Degrees with a Major in Biostatistics
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Science
Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.
Biostatistics Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
GMS 6827 | Advanced Clinical Trial Methods | 3 |
PHC 6020 | Clinical Trial Methods | 3 |
PHC 6022 | Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials | 3 |
PHC 6050C | Biostatistical Methods I | 3 |
PHC 6051 | Biostatistical Methods II | 3 |
PHC 6059 | Introduction to Applied Survival Analysis | 3 |
PHC 6063 | Biostatistical Consulting | 3 |
PHC 6064 | Survey of Advanced Biostatistical Methods for the Health Sciences | 3 |
PHC 6075 | Biostatistical Literacy | 3 |
PHC 6084 | Bayesian Biostatistical Methods | 3 |
PHC 6088 | Statistical Analysis of Genetic Data | 3 |
PHC 6089 | Public Health Computing | 3 |
PHC 6092 | Introduction to Biostatistical Theory | 3 |
PHC 6097 | Statistical Learning with Applications in Health Sciences | 3 |
PHC 6099 | Programing Basics for Biostatistics | 3 |
PHC 6790 | Biostatistical Methods Using SAS | 3 |
PHC 6791 | Data Visualization in the Health Sciences | 3 |
PHC 6905 | Independent Study | 1-6 |
PHC 6937 | Special Topics in Public Health | 1-6 |
PHC 7056 | Analysis of Longitudinal Data | 3 |
PHC 7066 | Large Sample Theory | 3 |
PHC 7068 | Biostatistical Computing | 3 |
PHC 7090 | Advanced Biostatistical Methods I | 3 |
PHC 7091 | Advanced Biostatistical Methods II | 3 |
PHC 7095 | Advanced Statistical Learning for Biostatistics | 3 |
PHC 7925 | Biostatistics Journal Club | 1-3 |
PHC 7979 | Advanced Research | 1-12 |
PHC 7980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 1-15 |
STA 6177 | Applied Survival Analysis | 3 |
STA 6707 | Analysis of Multivariate Data | 3 |
STA 7179 | Survival Analysis | 3 |
College of Medicine Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
GMS 5905 | Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences | 1-4 |
GMS 6001 | Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences I | 5 |
GMS 6003 | Fundamentals of Graduate Research and Professional Development | 1 |
GMS 6090 | Research in Medical Sciences | 1-10 |
GMS 6096 | Introduction to NIH Grant Writing for Biomedical Sciences | 1 |
GMS 6405 | Fundamentals of Endocrine Physiology | 1 |
GMS 6406 | Fundamentals of Pulmonary/Respiratory Physiology | 1 |
GMS 6408 | Fundamentals of Renal Physiology | 1 |
GMS 6411 | Fundamentals of Cardiovascular Physiology | 1 |
GMS 6415 | Fundamentals of Gastrointestinal Physiology | 1 |
GMS 6491 | Journal Club in Physiology | 1 |
GMS 6780 | Addiction: Neuroscience and Trends | 3 |
GMS 6865 | Quantitative Literacy for Translational Research | 2 |
GMS 6875 | Ethical and Policy Issues in Clinical Research | 2 |
GMS 6895 | CTS Journal Club | 1 |
GMS 6903 | Manuscript and Abstract Writing for Clinician/Scientists | 2 |
GMS 6905 | Independent Studies in Medical Sciences | 1-10 |
GMS 6910 | Supervised Research | 1-5 |
GMS 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-5 |
GMS 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
GMS 7093 | Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research | 2 |
GMS 7877 | Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Research | 1 |
GMS 7944 | Practicum in Biomedical Science Education | 3 |
GMS 7950 | Fundamentals of Biomedical Science Education | 2 |
GMS 7979 | Advanced Research | 1-12 |
GMS 7980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 1-15 |
Biostatistics (PHD)
SLO 1 Knowledge
Communicate the underpinning of biostatistics concepts and methods
SLO 2 Skills
Identify, research, and acquire new biostatistical concepts and methods on one's own
SLO 3 Skills
Develop and apply new biostatistical concepts and methods independently
SLO 4 Professional Behavior
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork, conduct and communications
SLO 5 Professional Behavior
Participation in academic conferences to disseminate knowledge and represent the university
Biostatistics (MS)
SLO 1 Knowledge
Communicate the underpinning of biostatistics concepts and methods
SLO 2 Skills
Apply biostatistical concepts and methods, interpret results, communicate
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork, conduct and communications