Degrees Offered with a Major in Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy
- without a concentration
- concentration in Climate Science
- concentration in Geographic Information Systems
- concentration in Global Systems Agroecology
- concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
- concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
- concentration in Wetland Sciences
- Master of Science
- without a concentration
- concentration in Agroecology
- concentration in Climate Science
- concentration in Geographic Information Systems
- concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
- concentration in Research Methods
- concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
- concentration in Wetland Sciences
Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.
Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
AGG 5607 | Communicating in Academia | 3 |
AGG 6503 | Nanotechnology in Food, Agriculture, and Environment | 3 |
ALS 5155 | Global Agroecosystems | 3 |
CWR 6537 | Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology | 3 |
SWS 5050L | Soils for Environmental Professionals Laboratory | 1 |
SWS 5050 | Soils for Environmental Professionals | 3 |
SWS 5115 | Environmental Nutrient Management | 3 |
SWS 5132 | Tropical Soil Management | 3 |
SWS 5182 | Earth System Analysis | 3 |
SWS 5208 | Sustainable Agricultural and Urban Land Management | 3 |
SWS 5224 | Environmental Biogeochemistry | 3 |
SWS 5234 | Environmental Soil, Water, and Land Use | 3 |
SWS 5246 | Water Resource Sustainability | 3 |
SWS 5247 | Hydric Soils | 2 |
SWS 5248 | Wetlands and Water Quality | 3 |
SWS 5305C | Soil Microbial Ecology | 3 |
SWS 5308 | Ecology of Waterborne Pathogens | 3 |
SWS 5406 | Soil and Water Chemistry | 3 |
SWS 5424C | Soil Chemical Analysis | 3 |
SWS 5551 | Soils, Water, and Public Health | 3 |
SWS 5605C | Environmental Soil Physics | 3 |
SWS 5716C | Environmental Pedology | 4 |
SWS 5721C | GIS in Land Resource Management | 3 |
SWS 5805 | Environmental Soil and Water Monitoring Techniques | 3 |
SWS 6117 | Fertilizer Technology and Use | 3 |
SWS 6134 | Soil Quality | 3 |
SWS 6136 | Soil and Nutrient Diagnostics for Agricultural Production | 3 |
SWS 6209 | Urban Soil and Water Systems | 3 |
SWS 6323 | Advanced Microbial Ecology | 3 |
SWS 6366 | Biodegradation and Bioremediation | 3 |
SWS 6406 | Soil Health and Data | 3 |
SWS 6448 | Biogeochemistry of Wetlands and Aquatic Systems | 3 |
SWS 6454 | Advanced Soil and Water Chemistry | 3 |
SWS 6456 | Advanced Biogeochemistry | 3 |
SWS 6722 | Soil-Landscape Modeling | 3 |
SWS 6813C | Modeling Land Biogeochemistry | 3 |
SWS 6905 | Special Problems | 1-4 |
SWS 6910 | Supervised Research | 1-5 |
SWS 6920 | Journal Colloquium in Environmental Science | 1 |
SWS 6931 | Seminar | 1 |
SWS 6932 | Topics in Soils | 1-4 |
SWS 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-5 |
SWS 6950 | Professional Development in Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences | 2 |
SWS 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
SWS 6992 | Aquatic Toxicology: Science and Applications | 3 |
SWS 7979 | Advanced Research | 1-12 |
SWS 7980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 1-15 |
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
ALS 5156 | Agricultural Ecology Principles and Applications | 3 |
ALS 5905 | Individual Study | 1-4 |
ALS 5932 | Special Topics | 1-4 |
ALS 6046 | Grant Writing | 2 |
ALS 6166 | Exotic Species and Biosecurity Issues | 3 |
ALS 6921 | Colloquium on Plant Pests of Regulatory Significance | 1 |
ALS 6925 | Integrated Plant Medicine | 4 |
ALS 6931 | Plant Medicine Program Seminar | 1 |
ALS 6935 | Topics in Biological Invasions | 3 |
ALS 6942 | Principles of Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management | 3 |
ALS 6943 | Internship in Plant Pest Risk Assessment and Management | 1-10 |
ANS 6936 | Graduate Seminar in Animal Molecular and Cell Biology | 1-2 |
BCH 5045 | Graduate Survey of Biochemistry | 4 |
STA 6093 | Introduction to Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences | 3 |
STA 6329 | Matrix Algebra and Statistical Computing | 3 |
soil and water science (PHD)
SLO 1 Theories and Concepts
Describe and explain theories and concepts in soil and water sciences
SLO 2 Skills
Apply, analyze, and synthesize content knowledge by identifying component parts, relationships and ideas
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork, professional conduct and communication
Soil and water science (MS)
SLO 1 Theories and Concepts in Soil and Water Sciences
Describe and explain theories and concepts in soil and water sciences
SLO 2 Skills
Apply, analyze, and synthesize content knowledge by identifying component parts, relationships and ideas
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, professional conduct and effective communication