Degrees Offered with a Major in Public Health

  • Master of Public Health
    • without a concentration
    • with a concentration in Biostatistics
    • with a concentration in Environmental Health
    • with a concentration in Epidemiology
    • with a concentration in Public Health Management
    • with a concentration in Public Health Practice
    • with a concentration in Social and Behavioral Sciences

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Public Health Courses

HMG 6747Marketing in Hospitality/Tourism2
HSA 6105Professional Skills Seminar1
HSA 6114Health Care System and Policy3
HSA 6115Introduction to Management of Health Services Organizations3
HSA 6188Strategic Management in Health Administration3
HSA 6198Information Management in Health Administration3
HSA 6385Performance Management for Health Care Managers3
HSA 6395Healthcare Data Analytics I3
HSA 6427Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Administration3
HSA 6436Health Economics3
HSA 6930Special Topics in Health Services Administration1-3
HSA 7106Seminar in Health Care Access and Utilization3
HSA 7437Advanced Health Economics3
HSA 7759Quality and Outcomes in Health Services Research3
PHC 6000Epidemiology Methods I3
PHC 6001Principles of Epidemiology in Public Health3
PHC 6002Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases3
PHC 6003Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases and Disability3
PHC 6009Biology and Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS3
PHC 6011Epidemiology Methods II3
PHC 6016Social Epidemiology in Public Health3
PHC 6022Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials3
PHC 6050Statistical Methods for Health Sciences Research I3
PHC 6052Introduction to Biostatistical Methods3
PHC 6053Regression Methods for the Health and Life Sciences3
PHC 6059Introduction to Applied Survival Analysis3
PHC 6089Public Health Computing3
PHC 6103Systems Thinking for Public Health3
PHC 6104Evidence-Based Management of Public Health Programs3
PHC 6146Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation3
PHC 6183Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response3
PHC 6195Health information for Diverse Populations: Theory & Methods3
PHC 6251Assessment and Surveillance in Public Health3
PHC 6301Aquatic Systems and Environmental Health3
PHC 6313Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health2-3
PHC 6403Adolescence, Risk Taking and Health3
PHC 6404Gender, Sexuality, and Health3
PHC 6405Theoretical Foundations of Public Health3
PHC 6410Psychological, Behavioral, and Social Issues in Public Health3
PHC 6421Public Health Law and Ethics3
PHC 6424Environmental Policy and Risk Management in Public Health3
PHC 6441Health Disparities in the United States3
PHC 6446Systems Thinking in One Health3
PHC 6447Ecology of HIV/Aids in the Rural South3
PHC 6512Environmental Management of Vector-Borne Diseases3
PHC 6515One Health: Applied Techniques in Public Health Entomology3
PHC 6517Public Health Concepts in Infectious Diseases3
PHC 6519Zoonotic Diseases in Humans and Animals3
PHC 6520Foodborne Diseases3
PHC 6521Fundamentals of Public Health Nutrition3
PHC 6530Public Health Issues of Mothers and Children3
PHC 6534Trauma Informed Approaches for Individuals, Communities, and Public Health3
PHC 6601Seminar in Contemporary Public Health Issues1
PHC 6700Social and Behavioral Research Methods3
PHC 6702Environmental Monitoring and Exposure Assessment3
PHC 6706Scientific Communication in Public Health3
PHC 6711Measurement in Epidemiology and Outcomes Research3
PHC 6716Survey Research Methods3
PHC 6764Global Public Health and Development I3
PHC 6905Independent Study1-6
PHC 6917Supervised Research Project1-6
PHC 6931Seminar in Global Public Health1
PHC 6937Special Topics in Public Health1-6
PHC 6940Master of Public Health Capstone2
PHC 6947Environmental and Global Health Capstone Experience3-5
PHC 6946Public Health Internship1-9
PHC 7000Epidemiology Seminar II: Critical Evaluation, Research Proposals, and Methods2
PHC 7007Cancer Epidemiology3
PHC 7038Psychiatric Epidemiology3
PHC 7056Analysis of Longitudinal Data3
PHC 7066Large Sample Theory3
PHC 7307Quantitative Assessment of Environmental Health Impacts3
PHC 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PHC 7901Epidemiology Literature Review and Critique (Journal Club)1
STA 5325Fundamentals of Probability3
STA 5328Fundamentals of Statistical Theory3
STA 5503Categorical Data Methods3
STA 5507Applied Nonparametric Methods3
STA 5701Applied Multivariate Methods3
STA 6177Applied Survival Analysis3
STA 6208Basic Design and Analysis of Experiments3
SWS 5551Soils, Water, and Public Health3
VME 6607Human Health Risk Assessment4

Environmental Health Courses

ENV 5105Foundations of Air Pollution3
FOS 5205Current Issues in Food Safety and Sanitation3
PHC 6702Environmental Monitoring and Exposure Assessment3
SWS 5551Soils, Water, and Public Health3
VME 6602General Toxicology3
VME 6603Advanced Toxicology3
VME 6605Toxic Substances3
VME 6607Human Health Risk Assessment4

Epidemiology Courses

PHC 6000Epidemiology Methods I3
PHC 6002Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases3
PHC 6003Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases and Disability3
PHC 6011Epidemiology Methods II3
PHC 6053Regression Methods for the Health and Life Sciences3
PHC 6405Theoretical Foundations of Public Health3
PHC 6912Special Project: Independent Research1-9
PHC 6946Public Health Internship1-9

Public Health Management and Policy Courses

HSA 5174Fundamentals of Health Care Finance3
HSA 6115Introduction to Management of Health Services Organizations3
HSA 6152Overview of U.S. Health Policy3
PHC 6103Systems Thinking for Public Health3
PHC 6104Evidence-Based Management of Public Health Programs3
PHC 6421Public Health Law and Ethics3

Social and Behavioral Sciences Courses

PHC 6146Public Health Program Planning and Evaluation3
PHC 6251Assessment and Surveillance in Public Health3
PHC 6441Health Disparities in the United States3
PHC 6700Social and Behavioral Research Methods3
PHC 6937Special Topics in Public Health1-6

College of Public Health and Health Professions Courses

GEY 5935Topics in Gerontology3
GEY 6220Overview of Geriatric Care Management3
GEY 6306Interpersonal Communication Within the Aging Network3
GEY 6646Issues and Concepts in Gerontology3
GEY 6936Professional Development in Gerontology/Geriatrics1-2
HSC 6905Independent Study1-3
HSC 6910Supervised Research1-5
HSC 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
PHC 6053Regression Methods for the Health and Life Sciences3
PHC 6193Qualitative Data Analysis3
PHC 6195Health information for Diverse Populations: Theory & Methods3
PHC 6447Ecology of HIV/Aids in the Rural South3
PHC 6917Supervised Research Project1-6
PHC 6945Public Health Practicum1-6
PHC 6946Public Health Internship1-9
PHC 7587Theory Development and Testing in Behavioral & Community Public Health2
PHC 7907Social and Behavioral Science Journal Club1
RCS 6036Or to Forensic Vt P3
RCS 6601Forensic Rehabilitation Consultation I3
RSD 6110Rehabilitation Science Theory and Application I3
RSD 6905Individual Work1-4
RSD 6910Supervised Research1-5
RSD 6930Special Topics in Rehabilitation Science1-4
RSD 6940Supervised Teaching1-3
RSD 7979Advanced Research1-12
RSD 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Public Health (MPH)      

SLO 1: MPH Core Knowledge & Skills
Demonstrate competence in the practice of public health.

SLO 2: Public Health Concentration Knowledge
Communicate a thorough understanding of one public health core discipline

SLO 3: Professional Behavior
Display professional conduct

SLO 4: Public Health Integration
Demonstrate synthesis of core and concentration competencies.