Degrees Offered with a Major in Digital Arts and Sciences

  • Master of Arts

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Digital Worlds Departmental Courses

DIG 5541Managing Emerging Technology Projects2
DIG 5555CDigital Media Projection Design I3
DIG 5930Special Topics3
DIG 5931CSpecial Topics1-4
DIG 6027Digital Storytelling1-4
DIG 6028Roots of Digital Culture1-3
DIG 6050CEntertainment Technology1-4
DIG 6125CDigital Design & Visualization1-3
DIG 6126CInteraction Design1-3
DIG 6256CAudio Design For Digital Production1-3
DIG 6358CApplied 3D Modeling and Animation2
DIG 6719Videogame Theory and Analysis2-4
DIG 6744CMovement, Media and Machines1-4
DIG 6751CProtocols for Multimedia Interfaces2-4
DIG 6788CDigital Production & Game Design1-4
DIG 6837CDigital Tools for Arts and Humanities3
DIG 6840Interdisciplinary Research Seminar in Digital Arts & Sciences1-4
DIG 6850Digital Arts & Sciences Convergence1-4
DIG 6906Independent Study - Graduate Level1-4
DIG 6931CSpecial Topics1-3
DIG 6950CDigital Performance Production1-4
DIG 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-3
DIG 6972CCapstone Project2-4
DIG 6973Capstone Project in Lieu of Thesis1-6

College of the Arts Courses

HUM 5357Creativity and Health: Foundations of the Arts in Medicine3
HUM 5366Foundations of Arts in Public Health3
HUM 5367Arts in Public Health Practice3
HUM 5595Arts in Medicine in Practice3
HUM 6308Arts and Compassion3
HUM 6350The Art of Self-Care3
HUM 6352Art and Design in the Environment of Care3
HUM 6353Arts in Medicine Professional Seminar3
HUM 6354Arts in Medicine Advanced Professional Seminar3
HUM 6355Arts in Medicine Summer Intensive3
HUM 6358Arts in Medicine Capstone Proposal2
HUM 6359Arts in Medicine Capstone3
HUM 6365Collaborating Across Disciplines: The Arts Therapies3
HUM 6375The Arts and Human Development3
HUM 6596Arts in Medicine Capstone4
HUM 6597Research and Evaluation in Arts in Medicine3
HUM 6886Coding and Narrative Analysis in Arts in Health2
HUM 6930Special Topics in Fine Arts1-3
HUM 6942Arts in Medicine Graduate Practicum3
HUM 6944Arts in Action: Consulting Project in Performing Arts Management3
HUM 6947Arts and Public Health Professional Seminar3
HUM 6948Arts and Public Health Practicum3

Digital arts and sciences (MA)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Explains the sociotechnical academic domain of Digital Arts & Sciences (DAS), and describes the transdisciplinary foundations of DAS design, inquiry and expression   

SLO 2     Knowledge        
Identifies the principles involved in the creation of interactive digital media artifacts

SLO 3     Skills     
Solves problems and integrates systems thinking skills necessary to develop advanced media systems

SLO 4     Skills     
Collaborates in cross-functional design and development teams

SLO 5     Professional Behavior   
Exhibits the professional behaviors required in the field

Digital arts and sciences (MS)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Students identify, formulate, and solve computer science and engineering problems.

SLO 2     Knowledge        
Students can critically read computer science and engineering literature.

SLO 3     Skills     
Students use the techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computer science and engineering practice at an advanced level.

SLO 4     Professional Behavior   
an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

SLO 5     Professional Behavior   
Students can communicate effectively.