Degrees Offered with a Major in Forest Resources and Conservation

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Agroforestry
    • concentration in Ecological Restoration
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
    • concentration in Geomatics
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Natural Resource Policy and Administration
    • concentration in Toxicology
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences
  • Master of Forest Resources and Conservation
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Agroforestry
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
    • concentration in Geomatics
    • concentration in Natural Resource Policy and Administration
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences
  • Master of Science
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Agroforestry
    • concentration in Ecological Restoration
      • optional second concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
    • concentration in Geomatics
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Natural Resource Policy and Administration
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

School of Forest Resources and Conservation Courses

Geomatics Concentration Courses

GIS 6103GIS Programming and Customization3
GIS 6116Geographic Information Systems Analysis3
SUR 5365Digital Mapping3
SUR 5385Remote Sensing Applications3
SUR 5386Image Processing for Remote Sensing3
SUR 5525Least Squares Adjustment Computations3
SUR 6346Marine Geomatics3
SUR 6377Geospatial Application of UASs3
SUR 6395Topics in Geographic Information Systems3
SUR 6502CFoundations of UAS Mapping3
SUR 6535GPS-INS Integration3
SUR 6536Geodesy and Geodetic Positioning3
SUR 6905Special Problems in Geomatics1-6
SUR 6934Topics in Geomatics1-4
SUR 6940CPracticum in UAS Mapping3

Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program Courses

FAS 5015Aquaculture I3
FAS 5203Biology of Fishes3
FAS 5203CBiology of Fishes4
FAS 5255Diseases of Warmwater Fish3
FAS 5276CField Ecology of Aquatic Organisms4
FAS 5335CApplied Fisheries Statistics4
FAS 5407Biology of Fishery and Aquaculture Invertebrates3
FAS 5901Scientific Thinking in Ecology2
FAS 6154Marine Adaptations: Environmental Physiology3
FAS 6165Fish and Crustacean Nutrition3
FAS 6176Algae Biology and Ecology3
FAS 6238Environmental Physiology of Fishes3
FAS 6256Fish and Aquatic Invertebrate Histology3
FAS 6272Marine Ecological Processes3
FAS 6273Trophic Ecology of Fishes3
FAS 6275Freshwater Ecology3
FAS 6337CFish Population Dynamics4
FAS 6339CAdvanced Quantitative Fisheries Assessment4
FAS 6355CFisheries Management4
FAS 6356Fisheries Enhancement2
FAS 6357Marine Protected Areas3
FAS 6360Invasion Ecology of Aquatic Animals3
FAS 6408Aquaculture II3
FAS 6416Spatial Ecology and Modeling of Fish Populations2
FAS 6705Fisheries and aquaculture: An economics perspective3
FAS 6905Individual Study1-6
FAS 6910Supervised Research1-5
FAS 6932Special Topics in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences1-4
FAS 6933Graduate Symposium1
FAS 6935Contemporary Problems in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences2
FAS 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
FAS 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
FAS 7979Advanced Research1-12
FAS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Forest Resources and Conservation Program Courses

FAS 6306CSpatial Sciences for Marine Environmental Characterization4
FAS 6356Fisheries Enhancement2
FNR 5072CEnvironmental Education Program Development3
FNR 5608Research Planning3
FNR 5625Managing Public Lands and Waters3
FNR 6061Conflict and Collaboration in Natural Resources3
FNR 6560Intro to Bayesian Statistics for Life Sciences3
FNR 6564Ecohydrology3
FNR 6628Watershed Management and Restoration3
FNR 6668Natural Resources in a Changing Climate3
FNR 6669Policy and Economics of Natural Resources3
FOR 5157Ecosystem Restoration Principles and Practice3
FOR 5159Ecology and Restoration of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems3
FOR 5435Forest Information Systems3
FOR 5626Forest Resource Manag3
FOR 6005Conservation Behavior3
FOR 6045Science Communication & Public Education3
FOR 6151Forest Ecosystem Health3
FOR 6154Analysis of Forest Ecosystems3
FOR 6155Forest Ecosystem Resilience3
FOR 6156Simulation Analysis of Forest Ecosystems3
FOR 6158Management and Restoration of Invaded Ecosystems3
FOR 6164Silviculture: Concepts and Application3
FOR 6170Tropical Forestry3
FOR 6215Fire Paradigms3
FOR 6340Physiology of Forest Trees3
FOR 6436CVisualization of Ecological Data3
FOR 6543Natural Resource Economics and Valuation3
FOR 6625Issues in Southeastern Forest Health3
FOR 6628Community Forest Management3
FOR 6665Landscape Planning for Ecotourism3
FOR 6670CUrban Forestry3
FOR 6905Research Problems in Forest Resources and Conservation1-6
FOR 6910Supervised Research1-5
FOR 6933Seminar1
FOR 6934Topics in Forest Resources and Conservation1-4
FOR 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
FOR 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
FOR 7979Advanced Research1-12
FOR 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
GIS 6116Geographic Information Systems Analysis3
PCB 5530Plant Molecular Biology and Genomics3
PCB 6528Plant Cell and Developmental Biology3
PCB 6555Introduction to Quantitative Genetics3
SUR 6355Analytical Photogrammetry3
FNR 5072CEnvironmental Education Program Development3
FNR 5608Research Planning3
FNR 6061Conflict and Collaboration in Natural Resources3
FNR 6560Intro to Bayesian Statistics for Life Sciences3
FNR 6564Ecohydrology3
FOR 5157Ecosystem Restoration Principles and Practice3
FOR 5159Ecology and Restoration of Longleaf Pine Ecosystems3
FOR 5435Forest Information Systems3
FNR 6628Watershed Management and Restoration3
FNR 6669Policy and Economics of Natural Resources3
FOR 6005Conservation Behavior3
FOR 6151Forest Ecosystem Health3
FOR 6154Analysis of Forest Ecosystems3
FOR 6156Simulation Analysis of Forest Ecosystems3
FOR 6164Silviculture: Concepts and Application3
FOR 6170Tropical Forestry3
FOR 6215Fire Paradigms3
FOR 6340Physiology of Forest Trees3
FOR 6543Natural Resource Economics and Valuation3
FOR 6628Community Forest Management3
FOR 6665Landscape Planning for Ecotourism3
FOR 6905Research Problems in Forest Resources and Conservation1-6
FOR 6910Supervised Research1-5
FOR 6933Seminar1
FOR 6934Topics in Forest Resources and Conservation1-4
FOR 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
FOR 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
FOR 7979Advanced Research1-12
FOR 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PCB 5530Plant Molecular Biology and Genomics3
PCB 6528Plant Cell and Developmental Biology3
PCB 6555Introduction to Quantitative Genetics3
SUR 6377Geospatial Application of UASs3
SUR 6502CFoundations of UAS Mapping3
SUR 6940CPracticum in UAS Mapping3

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Courses

ALS 5156Agricultural Ecology Principles and Applications3
ALS 5905Individual Study1-4
ALS 5932Special Topics1-4
ALS 6046Grant Writing2
ALS 6166Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues3
ALS 6921Colloquium on Plant Pests of Regulatory Significance1
ALS 6925Integrated Plant Medicine4
ALS 6931Plant Medicine Program Seminar1
ALS 6935Topics in Biological Invasions3
ALS 6942Principles of Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management3
ALS 6943Internship in Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management1-10
ANS 6936Graduate Seminar in Animal Molecular and Cell Biology1-2
BCH 5045Graduate Survey of Biochemistry4
STA 6093Introduction to Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences3
STA 6329Matrix Algebra and Statistical Computing3

Forest resources & Conservation (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Describes and explains theories and concepts in major-specific and related subject matter areas relevant to the individualized focus of the degree program

SLO 2     Skills     
Critically evaluates literature, analyzes and synthesizes information, applies experimental and/or descriptive research methodologies, creates new knowledge through discovery, and effectively communicates information

SLO 3     Professional Behavior
Displays honest, ethical, and culturally sensitive behavior and practices in all scholarly activities including teaching, research, and outreach

Forest resources & Conservation (MFRC)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Describes and explains theories and concepts in major-specific and related subject matter areas relevant to the individualized focus of the degree program

SLO 2     Skills     
Critically evaluates literature, analyzes and synthesizes information, applies experimental and/or descriptive research methodologies, creates new knowledge through discovery, and effectively communicates information

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Displays honest, ethical, and culturally sensitive behavior and practices in all scholarly activities including teaching, research, and outreach

Forest Resources & Conservation (MS)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Describes and explains theories and concepts in major-specific and related subject matter areas relevant to the individualized focus of the degree program

SLO 2     Skills     
Critically evaluates literature, analyzes and synthesizes information, applies experimental and/or descriptive research methodologies, creates new knowledge through discovery, and effectively communicates information

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Displays honest, ethical, and culturally sensitive behavior and practices in all scholarly activities including teaching, research, and outreach