Degrees Offered with a Major in Interior Design

  • Master of Interior Design
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Historic Preservation
    • concentration in Sustainable Design

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Interior Design Departmental Courses

IND 5106History of Interior Design I3
IND 5136History of Interior Design II3
IND 5212CArchitectural Interiors I5
IND 5227CAdvanced Architectural Interiors I6
IND 5231CArchitectural Interiors II5
IND 5326Color Theory Planning and Practice3
IND 5427CInterior Design Construction Documents4
IND 5434CInterior Lighting3
IND 5454CAdvanced Interior Design Detailing and Construction Documents4
IND 5466Interior Environmental Technology3
IND 5508Business and Professional Practices for Interior Designers3
IND 5632Interior Finishes and Materials3
IND 5633Readings in Design Studies3
IND 5641Environment and Behavior3
IND 5937Current Topics in Interior Design1-3
IND 6639Methods of Interior Design Research3
IND 6906Independent Studies and Readings1-3
IND 6939Creativity Applied3
IND 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
IND 6941Interior Design Internship2-4
IND 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-12

College of Design, Construction, and Planning Courses

DCP 6205Ecological Issues in Sustainability and the Built Environment3
DCP 6212Sustainable Design Issues: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning4
DCP 6217CWELL Building Strategies (WELL Practicum)6
DCP 6218Developing Sustainable Projects3
DCP 6221Economics of Sustainability in the Built Environment3
DCP 6230Integrated Sustainable Development Practicum6
DCP 6231CGreen Building Strategies6
DCP 6301Sustainable Planning and Design Studio6
DCP 6701World Heritage Research and Stewardship3
DCP 6710History and Theory of Historic Preservation3
DCP 6711CBuilt Heritage: History and Materials Conservation I3
DCP 6712CBuilt Heritage: History and Materials Conservation II3
DCP 6714CBuilt Heritage Documentation I3
DCP 6715Built Heritage Documentation II3
DCP 6716Cultural Resource Management3
DCP 6718Current Topics in Historic Preservation3
DCP 6730Preservation Policy3
DCP 6905Independent Study1-3
DCP 6931Special Topics in Design, Construction, and Planning1-4
DCP 6943Cultural Resource Survey3
DCP 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-9
DCP 6979Master's Research Project1-6
DCP 7790Doctoral Core 1: Paradigms and Theories of Inquiry3
DCP 7794Doctoral Core 4: Research Assessment and Professional Preparation1
DCP 7911Doctoral Core 2: Foundations of Research Design and Methodologies3
DCP 7940Supervised Teaching1-3
DCP 7949Professional Internship1-5
DCP 7979Advanced Research1-12
DCP 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
DCP 7981Doctoral Core 3: Academic Writing for Publication3

Interior Design (MID)    

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Illustrate an understanding of a specialized topic within the knowledge base of Interior Design

SLO 2     Skills     
Identify, formulate, test and analyze research questions in interior design

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Engage in field experience