The Early Childhood studies program faculty recognize the importance of the three-fold mission of the University and actively seek to prepare early childhood educators who possess the competencies to provide for the education and care of a diverse group of children in inclusive early childhood programs. Effective early childhood programs can alter the lives of children, families, and communities that result in academic, social, personal, and economic benefits. Highly qualified teachers play a critical role in ensuring the success of young children in early childhood programs.

Degrees Offered with a Major in Early Childhood Education

  • Master of Arts in Education
  • Master of Education

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Early Childhood Education Courses

EEC 6205Early Childhood Curriculum3
EEC 6304Creativity in the Early Childhood Curriculum3
EEC 6525Issues in Child Care Administration3
EEC 6615Early Childhood Education: Background and Concepts3
EEC 6905Individual Work1-4
EEC 6910Supervised Research1-5
EEC 6933Special Topics1-12
EEC 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
EEC 7056Early Childhood Policy and Advocacy3
EEC 7617Early Childhood Asessment & Evaluation3
EEC 7666Theory and Research in Early Childhood Studies3
EEC 7979Advanced Research1-12
EEC 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Special Education, School Psychology and Early Childhood Studies Departmental Courses

EEC 6205Early Childhood Curriculum3
EEC 6304Creativity in the Early Childhood Curriculum3
EEC 6326Social and pre-academic instructional methods for young children3
EEC 6405Families as a Context in Early Childhood Studies3
EEC 6419Families, Disabilities, and Diversity3
EEC 6525Issues in Child Care Administration3
EEC 6615Early Childhood Education: Background and Concepts3
EEC 6636Examining Practices, Policies, and Key Issues in Early Childhood Policy3
EEC 6665History, Child Development, and Equity in Early Childhood Policy3
EEC 6667Theory and Analysis in Early Childhood Policy3
EEC 6818Assessment and Evaluation in Early Childhood Settings3
EEC 6905Individual Work1-4
EEC 6910Supervised Research1-5
EEC 6933Special Topics1-12
EEC 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
EEC 7056Early Childhood Policy and Advocacy3
EEC 7617Early Childhood Asessment & Evaluation3
EEC 7666Theory and Research in Early Childhood Studies3
EEC 7979Advanced Research1-12
EEC 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
EEX 6053Foundations of Special Education3
EEX 6056Foundations of Special Education 23
EEX 6058Family and Teacher Perspectives on Disability3
EEX 6072Accessing Academic and Social Communities for Students with Disabilities3
EEX 6099Social Perspectives on Disability3
EEX 6125Interventions for Language and Learning Disabilities3
EEX 6135Foundations of Literacy Development and Dyslexia3
EEX 6136Dyslexia: Language and the Brain3
EEX 6137Dyslexia: Assessment for Intervention3
EEX 6138Dyslexia: Methods for Intervention3
EEX 6219Reading Assessment and Intervention for Students with Disabilities3
EEX 6222Evaluation in Special Education3
EEX 6233Fundamentals of Academic Assessment and Intervention3
EEX 6266Strategies for Tching and Lrng3
EEX 6296Differentiated Instruction3
EEX 6308Single Subject Research Design3
EEX 6347Meta-Analysis in Prevention and Intervention Science3
EEX 6525Disability Related Policy and Legislation3
EEX 6661Fundamentals of Behavior Assessment and Intervention3
EEX 6745Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Disability in Education3
EEX 6750Families and Transition for Students with Disabilities3
EEX 6778Community and Work Access for Individuals with Disabilities3
EEX 6786Collaborative Practice in Inclusive Schools3
EEX 6841Practicum in Special Education: Mild Disabilities1-6
EEX 6855Dyslexia: Practicum in Dyslexia Assessment and Intervention3
EEX 6863Supervised Practice in Special Education1-6
EEX 6905Individual Work1-4
EEX 6910Supervised Research1-5
EEX 6930Seminar in Disabilities3
EEX 6936Special Topics1-3
EEX 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
EEX 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
EEX 6973Project in Lieu of Thesis1-6
EEX 7303Inquiry in Special Education: Analysis of the Literature3
EEX 7304Introduction to Field of Inquiry in Special Education3
EEX 7305Applied Research in Special Education3
EEX 7526Grant Writing Seminar in Education3
EEX 7787School Improvement for All Students3
EEX 7934Seminar: Trends in Special Education3
EEX 7979Advanced Research1-12
EEX 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
EEX 7981Inquiry in SPED: Proposal Dev3
SPS 5000Introduction to Psychoeducational Assessment3
SPS 6052Issues and Problems in School Psychology3
SPS 6191Psychoeducational Assessment I3
SPS 6192Psychoeducational Assessment II3
SPS 6193Academic Assessment & Intervention3
SPS 6195Developmental Psychopathology3
SPS 6197Psychoeducational Assessment III3
SPS 6410Direct Interventions I: Applied Behavior Analysis for School Psychologists3
SPS 6707Interventions in School Psychology II: Cognitive Behavioral Interventions3
SPS 6708Interventions in School Psychology III: System Level Interventions for Children and Youths3
SPS 6815Law and Ethics in Psychology3
SPS 6905Individual Study1-3
SPS 6918Supervised Research1-5
SPS 6937Special Topics in School Psychology1-3
SPS 6941Practicum in School Psychology1-4
SPS 6942School Psychology Practicum II1-6
SPS 6945Advanced Practicum in School Psychology1-6
SPS 6948Supervised Teaching1-5
SPS 7205School Psychology Consultation3
SPS 7931Seminar in School Psychology1-3
SPS 7949Internship in School Psychology3-6
SPS 7979Advanced Research1-12
SPS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Early Childhood Education (MAE)             

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Apply advanced levels of knowledge in the following core areas: a) curriculum and instruction; b) child development and assessment; c) family, diversity, and community relations; and, d) transition and public policy.

SLO 2     Skills     
Apply advanced levels of skill in the following core areas: a) curriculum and instruction; b) child development and assessment; c) family, diversity, and community relations; and d) transition and public policy.

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Displays ethical behavior, cultural sensitivity, and appropriate professional conduct & communication.

Early Childhood Education (MEd)             

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Candidates completing the M.Ed. as part of the Unified Early Childhood Teacher Education Program will know and apply early childhood concepts, principles, and teaching theory.

SLO 2     Skills     
Candidates will learn and apply effective planning and implementation of classroom-based assessment and instruction.

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Candidates will display ethical behavior and appropriate professional conduct & communication.

SLO 4     Professional Behavior   
Candidates will know and apply cultural sensitivity and teamwork.