Degrees Offered with a Major in International Business

  • Master of International Business
    • without a concentration
    • with a concentration in Human Resources

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Management Departmental Courses

BUL 5810Legal Environment of Business3
BUL 5811Law, Ethics, and Organizations2
BUL 5832Commercial Law for Accountants2
BUL 6441Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility2
BUL 6516Law of Real Estate Transactions2
BUL 6841Employment Law2
BUL 6852International Business Law2
BUL 6905Individual Work1-5
BUL 6930Special Topics1-3
ENT 6006Entrepreneurship2
ENT 6008Entrepreneurial Opportunity2
ENT 6116Business Plan Formation2
ENT 6416Venture Finance2
ENT 6506Social Entrepreneurship2
ENT 6616Creativity in Entrepreneurship2
ENT 6621Strategy and Disruption in Technology Industries2
ENT 6905Individual Work in Entrepreneurship1-4
ENT 6930Special Topics1-4
ENT 6933Entrepreneurship Lecture Series1-4
ENT 6946Entrepreneurial Consulting Project2
ENT 6950Integrated Technology Ventures1-4
ENT 7932Entrepreneurship3
GEB 5114Entrepreneurship and Venture Finance3
GEB 6366Fundamentals of International Business2
MAN 5245Organizational Behavior3
MAN 5246Organizational Behavior2
MAN 6149Developing Leadership Skills2
MAN 6266Managing Groups and Teams in Organizations2
MAN 6331Compensation in Organizations2
MAN 6365Organizational Staffing3
MAN 6366Organizational Staffing2
MAN 6375Human Capital Analytics2
MAN 6446Negotiations3
MAN 6447Art and Science of Negotiation2
MAN 6635International Aspects of Human Resource Management2
MAN 6636Global Strategic Management2
MAN 6637Global Strategic Management3
MAN 6721Business Policy3
MAN 6724Strategic Management2
MAN 6900Capstone Project2
MAN 6905Individual Work in Management1-5
MAN 6910Supervised Research1-5
MAN 6930Special Topics1-3
MAN 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
MAN 6973Project in Lieu of Thesis1-4
MAN 7058Affect, Cognition, and Organizational Decision Making1-4
MAN 7108Seminar in Research Concepts and Methods in Management1-4
MAN 7109Seminar in Motivation, Attitudes and Leadership1-4
MAN 7208Seminar in Contemporary Approaches to Entrepreneurship and Organizations1-2
MAN 7249Org Behavior3
MAN 7267Seminar on Groups and Teams Research1-2
MAN 7328Seminar on Staffing and Selection1-3
MAN 7778Seminar in Behavioral Approaches to Strategy1-2
MAN 7779Seminar in Strategic Processes, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship1-2
MAN 7934Org Res Methods Sem4
MAN 7935Strategic Management3
MAN 7979Advanced Research1-12
MAN 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Accounting Departmental Courses

ACG 5005Financial Accounting2
ACG 5025Financial Accounting3
ACG 5065Financial and Managerial Accounting3
ACG 5075Managerial Accounting2
ACG 5076Managerial Accounting3
ACG 5226Advanced Accounting2
ACG 5505Governmental Accounting2
ACG 5637Auditing I2
ACG 5647Auditing II2
ACG 5815Accounting Regulation2
ACG 6107Accounting for Income Taxes2
ACG 6136Accounting Theory2
ACG 6175Financial Reporting and Analysis2
ACG 6207Accounting for Risk2
ACG 6635Issues in Audit Practice2
ACG 6685Forensic Accounting2
ACG 6691International Auditing2
ACG 6697Information Systems Assurance2
ACG 6841Data Analytics for Accounting2
ACG 6905Individual Work in Accounting1-4
ACG 6935Special Topics in Accounting1-4
ACG 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
ACG 7399Accounting Research and Analysis3
ACG 7848Data Analysis Skills2
ACG 7849Web Crawling and Textual Analysis2
ACG 7850Advanced Data and Regression Techniques3
ACG 7885Overview of Accounting Research4
ACG 7886Accounting Research II4
ACG 7887Research Analysis in Accounting3
ACG 7939Theoretical Constructs in Accounting3
ACG 7979Advanced Research1-12
ACG 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
TAX 5025Federal Income Tax 12
TAX 5027Federal Income Tax 22
TAX 5065Tax Professional Research2
TAX 6105Corporate Taxation2
TAX 6115Advanced Corporate Taxation2
TAX 6205Partnership Taxation2
TAX 6526International Taxation2
TAX 6877State and Local Taxation2

Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Departmental Courses

FIN 5405Business Financial Management3
FIN 5437Finance I: Asset Valuation, Risk, and Return2
FIN 5439Finance II: Capital Structure and Risk Management Issues2
FIN 6108Personal Financial Management1
FIN 6246Money and Capital Markets3
FIN 6296Capitalism2
FIN 6306Investment Banking2
FIN 6425Corporation Finance3
FIN 6427Measuring and Managing Value2
FIN 6429Financial Decision Making2
FIN 6432Asset Valuation and Corporate Finance2
FIN 6438Study in Valuation2
FIN 6465Financial Statement Analysis2
FIN 6477Entrepreneurial Finance2
FIN 6489Financial Risk Management2
FIN 6496Mergers & Acquisitions2
FIN 6518Investment Concepts2
FIN 6525Asset Management Project1
FIN 6526Portfolio Theory2
FIN 6528Asset Allocation and Investment Strategy2
FIN 6537Derivative Securities2
FIN 6545Fixed Income Security Valuation2
FIN 6547Interest Rate Risk Management2
FIN 6549Special Topics in Fixed Income Securities2
FIN 6575Emerging Markets Finance I2
FIN 6576Emerging Markets Finance II2
FIN 6585Securities Trading2
FIN 6596Introduction to Computational Methods & Derivative Pricing2
FIN 6608Financial Management of the Multinational Corporation2
FIN 6626International Finance3
FIN 6636Open Economy Macrofinance2
FIN 6638International Finance2
FIN 6728Capitalism and Regulation2
FIN 6729Economics Organizations and Markets3
FIN 6779Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Applications for Finance & FINTECH2
FIN 6785Investment Banking and Corporate Financial Modeling I2
FIN 6786Investment Banking and Corporate Financial Modeling II2
FIN 6905Individual Work in Finance1-4
FIN 6930Special Topics in Finance1-4
FIN 6935Finance Professional Speaker Series1
FIN 6936Special Topics In Investment Finance2
FIN 6957International Studies in Finance1-4
FIN 6958International Finance Study Tour2
FIN 7446Financial Theory I4
FIN 7447Financial Theory II4
FIN 7808Corporate Finance4
FIN 7809Investments4
FIN 7938Finance Research Workshop1-4
FIN 7979Advanced Research1-12
FIN 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
REE 6007Fundamentals of Real Estate Development2
REE 6045Introduction to Real Estate2
REE 6058Real Estate Research and Technology1
REE 6105Real Estate Appraisal2
REE 6206Primary Mortgage Markets and Institutions2
REE 6208Secondary Mortgage Markets and Securitization2
REE 6315Real Estate Market and Transaction Analysis2
REE 6395Real Estate Private Equity2
REE 6397Real Estate Securities and Portfolios2
REE 6455Law of Real Estate Transactions2
REE 6705Geographic Information Systems and Location Analysis2
REE 6737Real Estate Development2
REE 6905Individual Work in Real Estate1-6
REE 6930Special Topics in Real Estate1-4
REE 6935Real Estate Case Studies1-2
REE 6948Capstone Seminar and Applied Project2

Information Systems and Operations Management Departmental Courses

ISM 5021Information Systems in Organizations3
ISM 6022Management Information Systems2
ISM 6128Advanced Business Systems Design and Development I2
ISM 6129Advanced Business Systems Design and Development II2
ISM 6215Business Database Systems I2
ISM 6216Business Database Systems II2
ISM 6222Business Telecom Strategy and Applications I2
ISM 6223Business Telecom Strategy and Applications II2
ISM 6224Business Telecom Strategy and Applications III2
ISM 6226Business Telecom Strategy and Applications3
ISM 6236Business Objects I2
ISM 6239Business Objects II2
ISM 6251Programming for Business Analytics2
ISM 6257Intermediate Business Programming2
ISM 6258Advanced Business Programming2
ISM 6259Business Programming2
ISM 6405Business Intelligence2
ISM 6413Introduction to Python2
ISM 6423Data Analysis for Decision Support2
ISM 6485Electronic Commerce and Logistics2
ISM 6486eCommerce Technologies2
ISM 6487Risks and Controls in eCommerce2
ISM 6562Business Data Presentation and Visualization2
ISM 6942Electronic Commerce Practicum2
MAN 5501Management3
MAN 5502Production and Operations Management2
MAN 6508Management of Service Operations2
MAN 6511Contemporary Issues in Supply Chain Analytics2
MAN 6528Principles of Logistics/Transportation Systems2
MAN 6573Purchasing and Materials Management2
MAN 6575Purchasing and Supplier Relationship Management3
MAN 6581Project Management2
MAN 6598Logistics and Distribution Management3
MAN 6617International Operations/Logistics2
MAN 6619International Logistics3
QMB 5303Managerial Statistics3
QMB 5304Introduction to Managerial Statistics2
QMB 5305Advanced Managerial Statistics2
QMB 6317Artificial Intelligence Methods in Business2
QMB 6358Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions I2
QMB 6359Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions II2
QMB 6616Business Process Analysis3
QMB 6693Quality Management and Control Systems2
QMB 6755Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2
QMB 6756Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2
QMB 6845Supply Chain Analytics: Gaming the Supply Chain2
QMB 6905Individual Work in Information Systems and Operations Management1-5
QMB 6910Supervised Research1-5
QMB 6930Special Topics in Information Systems and Operations Management1-4
QMB 6938Analytics Processes for Business – Bootcamp1
QMB 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
QMB 6941Internship1-4
QMB 6942Analytics Projects Practicum 11
QMB 6943Analytics Practicum 21
QMB 6944Analytics Practicum 31
QMB 6945ISOM Department Business Practicum2
QMB 6957International Studies in Quantitative Methods1-4
QMB 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
QMB 7565Stat Research Methods3
QMB 7931Special Topics in Information Systems and Operations Management1-4
QMB 7933Seminar in Information Systems and Operations Management1-4
QMB 7979Advanced Research1-12
QMB 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Marketing Departmental Courses

MAR 5805Problems and Methods in Marketing Management3
MAR 5806Problems and Methods in Marketing Management2
MAR 6105Marketing Ethics2
MAR 6157International Marketing2
MAR 6158International Marketing3
MAR 6237The Art and Science of Pricing2
MAR 6256Strategy and Tactics of Pricing3
MAR 6335Building and Managing Brand Equity2
MAR 6456Business-to-Business Marketing2
MAR 6457Business to Business Marketing3
MAR 6479Professional Selling2
MAR 6508Customer Analysis2
MAR 6509Customer Insights and Analysis3
MAR 6590Managerial and Consumer Decision Making3
MAR 6591Consumer and Managerial Decision-Making2
MAR 6646Marketing Research for Managerial Decision Making3
MAR 6648Marketing Research for Managerial Decision Making2
MAR 6667Marketing Analytics Methods2
MAR 6668Marketing Analytics 12
MAR 6669Marketing Analytics 22
MAR 6722Web-Based Marketing2
MAR 6816Advanced Marketing Management (MBA)3
MAR 6818Advanced Marketing Management2
MAR 6833Product Development and Management2
MAR 6838Brand Management3
MAR 6839Product Development and Management3
MAR 6861Customer Relationship Management2
MAR 6862Customer Relationship Management3
MAR 6905Individual Work1-4
MAR 6910Supervised Research1-5
MAR 6930Special Topics in Marketing1-4
MAR 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
MAR 6957International Studies in Marketing1-4
MAR 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
MAR 7507Perspectives on Consumer Behavior3
MAR 7588Consumer Information Processing and Decision Making3
MAR 7589Judgment and Decision Making3
MAR 7626Multivariate Statistical Methods in Marketing3
MAR 7636Research Methods in Marketing3
MAR 7666Marketing Decision Models3
MAR 7671Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning3
MAR 7925Workshop in Marketing Research3
MAR 7979Advanced Research1-12
MAR 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15


ECO 5715Open Economy Macroeconomics2
ECO 6409Game Theory Applied to Business Decisions2
ECP 6708Cases in Competitive Strategy2
ECP 5702Managerial Economics2

Warrington College of Business Courses

BTE 7171Preparing to Teach in Business2
GEB 5212Professional Writing in Business1-3
GEB 5215Professional Communication in Business1-3
GEB 5929Foundations Review1-3
GEB 6229Professional Communication for Accountants2
GEB 6365International Business3
GEB 6905Individual Work1-4
GEB 6930Special Topics1-3
GEB 6941Internship1-4
GEB 6957International Studies in Business1-4

International business (MIB)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Examine the nature of competition and macro-environmental changes, and the effect of these elements to evaluate claims in a specialized industry.

SLO 2     Skills     
Identify strategies used for the multinational corporation to examine and make recommendations for future growth and direction.

SLO 3     Skills     
Identify cultural and business issues that impact organizations in a foreign environment.

SLO 4     Professional Behavior   
Write business documents clearly, concisely, and analytically..

SLO 5     Professional Behavior   
Speak in groups and in public clearly, concisely, and analytically, with appropriate use of visual aids.