Program Information
The animal molecular and cell biology (AMCB) graduate program offers Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Faculty are drawn from these disciplines:
- Animal Sciences
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Large Animal Clinical Sciences
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Zoology
Early in the program, students choose a faculty supervisor who will ensure the quality of their research experience. Students may also do optional rotations through the laboratories of one or more other faculty. The Annual Research Symposium features guest speakers and student research presentations. A weekly journal club and monthly seminars draw on the knowledge and diversity the campus offers in molecular and cell biology.
Core course requirements for the M.S. degree are BCH 5045 Graduate Survey of Biochemistry (4 cr.), registration in a 1-credit graduate seminar course, and successful completion of a course on responsible and ethical conduct of research. Core course requirements for the Ph.D. include BCH 5413 Mammalian Molecular Biology and Genetics (3 cr.) and GMS 6421 Cell Biology (3-4 cr.), registration in two graduate seminar courses, and successful completion of a course on responsible and ethical conduct of research.
Contact P.J. Hansen at or visit the program’s website at
Degrees Offered with a Major in Animal Molecular and Cellular Biology
- Doctor of Philosophy
- Master of Science
Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.
Animal Molecular & Cellular Biology (MS)
SLO 1 Knowledge
Identify, recall, appraise, and interpret the principles of molecular and cellular biology and their application to comparative biology
SLO 2 Skills
Design, conduct and draw sound conclusions on scientific experiments
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
Interact with peers and instructors with honesty, cultural sensitivity and effective communication