Degrees Offered with a Major in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering

  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Master of Engineering
  • Master of Science

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Courses

EGM 5816Intermediate Fluid Dynamics3
EOC 5860Port and Harbor Engineering3
EOC 6196Littoral Processes3
EOC 6430Coastal Structures3
EOC 6850Numerical Simulation Techniques in Coastal and Ocean Engineering3
EOC 6905Individual Study in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering1-4
EOC 6934Advanced Topics in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering1-6
EOC 6939Graduate Seminar1
EOC 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
EOC 7979Advanced Research1-12
EOC 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
OCP 6050Physical Oceanography3
OCP 6165Ocean Waves I: Linear Theory3
OCP 6167Ocean Waves II: Nonlinear Theory3
OCP 6168Data Analysis Techniques for Coastal and Ocean Engineers3
OCP 6298Coastal Sediment Transport Processes3
OCP 6605Estuarine Circulation3

Civil and Coastal Engineering Departmental Courses

CCE 5035Construction Planning and Scheduling3
CCE 6016Advanced Engineering Cost Estimating3
CCE 6037Civil Engineering Operations I3
CCE 6515CEngineering and Construction Analytics using BIM3
CEG 5105Geotechnical Engineer3
CEG 5114Advanced Geotechnical Aspects of Landfill Design3
CEG 5115Foundation Design3
CEG 5205CInsitu Measurement of Soil Properties3
CEG 5805Ground Modification Design2
CEG 6015Advanced Soil Mechanics3
CEG 6116Advanced Shallow Foundation Design3
CEG 6117Advanced Deep Foundation Design3
CEG 6206Nondestructive Testing and Geophysical Methods3
CEG 6405Seepage in Soils3
CEG 6515Earth Retaining Systems and Slope Stability3
CES 5010Probabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Civil Engineering3
CES 5116Finite Elements in Civil Engineering3
CES 5325Design of Highway Bridges3
CES 5607Behavior of Steel Structures3
CES 5715Prestressed Concrete3
CES 5801Design and Construction in Timber3
CES 6106Advanced Structural Analysis3
CES 6108Structural Dynamics3
CES 6117Advanced Finite Element Analysis in Civil Engineering3
CES 6164CStructural Health Monitoring3
CES 6165Concrete Structural Rehabilitation3
CES 6585Wind Engineering3
CES 6588Protective Structures3
CES 6590Impact Engineering3
CES 6591Applied Protective Structures3
CES 6592Retrofit Protective Structures3
CES 6593Advanced Protective Structures3
CES 6706Advanced Reinforced Concrete3
CGN 5605Public Works Planning3
CGN 5606Public Works Management3
CGN 6425Applied Data Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering3
CGN 6504Concrete Durability3
CGN 6505Properties, Design and Control of Concrete3
CGN 6506Bituminous Materials3
CGN 6525Sustainable Materials3
CGN 6877CNondestructive Evaluation of Civil Infrastructure3
CGN 6905Special Problems in Civil Engineering1-6
CGN 6910Supervised Research1-5
CGN 6936Civil Engineering Graduate Seminar1
CGN 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
CGN 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
CGN 6974Master of Engineering or Engineer Degree Report1-6
CGN 7979Advanced Research1-12
CGN 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
CWR 5125Groundwater Flow I3
CWR 5127Evaluation of Groundwater Quality3
CWR 5235Open Channel Hydraulics3
CWR 6116Advanced Surface Hydrology3
CWR 6240Mixing and Transport in Turbulent Flow3
CWR 6537Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology3
EGM 5816Intermediate Fluid Dynamics3
EGN 5949Practicum/Internship/Cooperative Work Experience1-6
EGN 6640Entrepreneurship for Engineers3
EGN 6913Engineering Graduate Research0-3
EOC 5860Port and Harbor Engineering3
EOC 6085Field Methods for Coastal Engineers3
EOC 6116Nearshore Coastal Processes3
EOC 6196Littoral Processes3
EOC 6430Coastal Structures3
EOC 6850Numerical Simulation Techniques in Coastal and Ocean Engineering3
EOC 6905Individual Study in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering1-4
EOC 6934Advanced Topics in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering1-6
EOC 6939Graduate Seminar1
EOC 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
EOC 7979Advanced Research1-12
EOC 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
OCP 6050Physical Oceanography3
OCP 6165Ocean Waves I: Linear Theory3
OCP 6167Ocean Waves II: Nonlinear Theory3
OCP 6168Data Analysis Techniques for Coastal and Ocean Engineers3
OCP 6298Coastal Sediment Transport Processes3
OCP 6605Estuarine Circulation3
TTE 5006Advanced Urban Transportation Planning3
TTE 5256Traffic Engineering3
TTE 5305Advanced Transportation Systems Analysis3
TTE 5805Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities3
TTE 5837Pavement Management Systems3
TTE 6008Fundamentals of the Transportation Profession3
TTE 6205Freeway Operations and Simulation3
TTE 6207Advanced Highway Capacity Analysis3
TTE 6259Urban Streets Simulation and Control3
TTE 6267Traffic Flow Theory3
TTE 6275Connected & Automated Vehicles3
TTE 6306Computational Methods in Transportation Engineering3
TTE 6315Highway Safety Analysis3
TTE 6505Discrete Choice Analysis3
TTE 6605Smart Multimodal Transportation Systems3
TTE 6606Urban Transportation Models3
TTE 6615Electric, Shared, and Micro Mobility3

College of Engineering Courses

CAP 5771Introduction to Data Science3
EEE 5354LSemiconductor Device Fabrication Laboratory3
EEE 5776Applied Machine Learning3
EEE 6778Applied Machine Learning II3
EGN 5215Machine Learning Applications in Civil Engineering3
EGN 5216Machine Learning for Artificial Intelligence Systems3
EGN 5442Programming for Applied Data Science3
EGN 6216Artificial Intelligence Systems3
EGN 6217Applied Deep Learning3
EGN 6446Mathematical Foundations for Applied Data Science3
EGN 6640Entrepreneurship for Engineers3
EGN 6642Engineering Innovation3
EGN 6937Engineering Fellowship Preparation0-1
EGS 6039Engineering Leadership3
EGS 6101Divergent Thinking3
EGS 6626Fundamentals of Engineering Project Management3
EGS 6628Advanced Practices in Engineering Project Management3
EGS 6629Agile Project Management for Engineers and Scientists3
EGS 6681Advanced Engineering Leadership3
ESI 6900Principles of Engineering Practice1-4

Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering (phd)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
An ability to critically read engineering literature in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering and an ability to identify, formulate new solutions to engineering problems in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering.

SLO 2     Skills     
An ability to develop new techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice at an advanced level in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering.

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Effectively communicate technical knowledge and information.

Coastal & Oceanographic Engineering (ME & MS)             

SLO 1     Knowledge        
An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering

SLO 2     Skills     
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice at an advanced level in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Effectively communicate technical knowledge and information