Degrees Offered with a Major in Construction Management

  • Master of Construction Management
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
  • Master of Science in Construction Management
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Construction Management Departmental Courses

BCN 5470Construction Methods Improvements3
BCN 5618CComprehensive Estimating3
BCN 5625Construction Cost Analysis3
BCN 5705CProject Management for Construction3
BCN 5722Advanced Construction Planning and Control3
BCN 5729Design-Build Delivery Methods3
BCN 5737Advanced Issues in Construction Safety and Health3
BCN 5776International Construction Business Management3
BCN 5778Facilities Operation and Maintenance3
BCN 5789CConstruction Project Delivery3
BCN 5874Equipment and Methods for Heavy Construction3
BCN 5885Methods and Management for Heavy Construction3
BCN 5905Special Studies in Construction1-5
BCN 5949Graduate Construction Management Internship1-3
BCN 5957Advanced International Studies in Construction1-4
BCN 6036Research Methods in Construction3
BCN 6558CBuilding Integrated Renewable Energy Systems3
BCN 6580High-Performance Green Building Delivery Systems3
BCN 6583Sustainable Housing3
BCN 6584CBuilding Energy Modeling3
BCN 6585Sustainable Construction3
BCN 6586Construction Ecology and Metabolism3
BCN 6641Construction Value Engineering3
BCN 6748Construction Law3
BCN 6785Construction Information Systems3
BCN 6905Directed Independent Study in Construction1-3
BCN 6933Advanced Construction Management1-5
BCN 6940Supervised Teaching1-3
BCN 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
FES 6705Communications in Emergency Management3
FES 6724Fire and Emergency Services Response Planning3
FES 6726Hazard Mitigation and Preparedness3
FES 6735International Emergency/Disaster Management3
FES 6736Homeland Security and Emergency Management3
FES 6786Research Methods in FES3
FES 6806Disaster Response and Recovery3
FES 6826Emergency Services - Disaster Planning3
FES 6827Business Continuity and Disaster Planning3
FES 6836Impacts of Natural and Man-made Disasters on Buildings3
FES 6916Research for Master's Report3
FES 6940Practicum in FES1-3
FES 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-6
ICM 5905Special Studies1-3
ICM 6420Commercial Management and Cost Control3
ICM 6440Construction Value Management3
ICM 6680Principles of International Sustainable Construction3
ICM 6682Construction Ecology and Metabolism3
ICM 6684High-Performance Green Building Delivery Systems3
ICM 6710Construction Human Resource Management3
ICM 6716Construction Productivity and Methods Improvement3
ICM 6750Managing Construction Information Technology3
ICM 6761Advanced Planning, Scheduling, and Logistics3
ICM 6762Construction Risk Management3
ICM 6770Advanced Project Safety Management3
ICM 6775Manufactured Construction Processes3
ICM 6905Directed Independent Study in International Construction1-3
ICM 6910Supervised Research1-3
ICM 6930Construction Communication and Research3
ICM 6934International Construction Research1-6

College of Design, Construction, and Planning Courses

DCP 6205Ecological Issues in Sustainability and the Built Environment3
DCP 6212Sustainable Design Issues: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning4
DCP 6217CWELL Building Strategies (WELL Practicum)6
DCP 6218Developing Sustainable Projects3
DCP 6221Economics of Sustainability in the Built Environment3
DCP 6230Integrated Sustainable Development Practicum6
DCP 6231CGreen Building Strategies6
DCP 6301Sustainable Planning and Design Studio6
DCP 6701World Heritage Research and Stewardship3
DCP 6710History and Theory of Historic Preservation3
DCP 6711CBuilt Heritage: History and Materials Conservation I3
DCP 6712CBuilt Heritage: History and Materials Conservation II3
DCP 6714CBuilt Heritage Documentation I3
DCP 6715Built Heritage Documentation II3
DCP 6716Cultural Resource Management3
DCP 6718Current Topics in Historic Preservation3
DCP 6730Preservation Policy3
DCP 6905Independent Study1-3
DCP 6931Special Topics in Design, Construction, and Planning1-4
DCP 6943Cultural Resource Survey3
DCP 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-9
DCP 6979Master's Research Project1-6
DCP 7790Doctoral Core 1: Paradigms and Theories of Inquiry3
DCP 7794Doctoral Core 4: Research Assessment and Professional Preparation1
DCP 7911Doctoral Core 2: Foundations of Research Design and Methodologies3
DCP 7940Supervised Teaching1-3
DCP 7949Professional Internship1-5
DCP 7979Advanced Research1-12
DCP 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
DCP 7981Doctoral Core 3: Academic Writing for Publication3

Construction Management (MCM)         

SLO 1     Apply Basic Statistics   BCN 6036: Exam; 80% of students earn 77% or higher

SLO 2     Formulate a plan to solve a problem   BCN 6036: 75% of students earn 77% or higher on both the written paper and the verbal presentation

SLO 3     Convey a Research Plan to interested parties utilizing proper written and verbal communication skills   BCN 6036: 75% of students earn 77% or higher on both the written paper and the verbal presentation

SLO 4     Identify and exhibit professional and ethical behavior   BCN 6036: 75% of students earn 77% or higher on their presentation dealing with ethical research

Construction Management (MSCM)       

SLO 1     Identify rigorous problems in the construction management discipline     Thesis Defense: 100% of students earn an average rating of 3 or higher, and 80% of students will earn an average rating of 4 or higher, from their committee members as recorded on the Thesis Defense Assessment Rubric

SLO 2     Create a literature review on a selected topic that encapsulates the latest research on the topicThesis Defense: 100% of students earn an average Rating of 3 or higher, and 80% of students will earn an average rating of 4 or higher, from their committee members as recorded on the Thesis Defense Assessment Rubric

SLO 3     Devise and apply research methods to solve problems and generate new knowledge      
Thesis Defense: 100% of students earn an average Rating of 3 or higher, and 80% of students will earn an average rating of 4 or higher, from their committee members as recorded on the Thesis Defense Assessment Rubric

SLO 4     Communicate effectively in writing         
Thesis Defense: 100% of students earn an average Rating of 3 or higher, and 80% of students will earn an average rating of 4 or higher, from their committee members as recorded on the Thesis Defense Assessment Rubric

SLO 5     Communicate effectively in professional situations          
Thesis Defense: 100% of students earn an average Rating of 3 or higher, and 80% of students will earn an average rating of 4 or higher, from their committee members as recorded on the Thesis Defense Assessment Rubric


  • Anumba, Chinemelu J.
  • Flood, Ian
  • Minchin, Robert E.
  • Ries, Robert

Associate Professor

  • Costin, Aaron M.
  • Franz, Bryan Willam
  • Gheisari, Masoud
  • Muszynski, Larry C.
  • Srinivasan, Ravi Shankar

Assistant Professor

  • Agapaki, Evangelia
  • Castelblanco Bolivar, Gabriel Ernesto
  • Liu, Rui
  • Watson, Maria Katherine

Distinguished Professor

  • Issa, Raja Raymond

Senior Lecturer

  • Armaghani, Bahar A.
  • Sullivan, James G.

Affiliated Faculty

  • Alwisy, Aladdin
    Assistant Professor
  • Cox, Robert Francis
  • Idris Jeelani, Fnu
    Assistant Professor
  • Von Meding, Jason Kyle
    Associate Professor
  • Wang, Chaofeng
    Assistant Professor
  • Wong, Vivian Wen Hui
    Assistant Professor