Degrees Offered with a Major in Epidemiology

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Clinical and Translational Science
    • concentration in Gero-Epidemiology
  • Master of Science

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Epidemiology (PHHP/COM) Departmental Courses

GMS 7858Causal Artificial Intelligence for Health Research3
PHC 6000Epidemiology Methods I3
PHC 6002Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases3
PHC 6003Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases and Disability3
PHC 6009Biology and Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS3
PHC 6011Epidemiology Methods II3
PHC 6016Social Epidemiology in Public Health3
PHC 6041Landmarks in Psychiatric Epidemiology2
PHC 6194Spatial Epidemiology3
PHC 6517Public Health Concepts in Infectious Diseases3
PHC 6591Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology3
PHC 6598Foundations in Precision Medicine: Genetic Epidemiology1
PHC 6711Measurement in Epidemiology and Outcomes Research3
PHC 6717Public Health Surveillance3
PHC 6932Psychiatric Epidemiology Online Seminar Series1
PHC 6937Special Topics in Public Health1-6
PHC 6939CPE Psychiatric Grand Rounds1
PHC 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-4
PHC 7000Epidemiology Seminar II: Critical Evaluation, Research Proposals, and Methods2
PHC 7007Cancer Epidemiology3
PHC 7017Advanced Epidemiologic Methods III3
PHC 7038Psychiatric Epidemiology3
PHC 7065Advanced Skills in Epidemiological Data Management2
PHC 7083Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for Epidemiology and Population Health3
PHC 7199Topics in Precision Medicine and Public Health Informatics1
PHC 7427Ethics in Population Science2
PHC 7594Genetic Epidemiology3
PHC 7595Introduction to Molecular Epidemiology3
PHC 7727Grant Writing for Population Health Research2
PHC 7901Epidemiology Literature Review and Critique (Journal Club)1
PHC 7902Scientific Writing for Peer Reviewed Publications for Popular Science1
PHC 7910International Field Epidemiology3
PHC 7916National Field Epidemiology1-3
PHC 7918Independent Study1-3
PHC 7934Seminar I: Epidemiology Past, Present, and Future2
PHC 7979Advanced Research1-12
PHC 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

College of Medicine Courses

GMS 5905Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences1-4
GMS 6001Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences I5
GMS 6003Fundamentals of Graduate Research and Professional Development1
GMS 6090Research in Medical Sciences1-10
GMS 6096Introduction to NIH Grant Writing for Biomedical Sciences1
GMS 6405Fundamentals of Endocrine Physiology1
GMS 6406Fundamentals of Pulmonary/Respiratory Physiology1
GMS 6408Fundamentals of Renal Physiology1
GMS 6411Fundamentals of Cardiovascular Physiology1
GMS 6415Fundamentals of Gastrointestinal Physiology1
GMS 6491Journal Club in Physiology1
GMS 6780Addiction: Neuroscience and Trends3
GMS 6865Quantitative Literacy for Translational Research2
GMS 6875Ethical and Policy Issues in Clinical Research2
GMS 6895CTS Journal Club1
GMS 6903Manuscript and Abstract Writing for Clinician/Scientists2
GMS 6905Independent Studies in Medical Sciences1-10
GMS 6910Supervised Research1-5
GMS 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
GMS 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
GMS 7093Introduction to Clinical and Translational Research2
GMS 7877Responsible Conduct of Biomedical Research1
GMS 7944Practicum in Biomedical Science Education3
GMS 7950Fundamentals of Biomedical Science Education2
GMS 7979Advanced Research1-12
GMS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Epidemiology (PHD)

SLO1      Research Studies             
Design epidemiologic research studies and analyze data to answer health-related research questions that are currently relevant to the population.

SLO2      Independent Research 
Prepare to become an independent researcher in the field of Epidemiology.

SLO3      Epidemiology Concepts
Illustrate a thorough understanding of epidemiology concepts.

SLO4      Professional Behavior   
Display ethical behaviors, cultural sensitivity, teamwork, professional conduct and communication, and build academic skills such as grant writing

Epidemiology (MS)         

 SLO 1    MSE Knowledge 
Apply surveillance, assessment, evaluation, and other foundational epidemiological research designs to all areas of interest

SLO 2     MSE Skills           
Utilize biological, behavioral and social theory to understand how to prevent and intervene to promote the public health

SLO 3     MSE Skills Choose appropriate measurement and analytic methods to study health and disease in a population

SLO 4     MSE Professional Behavior          
Display ethical behavior, cultural sensitivity, integrity in research conduct, honesty, and teamwork