Degrees Offered with a Major in Design, Construction, and Planning
- Doctor of Philosophy
- without a concentration
- concentration in Architecture
- concentration in Construction Management
- optional second concentration in Geographic Information Systems
- optional second concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
- concentration in Geographic Information Systems
- concentration in Historic Preservation
- optional second concentration in Geographic Information Systems
- concentration in Interior Design
- optional second concentration in Geographic Information Systems
- concentration in Landscape Architecture
- optional second concentration in Geographic Information Systems
- concentration in Urban and Regional Planning
- optional second concentration in Geographic Information Systems
Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.
Architecture Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
ARC 5040 | Introduction to Themed Environments | 3 |
ARC 5041 | Design and Documentation of Themed Environments | 3 |
ARC 5042 | Fabrication and Execution for Themed Environments | 3 |
ARC 5043 | Integration Practices for Built Environments | 3 |
ARC 6044 | Development and Operations for Themed Environments | 3 |
ARC 6045C | Project Development Studio for Themed Environments | 6 |
ARC 6116 | Drawing toward Architecture | 1-2 |
ARC 6212 | Topics in Phenomena and Architecture | 3 |
ARC 6228 | Film and Architecture | 3 |
ARC 6241 | Advanced Studio I | 1-9 |
ARC 6242 | Research Methods | 3 |
ARC 6281 | Professional Practice | 3 |
ARC 6306C | Public Interest Design: Contemporary Issues and Practice | 3 |
ARC 6311C | Building Information Modeling | 3 |
ARC 6355 | Advanced Studio II | 6 |
ARC 6356 | Advanced Studio III | 6 |
ARC 6357 | Advanced Topics in Architectural Design | 3 |
ARC 6399 | Advanced Topics in Urban Design | 3 |
ARC 6505 | Architectural Structural Systems: Wood, Steel, and Concrete | 4 |
ARC 6512 | Structural Modeling | 3 |
ARC 6611 | Advanced Topics in Architectural Technology | 3 |
ARC 6621 | Graduate Environmental Technology 2 | 3 |
ARC 6642 | Architectural Acoustic Design Laboratory | 3 |
ARC 6643 | Architectural Acoustics | 3 |
ARC 6670 | Lighting Design Seminar | 3 |
ARC 6680 | Architecture Energy and Ecology | 3 |
ARC 6685 | Life Safety, Sanitation, and Plumbing Systems | 3 |
ARC 6686 | LEED for Sustainable Design and Construction | 3 |
ARC 6705 | Graduate Architectural History 3 | 3 |
ARC 6773 | Strains of Modernism | 3 |
ARC 6793 | Advanced Topics in Regional Architecture | 3 |
ARC 6821 | Preservation Problems and Processes | 3 |
ARC 6883 | Vernacular Architecture & Sustainablility | 3 |
ARC 6911 | Architectural Research | 1-6 |
ARC 6912 | Architectural Research II | 1-6 |
ARC 6913 | Architectural Research III | 1-6 |
ARC 6922 | Machine Learning for Architects | 3 |
ARC 6923 | AI & Ethics in Architecture | 3 |
ARC 6933 | Sustainable Site Design | 3 |
ARC 6934 | European Approach to Sustainable Design | 3 |
ARC 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-5 |
ARC 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
ARC 6979 | Master's Research Project | 1-10 |
Construction Management Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
BCN 5470 | Construction Methods Improvements | 3 |
BCN 5618C | Comprehensive Estimating | 3 |
BCN 5625 | Construction Cost Analysis | 3 |
BCN 5705C | Project Management for Construction | 3 |
BCN 5722 | Advanced Construction Planning and Control | 3 |
BCN 5729 | Design-Build Delivery Methods | 3 |
BCN 5737 | Advanced Issues in Construction Safety and Health | 3 |
BCN 5776 | International Construction Business Management | 3 |
BCN 5778 | Facilities Operation and Maintenance | 3 |
BCN 5789C | Construction Project Delivery | 3 |
BCN 5874 | Equipment and Methods for Heavy Construction | 3 |
BCN 5885 | Methods and Management for Heavy Construction | 3 |
BCN 5905 | Special Studies in Construction | 1-5 |
BCN 5949 | Graduate Construction Management Internship | 1-3 |
BCN 5957 | Advanced International Studies in Construction | 1-4 |
BCN 6036 | Research Methods in Construction | 3 |
BCN 6558C | Building Integrated Renewable Energy Systems | 3 |
BCN 6580 | High-Performance Green Building Delivery Systems | 3 |
BCN 6583 | Sustainable Housing | 3 |
BCN 6584C | Building Energy Modeling | 3 |
BCN 6585 | Sustainable Construction | 3 |
BCN 6586 | Construction Ecology and Metabolism | 3 |
BCN 6641 | Construction Value Engineering | 3 |
BCN 6748 | Construction Law | 3 |
BCN 6785 | Construction Information Systems | 3 |
BCN 6905 | Directed Independent Study in Construction | 1-3 |
BCN 6933 | Advanced Construction Management | 1-5 |
BCN 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-3 |
BCN 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
FES 6705 | Communications in Emergency Management | 3 |
FES 6724 | Fire and Emergency Services Response Planning | 3 |
FES 6726 | Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness | 3 |
FES 6735 | International Emergency/Disaster Management | 3 |
FES 6736 | Homeland Security and Emergency Management | 3 |
FES 6786 | Research Methods in FES | 3 |
FES 6806 | Disaster Response and Recovery | 3 |
FES 6826 | Emergency Services - Disaster Planning | 3 |
FES 6827 | Business Continuity and Disaster Planning | 3 |
FES 6836 | Impacts of Natural and Man-made Disasters on Buildings | 3 |
FES 6916 | Research for Master's Report | 3 |
FES 6940 | Practicum in FES | 1-3 |
FES 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-6 |
ICM 5905 | Special Studies | 1-3 |
ICM 6420 | Commercial Management and Cost Control | 3 |
ICM 6440 | Construction Value Management | 3 |
ICM 6680 | Principles of International Sustainable Construction | 3 |
ICM 6682 | Construction Ecology and Metabolism | 3 |
ICM 6684 | High-Performance Green Building Delivery Systems | 3 |
ICM 6710 | Construction Human Resource Management | 3 |
ICM 6716 | Construction Productivity and Methods Improvement | 3 |
ICM 6750 | Managing Construction Information Technology | 3 |
ICM 6761 | Advanced Planning, Scheduling, and Logistics | 3 |
ICM 6762 | Construction Risk Management | 3 |
ICM 6770 | Advanced Project Safety Management | 3 |
ICM 6775 | Manufactured Construction Processes | 3 |
ICM 6905 | Directed Independent Study in International Construction | 1-3 |
ICM 6910 | Supervised Research | 1-3 |
ICM 6930 | Construction Communication and Research | 3 |
ICM 6934 | International Construction Research | 1-6 |
Interior Design Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
IND 5106 | History of Interior Design I | 3 |
IND 5136 | History of Interior Design II | 3 |
IND 5212C | Architectural Interiors I | 5 |
IND 5227C | Advanced Architectural Interiors I | 6 |
IND 5231C | Architectural Interiors II | 5 |
IND 5326 | Color Theory Planning and Practice | 3 |
IND 5427C | Interior Design Construction Documents | 4 |
IND 5434C | Interior Lighting | 3 |
IND 5454C | Advanced Interior Design Detailing and Construction Documents | 4 |
IND 5466 | Interior Environmental Technology | 3 |
IND 5508 | Business and Professional Practices for Interior Designers | 3 |
IND 5632 | Interior Finishes and Materials | 3 |
IND 5633 | Readings in Design Studies | 3 |
IND 5641 | Environment and Behavior | 3 |
IND 5937 | Current Topics in Interior Design | 1-3 |
IND 6639 | Methods of Interior Design Research | 3 |
IND 6906 | Independent Studies and Readings | 1-3 |
IND 6939 | Creativity Applied | 3 |
IND 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-5 |
IND 6941 | Interior Design Internship | 2-4 |
IND 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-12 |
Landscape Architecture Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
LAA 5331 | Site Design Methodologies | 3 |
LAA 6231 | Landscape Architecture Theory | 3 |
LAA 6322 | Project Management for Landscape Architects | 4 |
LAA 6342 | Landscape Architecture Criticism | 3 |
LAA 6382 | Ecological and Environmental Policy | 3 |
LAA 6525L | Advanced Landscape Construction Design | 4 |
LAA 6656C | Advanced Landscape Architectural Design | 1-6 |
LAA 6713 | Cultural Landscapes | 3 |
LAA 6905 | Directed Study | 1-3 |
LAA 6931 | Water Conservation through Site Design and Green Roofs | 3 |
LAA 6935 | Gardens of the World | 3 |
LAA 6941 | Supervised Internship | 3 |
LAA 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 2-6 |
LAA 6979 | Terminal Project | 1-6 |
Urban and Regional Planning Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
URP 6007 | Survey of Urban and Regional Planning | 3 |
URP 6042 | Urban Economy | 3 |
URP 6059 | Community Engagement | 3 |
URP 6061 | Planning Administration and Ethics | 3 |
URP 6100 | Planning Theory and History | 3 |
URP 6131 | Land Use Planning Law | 3 |
URP 6132 | Growth Management Seminar | 3 |
URP 6203 | Planning Research Design | 1-3 |
URP 6223 | Introduction to Urban Analytics | 3 |
URP 6224 | Intermediate Urban Analytics | 3 |
URP 6231 | Quantitative Data Analysis for Planners | 3 |
URP 6270 | Introduction to Planning Information Systems | 3 |
URP 6271 | Automation for Geospatial Modeling and Analysis | 3 |
URP 6272 | Urban Spatial Analysis | 3 |
URP 6274 | GPS for Planners: Introduction to Global Positioning System | 1 |
URP 6275 | Intermediate Planning Information Systems | 3 |
URP 6276 | Internet Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
URP 6277 | Land Use Visioning and Analysis | 3 |
URP 6278 | Web Mapping and Visualization | 3 |
URP 6280 | 3D Geospatial Modeling and Visualization | 3 |
URP 6341 | Urban Planning Project | 1-12 |
URP 6409 | Sustainable Community Development | 3 |
URP 6421 | Environmental Land Use Planning and Management | 3 |
URP 6424 | Sustainable Urbanism in the Americas | 3 |
URP 6428 | Advanced Environmental Planning | 3 |
URP 6429 | Natural Resources Planning and Management | 3 |
URP 6445 | Planning for Climate Change | 3 |
URP 6526 | Health and the Built Environment | 3 |
URP 6541 | Economic Development Planning | 3 |
URP 6542 | Urban Land Economics | 3 |
URP 6603 | Development Review | 3 |
URP 6610 | International Development Planning | 3 |
URP 6645 | Sustainable Urbanism in Europe | 3 |
URP 6646 | International Perspectives in Urban and Regional Planning | 3 |
URP 6711 | Transportation and Land Use Coordination | 3 |
URP 6716 | Transportation Policy and Planning | 3 |
URP 6743 | Affordable Housing Law | 3 |
URP 6745 | Housing, Public Policy, and Planning | 3 |
URP 6821 | Transportation and Land-Use Modeling | 3 |
URP 6855 | Urban Form in Cities throughout the Americas | 3 |
URP 6871 | Planning and Design I | 3 |
URP 6872 | Planning and Design II | 3 |
URP 6880 | Defensible Space and CPTED in Urban Design | 3 |
URP 6887 | Advanced Defensible Space in Urban Design | 3 |
URP 6905 | Exploration and Directed Study | 1-4 |
URP 6910 | Supervised Research | 1-5 |
URP 6920 | Colloquium | 1 |
URP 6931 | Topical Seminar | 1-4 |
URP 6941 | Urban Planning Internship | 1-3 |
URP 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
URP 6979 | Master's Research Project | 1-6 |
College of Design, Construction, and Planning Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
DCP 6205 | Ecological Issues in Sustainability and the Built Environment | 3 |
DCP 6212 | Sustainable Design Issues: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning | 4 |
DCP 6217C | WELL Building Strategies (WELL Practicum) | 6 |
DCP 6218 | Developing Sustainable Projects | 3 |
DCP 6221 | Economics of Sustainability in the Built Environment | 3 |
DCP 6230 | Integrated Sustainable Development Practicum | 6 |
DCP 6231C | Green Building Strategies | 6 |
DCP 6301 | Sustainable Planning and Design Studio | 6 |
DCP 6701 | World Heritage Research and Stewardship | 3 |
DCP 6710 | History and Theory of Historic Preservation | 3 |
DCP 6711C | Built Heritage: History and Materials Conservation I | 3 |
DCP 6712C | Built Heritage: History and Materials Conservation II | 3 |
DCP 6714C | Built Heritage Documentation I | 3 |
DCP 6715 | Built Heritage Documentation II | 3 |
DCP 6716 | Cultural Resource Management | 3 |
DCP 6718 | Current Topics in Historic Preservation | 3 |
DCP 6730 | Preservation Policy | 3 |
DCP 6905 | Independent Study | 1-3 |
DCP 6931 | Special Topics in Design, Construction, and Planning | 1-4 |
DCP 6943 | Cultural Resource Survey | 3 |
DCP 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-9 |
DCP 6979 | Master's Research Project | 1-6 |
DCP 7790 | Doctoral Core 1: Paradigms and Theories of Inquiry | 3 |
DCP 7794 | Doctoral Core 4: Research Assessment and Professional Preparation | 1 |
DCP 7911 | Doctoral Core 2: Foundations of Research Design and Methodologies | 3 |
DCP 7940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-3 |
DCP 7949 | Professional Internship | 1-5 |
DCP 7979 | Advanced Research | 1-12 |
DCP 7980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 1-15 |
DCP 7981 | Doctoral Core 3: Academic Writing for Publication | 3 |
Design, Construction and Planning (Ph.D.)
Each student will apply in-depth knowledge from their individual discipline.
- Employ appropriate research methodologies.
- Each student will apply the critical thinking skills required of doctoral faculty and researchers.
- Communicates effectively both orally and in writing.
Professional Behavior
Display ethical behaviors, and professional conduct in research.
- Bruck, Julie Lehman
- Cox, Robert Francis
- Silver, Christopher
Associate Professor
- Carney, Jeffrey Andrew
- Von Meding, Jason Kyle
Assistant Professor
- Alwisy, Aladdin
- Azad, Hassan
- Idris Jeelani, Fnu
- Mejia Puig, Luis Alfonso
- Sharston, Ryan
- Tepe, Emre
- Wang, Chaofeng
Affiliated Faculty
- Agapaki, Evangelia
Assistant Professor - Alakshendra, Abhinav
Associate Professor - Anumba, Chinemelu J.
Professor - Baweja, Vandana
Associate Professor - Bejleri, Ilir
Associate Professor - Bosch, Sheila Jones
Assistant Professor - Castelblanco Bolivar, Gabriel Ernesto
Assistant Professor - Costin, Aaron M.
Associate Professor - Cunningham, Erin K.
Assistant Professor - Flood, Ian
Professor - Frank, Kathryn I.
Associate Professor - Franz, Bryan Willam
Associate Professor - Gheisari, Masoud
Associate Professor - Gold, Martin Arnold
Associate Professor - Hailey, Charles L.
Professor - Hoctor, Thomas Scott
Research Associate Professor - Hu, Lingqian
Professor - Issa, Raja Raymond
Distinguished Professor - Kio, Patricia N.
Assistant Professor - Larkin, Erin C.
Assistant Professor - Larsen, Kristin Esther
Professor - Li, Jiayang
Assistant Professor - Liu, Rui
Assistant Professor - Luo, Yi
Assistant Professor - Minchin, Robert E.
Professor - Muszynski, Larry C.
Associate Professor - Nawari, Nawari O.
Professor - Park, Nam Kyu
Associate Professor - Peng, Zhong-Ren
Professor - Platt, Lisa Sundahl
Assistant Professor - Portillo, Margaret B.
Professor - Ries, Robert
Professor - Rifkind, David M.
Professor - Saldana Ochoa, Karla Veronica
Assistant Professor - Serrano, Nicholas
Assistant Professor - Srinivasan, Ravi Shankar
Associate Professor - Steiner, Ruth Lorraine
Professor - Tapp, Catherine Renee
Assistant Professor - Thompson, Kevin R.
Associate Professor - Valipoor, Shabboo
Assistant Professor - Wang, Shenhao
Assistant Professor - Wang, Yan
Assistant Professor - Watson, Maria Katherine
Assistant Professor - Wong, Vivian Wen Hui
Assistant Professor - Zou, Hui