Chair: E. Triplett
Graduate Coordinator: J. Maupin
Graduate study is offered leading to the Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in microbiology and cell science, with emphasis in one or more of the disciplines of biochemistry, cell biology, and microbiology.
Requirements for these degrees are provided in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog and also on the Department webpage:
Instruction and guidance are collaborative among faculty in the Colleges of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Medicine.
Research spans broad areas in the cellular and molecular aspects of bacterial, plant, and animal life functions. Areas of research include microbial biochemistry, biotechnology, biomass conversion, genetic and metabolic regulation, environmental microbiology, cell biology, molecular biology, molecular genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, immunology, virology, parasitology, host-pathogen interactions, cellular ultrastructure.
Prerequisites for admission to graduate study, in addition to those of the Graduate School, are a broad educational background including mathematics, physics, and chemistry through organic, analytical, and physical chemistry; basic courses in biology, botany, and/or zoology; and at least one course in microbiology and biochemistry. An undergraduate major in biochemistry, physical or chemical science, engineering, or general biology may be an acceptable alternative to a degree in microbiology or cell science. Receipt of an advanced degree requires detailed knowledge of microbiology, biochemistry, and chemistry; undergraduate deficiencies may necessitate additional coursework prior to entry into the graduate program.