Degrees Offered with a Major in Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
    • concentration in Global Systems Agroecology
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences
  • Master of Science
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Agroecology
    • concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Research Methods
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences Departmental Courses

AGG 5607Communicating in Academia3
AGG 6503Nanotechnology in Food, Agriculture, and Environment3
ALS 5155Global Agroecosystems3
CWR 6537Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology3
SWS 5050LSoils for Environmental Professionals Laboratory1
SWS 5050Soils for Environmental Professionals3
SWS 5115Environmental Nutrient Management3
SWS 5132Tropical Soil Management3
SWS 5182Earth System Analysis3
SWS 5208Sustainable Agricultural and Urban Land Management3
SWS 5224Environmental Biogeochemistry3
SWS 5234Environmental Soil, Water, and Land Use3
SWS 5246Water Resource Sustainability3
SWS 5247Hydric Soils2
SWS 5248Wetlands and Water Quality3
SWS 5305CSoil Microbial Ecology3
SWS 5308Ecology of Waterborne Pathogens3
SWS 5406Soil and Water Chemistry3
SWS 5424CSoil Chemical Analysis3
SWS 5551Soils, Water, and Public Health3
SWS 5605CEnvironmental Soil Physics3
SWS 5716CEnvironmental Pedology4
SWS 5721CGIS in Land Resource Management3
SWS 5805Environmental Soil and Water Monitoring Techniques3
SWS 6117Fertilizer Technology and Use3
SWS 6134Soil Quality3
SWS 6136Soil and Nutrient Diagnostics for Agricultural Production3
SWS 6209Urban Soil and Water Systems3
SWS 6323Advanced Microbial Ecology3
SWS 6366Biodegradation and Bioremediation3
SWS 6406Soil Health and Data3
SWS 6448Biogeochemistry of Wetlands and Aquatic Systems3
SWS 6454Advanced Soil and Water Chemistry3
SWS 6456Advanced Biogeochemistry3
SWS 6722Soil-Landscape Modeling3
SWS 6813CModeling Land Biogeochemistry3
SWS 6905Special Problems1-4
SWS 6910Supervised Research1-5
SWS 6920Journal Colloquium in Environmental Science1
SWS 6931Seminar1
SWS 6932Topics in Soils1-4
SWS 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
SWS 6950Professional Development in Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences2
SWS 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
SWS 6992Aquatic Toxicology: Science and Applications3
SWS 7979Advanced Research1-12
SWS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Courses

ALS 5156Agricultural Ecology Principles and Applications3
ALS 5905Individual Study1-4
ALS 5932Special Topics1-4
ALS 6046Grant Writing2
ALS 6166Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues3
ALS 6921Colloquium on Plant Pests of Regulatory Significance1
ALS 6925Integrated Plant Medicine4
ALS 6931Plant Medicine Program Seminar1
ALS 6935Topics in Biological Invasions3
ALS 6942Principles of Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management3
ALS 6943Internship in Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management1-10
ANS 6936Graduate Seminar in Animal Molecular and Cell Biology1-2
BCH 5045Graduate Survey of Biochemistry4
STA 6093Introduction to Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences3
STA 6329Matrix Algebra and Statistical Computing3

soil and water science (PHD)

SLO 1     Theories and Concepts 
Describe and explain theories and concepts in soil and water sciences

SLO 2     Skills     
Apply, analyze, and synthesize content knowledge by identifying component parts, relationships and ideas

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork, professional conduct and communication

Soil and water science (MS)

SLO 1     Theories and Concepts in Soil and Water Sciences            
Describe and explain theories and concepts in soil and water sciences

SLO 2     Skills     
Apply, analyze, and synthesize content knowledge by identifying component parts, relationships and ideas

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, professional conduct and effective communication