6     Professional Behavior   
Interact with professional peers with honesty, ethical behavior, cultural sensitivity, and teamwork.

entomology & Nematology (MS)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Identify insects, other arthropods and/or nematodes, and describe their relationship with the environment and humans

SLO 2     Knowledge        
Identify insects, other arthropods and/or nematodes, and describe their relationship with the environment and humans

SLO 3     Knowledge        
Discuss appropriate research methodology, including statistical aspects of experimental design and analysis, in the execution of arthropod research

SLO 4     Knowledge        
Discuss appropriate research methodology, including statistical aspects of experimental design and analysis, in the execution of arthropod research

SLO 5     Skills     
Effectively communicate science orally and in written form

SLO 6     Skills     
Effectively communicate science orally and in written form

SLO 7     Skills     
Apply critical thinking and inquiry/analysis methodologies to solve problems and generate new knowledge

SLO 8     Professional Behavior   
Interact with professional peers with honesty, ethical behavior, cultural sensitivity, teamwork and effective communication

SLO 9     Professional Behavior   
Interact with professional peers with honesty, ethical behavior, cultural sensitivity, teamwork and effective communication