Degrees with a Major in Biostatistics

  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Master of Science

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Biostatistics Departmental Courses

GMS 6827Advanced Clinical Trial Methods3
PHC 6020Clinical Trial Methods3
PHC 6022Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials3
PHC 6050CBiostatistical Methods I3
PHC 6051Biostatistical Methods II3
PHC 6059Introduction to Applied Survival Analysis3
PHC 6063Biostatistical Consulting3
PHC 6064Survey of Advanced Biostatistical Methods for the Health Sciences3
PHC 6075Biostatistical Literacy3
PHC 6084Bayesian Biostatistical Methods3
PHC 6088Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data3
PHC 6089Public Health Computing3
PHC 6092Introduction to Biostatistical Theory3
PHC 6097Statistical Learning with Applications in Health Sciences3
PHC 6099Programing Basics for Biostatistics3
PHC 6790Biostatistical Methods Using SAS3
PHC 6791Data Visualization in the Health Sciences3
PHC 6905Independent Study1-6
PHC 6937Special Topics in Public Health1-6
PHC 7056Analysis of Longitudinal Data3
PHC 7066Large Sample Theory3
PHC 7068Biostatistical Computing3
PHC 7090Advanced Biostatistical Methods I3
PHC 7091Advanced Biostatistical Methods II3
PHC 7095Advanced Statistical Learning for Biostatistics3
PHC 7925Biostatistics Journal Club1-3
PHC 7979Advanced Research1-12
PHC 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
STA 6177Applied Survival Analysis3
STA 6707Analysis of Multivariate Data3
STA 7179Survival Analysis3

College of Medicine Courses

GMS 5905Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences1-4
GMS 6001Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences I5
GMS 6003Fundamentals of Graduate Research and Professional Development1
GMS 6090Research in Medical Sciences1-10
GMS 6096Introduction to NIH Grant Writing for Biomedical Sciences1
GMS 6405Fundamentals of Endocrine Physiology1
GMS 6406Fundamentals of Pulmonary/Respiratory Physiology1
GMS 6408Fundamentals of Renal Physiology1
GMS 6411Fundamentals of Cardiovascular Physiology1
GMS 6415Fundamentals of Gastrointestinal Physiology1
GMS 6491Journal Club in Physiology1
GMS 6780Addiction: Neuroscience and Trends3
GMS 6865Quantitative Literacy for Translational Research2
GMS 6875Ethical and Policy Issues in Clinical Research2
GMS 6895CTS Journal Club1
GMS 6903Manuscript and Abstract Writing for Clinician/Scientists2
GMS 6905Independent Studies in Medical Sciences1-10
GMS 6910Supervised Research1-5
GMS 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
GMS 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
GMS 7093Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research2
GMS 7877Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Research1
GMS 7944Practicum in Biomedical Science Education3
GMS 7950Fundamentals of Biomedical Science Education2
GMS 7979Advanced Research1-12
GMS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Biostatistics (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Communicate the underpinning of biostatistics concepts and methods

 SLO 2    Skills     
Identify, research, and acquire new biostatistical concepts and methods on one's own

 SLO 3    Skills     
Develop and apply new biostatistical concepts and methods independently

 SLO 4    Professional Behavior   
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork, conduct and communications

SLO 5    Professional Behavior    
Participation in academic conferences to disseminate knowledge and represent the university

Biostatistics (MS)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Communicate the underpinning of biostatistics concepts and methods

SLO 2     Skills     
Apply biostatistical concepts and methods, interpret results, communicate

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork, conduct and communications