Degrees Offered with a Major in Nuclear Engineering Sciences

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Imaging Science and Technology
  • Master of Engineering
  • Master of Science

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Nuclear Engineering Sciences Program Courses

ENU 5142Risk Assessment and Economic Analysis of Nuclear Systems.3
ENU 5176LPrinciples of Nuclear Reactor Operations Laboratory1
ENU 5186Nuclear Fuel Cycles3
ENU 5516LNuclear Engineering Laboratory II2
ENU 5615CNuclear Radiation Detection and Instrumentation4
ENU 6051Radiation Interaction Basics and Applications I3
ENU 6106Nuclear Reactor Analysis I3
ENU 6126Fundamentals of Reactor Kinetics3
ENU 6135Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics4
ENU 6136Advanced Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics3
ENU 6623Radiation Dosimetry3
ENU 6835Nuclear Fuels3
ENU 6905Individual Work1-6
ENU 6910Supervised Research1-5
ENU 6935Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Seminar1
ENU 6936Special Projects in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Sciences1-9
ENU 6937Special Topics in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Sciences1-9
ENU 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
ENU 6972Research for Engineer's Thesis1-15
ENU 7979Advanced Research1-12
ENU 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Nuclear Engineering Sciences Departmental Courses

EGN 6913Engineering Graduate Research0-3
ENU 5005Introduction to Nuclear Engineering4
ENU 5142Risk Assessment and Economic Analysis of Nuclear Systems.3
ENU 5176LPrinciples of Nuclear Reactor Operations Laboratory1
ENU 5186Nuclear Fuel Cycles3
ENU 5516LNuclear Engineering Laboratory II2
ENU 5615CNuclear Radiation Detection and Instrumentation4
ENU 6051Radiation Interaction Basics and Applications I3
ENU 6106Nuclear Reactor Analysis I3
ENU 6115Power Plant Simulation3
ENU 6126Fundamentals of Reactor Kinetics3
ENU 6135Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics4
ENU 6136Advanced Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics3
ENU 6143Advanced Nuclear Reactor Concepts3
ENU 6305Radiochemistry3
ENU 6375Nuclear Security Science3
ENU 6616CAdvanced Radiation Measurement Laboratory3
ENU 6715Plasma and Fusion3
ENU 6835Nuclear Fuels3
ENU 6845LNuclear Fuels and Materials Laboratory3
ENU 6905Individual Work1-6
ENU 6910Supervised Research1-5
ENU 6935Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Seminar1
ENU 6936Special Projects in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Sciences1-9
ENU 6937Special Topics in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Sciences1-9
ENU 6940Supervised Teaching2
ENU 6941Professional Development for Nuclear Engineering Sciences1
ENU 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
ENU 6972Research for Engineer's Thesis1-15
ENU 7979Advanced Research1-12
ENU 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

College of Engineering Courses

CAP 5771Introduction to Data Science3
EEE 5354LSemiconductor Device Fabrication Laboratory3
EEE 5776Applied Machine Learning3
EEE 6778Applied Machine Learning II3
EGN 5215Machine Learning Applications in Civil Engineering3
EGN 5216Machine Learning for Artificial Intelligence Systems3
EGN 5442Programming for Applied Data Science3
EGN 6216Artificial Intelligence Systems3
EGN 6217Applied Deep Learning3
EGN 6446Mathematical Foundations for Applied Data Science3
EGN 6640Entrepreneurship for Engineers3
EGN 6642Engineering Innovation3
EGN 6937Engineering Fellowship Preparation0-1
EGS 6039Engineering Leadership3
EGS 6101Divergent Thinking3
EGS 6626Fundamentals of Engineering Project Management3
EGS 6628Advanced Practices in Engineering Project Management3
EGS 6629Agile Project Management for Engineers and Scientists3
EGS 6681Advanced Engineering Leadership3
ESI 6900Principles of Engineering Practice1-4

Nuclear engineering sciences (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Identify unknown aspects of nuclear and/or radiological systems and formulate an approach to elucidating those aspects using engineering and/or scientific principles at a level appropriate to a doctoral research.

SLO 2     Knowledge        
Demonstrate proficiency on appropriate experimental or computational techniques used for nuclear engineering research, and use these techniques to investigate various relationships (atomic, nuclear, mechanical, materials performance, etc.) in nuclear systems at a level appropriate to doctoral research.

SLO 3     Skills     
Obtain information from primary literature and technical reports, and integrate that information to reach conclusions regarding the current state-of-the-art and areas in which further research is needed.

SLO 4     Skills     
Write and/or orally present the results of a research project or literature review in a manner that clearly communicates one or more of the following: current state-of-the-art, areas in which additional research is needed, research objectives, procedures, results, and conclusions.

SLO 5     Professional Behavior   
Follow requirements for writing reports and research papers, and do so based on ethical standards regarding appropriate citation and plagiarism.

SLO 6     Professional Behavior   
Work cooperatively with others, interact with supervisors, follow guidelines for appropriate management of data, and follow safety requirements for working in a research laboratory

Nuclear Engineering Sciences (Me & Ms)   

SLO 1     Knowledge          
Identify unknown aspects of nuclear and/or radiological systems and formulate an approach to elucidating those aspects using engineering and/or scientific principles at a level appropriate to a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering

SLO 2     Skills      
Obtain information from primary literature and technical reports, and integrate that information to reach conclusions regarding the current state of the art and areas in which further research is needed

SLO 3     Skills      
Write and/or orally present the results of a research project or literature review in a manner that clearly communicates one or more of the following: current state-of-the-art, areas in which additional research is needed, research objectives, procedures, results, and conclusions

SLO 4     Professional Behavior      
Follow requirements for writing reports and research papers, and does so based on ethical standards regarding appropriate citation and plagiarism