Degrees Offered with a Major in Horticultural Sciences

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Environmental Horticulture
    • concentration in Horticultural Sciences
    • concentration in Toxicology
  • Master of Science
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Environmental Horticulture
    • concentration in Horticultural Sciences

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Horticultural Sciences Program Courses

ALS 6935Topics in Biological Invasions3
BCH 5045Graduate Survey of Biochemistry4
BOT 6935Special Topics1-4
HOS 6934Professional Seminar Preparation1
PLS 5222CPropagation of Horticultural Crops3
PLS 5241CAdvanced Plant Micropropagation4

Additional Course Offerings

The following courses may be taken to contribute to the overall degree award requirements.

Botany Courses 

BOT 5225CPlant Anatomy4
BOT 5305Paleobotany3
BOT 5505CIntermediate Plant Physiology3
BOT 5655CPhysiological Plant Ecology3
BOT 5685CTropical Botany5
BOT 5695CEcosystems of Florida3
BOT 5725CTaxonomy of Vascular Plants4
BOT 6566Plant Growth and Development3
BOT 6716CAdvanced Taxonomy2
BOT 6726CPrinciples of Systematic Biology4
BOT 6905Individual Studies in Botany1-3
BOT 6910Supervised Research1-5
BOT 6927Advances in Botany1-3
BOT 6935Special Topics1-4
BOT 6936Graduate Student Seminar1-2
BOT 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
BOT 7979Advanced Research1-12
BOT 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PCB 5046CAdvanced Ecology3
PCB 5338Principles of Ecosystem Ecology3
PCB 5356Tropical Ecology3
PLP 6656CFungal Biology4

Environmental Horticulture Courses

ALS 5934Graduate Professional Development Seminar2
BCH 5045Graduate Survey of Biochemistry4
HOS 5117CHorticultural Plant Morphology and Identification3
HOS 5432Advanced Nutritional Management of Ornamental Crops3
HOS 5515CGreenhouse and Nursery Operations3
HOS 5516CCultivation, Extraction, and Application of Medicinal Plants and Their Bioactive Compounds3
HOS 6070Plant Materials for Conservation and Restoration3
HOS 6295Methods in Plant Biotechnology3
HOS 6523Research and Development in Turfgrass Science3
HOS 6905Problems in Horticultural Science1-4
HOS 6910Supervised Research1-5
HOS 6931Horticultural Science Seminar1
HOS 6932Special Topics1-4
HOS 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
HOS 6941Practicum in Horticultural Science2-4
HOS 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
HOS 6991Fundamentals of Seed Biology4
HOS 7979Advanced Research1-12
HOS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
ORH 5026CAdvanced Annual and Perennial Gardening3
ORH 5086Advanced Golf and Sports Turf Management2
ORH 5282Orchid Biology and Culture3
ORH 5817CAdvanced Florida Native Landscaping3
PLS 5222CPropagation of Horticultural Crops3
PLS 5241CAdvanced Plant Micropropagation4

Horticultural Sciences Departmental Courses

ALS 5932Special Topics1-4
HOS 5085CPrinciples of Postharvest Horticulture3
HOS 5242Genetics & Breeding of Vegetable Crops3
HOS 5330Postharvest Technologies for Horticultural Crops2
HOS 5505Getting Published Horticulture3
HOS 5555Tropical Fruit Production and Research in Florida3
HOS 5711Phytochemicals in Food & Health3
HOS 6201Breeding Perennial Cultivars3
HOS 6236Molecular Marker Assisted Plant Breeding3
HOS 6307Horticultural Physiology3
HOS 6331Postharvest Biology3
HOS 6345Environmental Physiology4
HOS 6355Root and Rhizosphere Ecology3
HOS 6412Nutrition of Horticultural Crops3
HOS 6545Advanced Citriculture I3
HOS 6905Problems in Horticultural Science1-4
HOS 6910Supervised Research1-5
HOS 6931Horticultural Science Seminar1
HOS 6932Special Topics1-4
HOS 6934Professional Seminar Preparation1
HOS 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
HOS 6941Practicum in Horticultural Science2-4
HOS 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
HOS 7979Advanced Research1-12
HOS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PCB 5065Advanced Genetics4
PCB 5530Plant Molecular Biology and Genomics3
PCB 6528Plant Cell and Developmental Biology3
PCB 6910Supervised Research1-5
PCB 6937Special Topics in Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology1-4
PCB 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
PCB 7922Journal Colloquy in Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology1
PCB 7979Advanced Research1-12
PCB 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PLS 6635Weed Management for Organic and Sustainable Cropping Systems3
PLS 7979Advanced Research1-12
PLS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Courses

ALS 5156Agricultural Ecology Principles and Applications3
ALS 5905Individual Study1-4
ALS 5932Special Topics1-4
ALS 6046Grant Writing2
ALS 6166Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues3
ALS 6921Colloquium on Plant Pests of Regulatory Significance1
ALS 6925Integrated Plant Medicine4
ALS 6931Plant Medicine Program Seminar1
ALS 6935Topics in Biological Invasions3
ALS 6942Principles of Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management3
ALS 6943Internship in Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management1-10
ANS 6936Graduate Seminar in Animal Molecular and Cell Biology1-2
BCH 5045Graduate Survey of Biochemistry4
STA 6093Introduction to Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences3
STA 6329Matrix Algebra and Statistical Computing3

horticultural sciences (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Describe and explain theories and concepts of the various disciplines of Horticultural Sciences including plant physiology and plant genetics as related to horticultural plant growth and development, and the integration of structure and function of the whole plant

SLO 2     Knowledge        
Describe new techniques and technologies from associated disciplines

SLO 3     Knowledge        
Evaluate horticultural systems, components and/or processes to meet industry and societal needs within realistic economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability constraints

SLO 4     Skills     
Design and conduct experiments required for successful production of fruit and vegetable crops and analyze results

SLO 5     Skills     
Communicate horticultural ideas, technical data and design information clearly and professionally to other students, scientists and the public

SLO 6     Professional Behavior   
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork skills and professional conduct

Horticultural sciences (MS)-Environmental Horticulture

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Describe and explain theories and concepts the various disciplines of Horticultural Sciences including plant physiology and plant genetics as related to horticultural plant growth and development, and the integration of structure and function of the whole plant.

SLO 2     Knowledge        
Evaluate and advance horticultural systems, components and/or processes to meet industry and societal needs within realistic economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability

SLO 3     Knowledge       
Describe techniques and technologies from associated disciplines as applied to Environmental Horticulture

SLO 4     Skills     
Design, conduct, and evaluate experiments or study required to advance or improve production and/or management of horticultural crops and analyze results

SLO 5     Skills     
Communicate in written and oral form horticultural ideas, technical data and design information clearly and professionally to other students, scientists and the public

SLO 6     Professional Behavior   
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork skills and professional conduct

Horticultural sciences (MS)-Horticultural Sciences

SLO 1          Knowledge       
Describe and explain theories and concepts the various disciplines of Horticultural Sciences including plant physiology and plant genetics as related to horticultural plant growth and development, and the integration of structure and function of the whole plant

SLO 2             Knowledge      
Describe new techniques and technologies from associated disciplines

SLO 3             Knowledge       
Evaluate horticultural systems, components and/or processes to meet industry and societal needs within realistic economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability constraints                        

SLO 4 HS              Skills    
Design and conduct experiments required for successful production of fruits and vegetables and analyze results

SLO 5 HS              Skills    
Communicate horticultural ideas, technical data and design information clearly and professionally to other students, scientists and the public

SLO 6 HS              Professional Behavior  
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork skills and professional conduct