Degrees Offered with a Major in Environmental Engineering Sciences

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Clinical and Translational Science
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences
  • Master of Engineering
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences
  • Master of Science
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Environmental Engineering Sciences Program Courses

CWR 6116Advanced Surface Hydrology3
CWR 6252Environmental Biochemistry of Trace Metals3
CWR 6537Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology3
EES 6307Advanced Ecological Engineering3
EES 6007Advanced Energy and Environment3
EES 6051Advanced Environmental Planning and Design3
EES 6208Principles of Water Chemistry I3
EES 6225Atmospheric Chemistry3
EES 6309Wetland Design and Restoration3
EES 6932Modeling the Fate of Air Pollutants3
ENV 6439Activated Carbon: Environmental Design and Application3
ENV 5105Foundations of Air Pollution3
ENV 5306Municipal Refuse Disposal3
ENV 5518Field Methods in Environmental Hydrology3
ENV 5619Principles of Sustainable Engineering Design3
ENV 6043Life Cycle Assessment3
ENV 6126Air Pollution Control Design3
ENV 6130Aerosol Mechanics3
ENV 6301Advanced Solid Waste Containment Design3
ENV 6435Advanced Water Treatment Process Design3
ENV 6437Advanced Wastewater System Design3
ENV 6438Advanced Potable Water Systems Design3
ENV 6441Water Resources Planning and Management3
ENV 6416Advanced Stormwater Control Systems3
ENV 6455Microbiology of Environmental Engineering Systems3
ENV 6508Wetland Hydrology3
ENV 6511Biological Wastewater Treatment3
ENV 6905Individual Work1-4
ENV 6910Supervised Research1-5
ENV 6916Nonthesis Project1-3
ENV 6932Special Problems in Environmental Engineering1-4
ENV 6935Graduate Environmental Engineering Seminar1
ENV 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
ENV 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
ENV 7979Advanced Research1-12
ENV 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Hydrology / Water Resources Shared Courses

CGN 6905Special Problems in Civil Engineering1-6
CWR 5125Groundwater Flow I3
CWR 5127Evaluation of Groundwater Quality3
CWR 5235Open Channel Hydraulics3
CWR 6537Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology3
EGM 5816Intermediate Fluid Dynamics3
ENV 5518Field Methods in Environmental Hydrology3
ENV 6441Water Resources Planning and Management3
ENV 6508Wetland Hydrology3
ENV 6932Special Problems in Environmental Engineering1-4

Environmental Engineering Sciences Departmental Courses

CWR 5125Groundwater Flow I3
CWR 6116Advanced Surface Hydrology3
CWR 6252Environmental Biochemistry of Trace Metals3
CWR 6537Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology3
EES 6007Advanced Energy and Environment3
EES 6051Advanced Environmental Planning and Design3
EES 6208Principles of Water Chemistry I3
EES 6225Atmospheric Chemistry3
EES 6307Advanced Ecological Engineering3
EES 6309Wetland Design and Restoration3
EES 6344Coastal Policy Lab3
EES 6345Florida Marine and Coastal Law and Policy3
EES 6346Engineering Nature-Based Coastal Solutions3
EES 6932Modeling the Fate of Air Pollutants3
EGN 5949Practicum/Internship/Cooperative Work Experience1-6
EGN 6640Entrepreneurship for Engineers3
EGN 6913Engineering Graduate Research0-3
ENV 5105Foundations of Air Pollution3
ENV 5306Municipal Refuse Disposal3
ENV 5518Field Methods in Environmental Hydrology3
ENV 5619Principles of Sustainable Engineering Design3
ENV 6043Life Cycle Assessment3
ENV 6126Air Pollution Control Design3
ENV 6130Aerosol Mechanics3
ENV 6301Advanced Solid Waste Containment Design3
ENV 6416Advanced Stormwater Control Systems3
ENV 6435Advanced Water Treatment Process Design3
ENV 6437Advanced Wastewater System Design3
ENV 6438Advanced Potable Water Systems Design3
ENV 6439Activated Carbon: Environmental Design and Application3
ENV 6441Water Resources Planning and Management3
ENV 6455Microbiology of Environmental Engineering Systems3
ENV 6508Wetland Hydrology3
ENV 6511Biological Wastewater Treatment3
ENV 6905Individual Work1-4
ENV 6910Supervised Research1-5
ENV 6916Nonthesis Project1-3
ENV 6932Special Problems in Environmental Engineering1-4
ENV 6935Graduate Environmental Engineering Seminar1
ENV 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
ENV 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
ENV 7979Advanced Research1-12
ENV 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
LAW 6472Natural Resources Law3-4

College of Engineering Courses

CAP 5771Introduction to Data Science3
EEE 5354LSemiconductor Device Fabrication Laboratory3
EEE 5776Applied Machine Learning3
EEE 6778Applied Machine Learning II3
EGN 5215Machine Learning Applications in Civil Engineering3
EGN 5216Machine Learning for Artificial Intelligence Systems3
EGN 5442Programming for Applied Data Science3
EGN 6216Artificial Intelligence Systems3
EGN 6217Applied Deep Learning3
EGN 6446Mathematical Foundations for Applied Data Science3
EGN 6640Entrepreneurship for Engineers3
EGN 6642Engineering Innovation3
EGN 6937Engineering Fellowship Preparation0-1
EGS 6039Engineering Leadership3
EGS 6101Divergent Thinking3
EGS 6626Fundamentals of Engineering Project Management3
EGS 6628Advanced Practices in Engineering Project Management3
EGS 6629Agile Project Management for Engineers and Scientists3
EGS 6681Advanced Engineering Leadership3
ESI 6900Principles of Engineering Practice1-4

environmental engineering sciences (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Knowledge an ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems using scientific and engineering methods and tools

SLO 2     Skills     
An ability to critically read and evaluate engineering or science literature.
An ability to use the techniques, methods, and appropriate professional tools necessary for professional practice at an advanced level
An ability to communicate effectively

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

Environmental Engineering Sciences (ME & MS)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
An ability to identify, formulate, and solve environmental problems using scientific and engineering methods and tools

SLO 2     Skills     
An ability to critically read and evaluate engineering or science literature     
An ability to use the techniques, methods, and appropriate professional tools necessary for professional practice at an advanced level
An ability to communicate effectively

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility