Degrees Offered with a Major in Curriculum and Instruction
- Doctor of Education
- without a concentration
- concentration in Educational Technology
- concentration in Languages and Literacies in Education
- concentration in Critical Study of Race, Ethnicity and Culture In Education
- concentration in Teachers, Schools, & Society
Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.
School of Teaching and Learning Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDE 5940 | Integrated Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDE 6266 | Teaching and Learning in Elementary Classrooms | 3 |
EDE 6325 | Teacher Inquiry/Action Research | 3 |
EDE 6905 | Individual Work | 1-5 |
EDE 6948 | Internship in Elementary Schools | 1-12 |
EDE 7047 | Issues in Teacher Education | 3 |
EDF 5552 | Role of School in Democratic Society | 3 |
EDF 6520 | History of Education | 3 |
EDF 6544 | Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDF 6616 | Education and American Culture | 3 |
EDF 6636 | Theorizing Race and Racism in Educational Research | 3 |
EDF 6639 | Anti-Black Racism in Education | 3 |
EDF 6812 | Comparative Education | 3 |
EDF 6866 | Education in Latin America | 3 |
EDF 6939 | Critical Race Theory in Educational Research | 3 |
EDF 7934 | Seminar in Educational Foundations | 3 |
EDG 5666 | Knowing and Learning in Secondary Schools | 3 |
EDG 6017 | Writing for Academic Purposes | 3 |
EDG 6047 | Teacher Leadership for Educational Change | 3 |
EDG 6207 | Transforming the Curriculum | 3 |
EDG 6226 | Foundations of Research in Curriculum & Instruction | 3 |
EDG 6228 | Qualitative Research for Practitioner Scholars | 3 |
EDG 6229 | Qualitative Research in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDG 6305 | Multiple Perspectives on Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDG 6348 | Instructional Coaching for Enhanced Student Learning | 3 |
EDG 6356 | Teaching, Learning and Assessment | 3 |
EDG 6378 | Learning Science with Technology | 3 |
EDG 6415 | Culturally Responsive Classroom Management | 3 |
EDG 6445 | Meeting the Educational Needs of Students Living in Poverty | 3 |
EDG 6648 | Research Design in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDG 6664 | Survey of Research on STEM Education | 3 |
EDG 6668 | Teaching Adults | 3 |
EDG 6805C | K-12 Computer Programming Foundations I | 3 |
EDG 6806C | K-12 Computer Programming Foundations II | 3 |
EDG 6807 | Issues and Trends in K-12 Computer Science Education | 3 |
EDG 6905 | Individual Work | 1-6 |
EDG 6910 | Supervised Research | 1-5 |
EDG 6930 | Schooling & the Marginalization of Students | 3 |
EDG 6931 | Special Topics | 1-4 |
EDG 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-5 |
EDG 6953 | TLSI Online Portfolio Preparation | 1-3 |
EDG 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
EDG 6973 | Project in Lieu of Thesis | 1-9 |
EDG 7224 | Critical Pedagogy | 3 |
EDG 7252 | Perspectives in Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education | 3 |
EDG 7303 | Teacher Learning and Socialization in High Poverty Schools | 3 |
EDG 7359 | Professional Development and Teacher Learning | 3 |
EDG 7365 | Practitioner Research: Data Collection and Analysis | 3 |
EDG 7941 | Field Experience in Curriculum and Instruction | 1-4 |
EDG 7979 | Advanced Research | 1-12 |
EDG 7980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 1-15 |
EDG 7982 | Practitioner Research: Theory & Practice | 3 |
EME 5054 | Foundations of Educational Technology | 3 |
EME 5207 | Designing Technology-Rich Curricula | 3 |
EME 5404 | Instructional Computing II | 3 |
EME 5405 | Internet in K-12 Instruction | 3 |
EME 6059 | Blended Learning Environments | 3 |
EME 6065 | Human-Computer Interaction and the Learner | 3 |
EME 6066 | Issues and Trends in Educational Technology Research | 3 |
EME 6067 | Emerging Learning Technologies | 3 |
EME 6074 | Mobile Technologies in Education | 3 |
EME 6156 | Games and Simulations for Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EME 6208 | Designing Integrated Media Environments I | 3 |
EME 6209 | Designing Integrated Media Environments II | 3 |
EME 6235 | Managing Educational Projects | 3 |
EME 6236 | Distance Education Leadership and Management | 3 |
EME 6458 | Distance Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EME 6480 | Quantitative Methods in Educational Technology Research | 3 |
EME 6606 | Advanced Instructional Design | 3 |
EME 6609 | Instructional Design | 3 |
EME 6637 | Managing and Analyzing Multimodal Educational Data | 3 |
EME 6638 | Theory, Design, and Development of Stealth Assessment for Learning | 3 |
EME 6645 | Neurotechnologies in Education | 3 |
EME 6651 | Learning Analytics Concepts and Techniques | 3 |
EME 6935 | Seminar: Distance Education Issues and Applications | 1 |
EME 6945 | Practicum in Educational Media and Instructional Design | 3-8 |
EME 7345 | Implementing Educational Technology Innovations (ETIs) | 3 |
EME 7938 | Seminar in Educational Media and Instructional Design | 3 |
ESE 5426 | Data-Driven Decision Making for Secondary Teachers | 3 |
ESE 6345 | Effective Teaching and Classroom Management | 3 |
ESE 6905 | Individual Work | 1-4 |
ESE 6939 | Special Topics | 3 |
ESE 6945 | Student Teaching in Secondary School | 2-9 |
ETE 6141 | K-12 Computer Sc Pedagogy I | 3 |
ETE 6142 | K-12 Computer Sc Pedagogy II | 3 |
FLE 6165 | Bilingual-Bicultural Education | 3 |
FLE 6167 | Cross-Cultural Communication for Teachers | 3 |
LAE 5341 | Language Arts: Teaching Nonfiction Writing | 3 |
LAE 6298 | Literacy & Language Instruction | 3 |
LAE 6339 | Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary English Language Arts | 3 |
LAE 6348 | Teaching Multiliteracies | 3 |
LAE 6407 | Early Childhood Children's Literature | 3 |
LAE 6446 | Multicultural Literature for Children and Adolescents | 3 |
LAE 6865 | Teaching Media Literacy with the Internet | 3 |
LAE 6869 | Teaching Digital Storytelling | 3 |
LAE 6939 | Literacy, Family, and Culture | 3 |
LAE 6945 | Practicum and Assessment for Teachers of Secondary School English | 3 |
LAE 6946 | Children's Literature in Educational Settings | 3 |
LAE 7934 | Seminar in Composition Theory and Practice | 3 |
LAE 7936 | Seminar in English Language Arts | 3 |
LAE 7938 | Lit, Cult and Politics | 3 |
MAE 5332 | Secondary School Mathematics Methods and Assessment | 3 |
MAE 5347 | Teaching K-8 Mathematics for Understanding | 3 |
MAE 5396 | Using Formative Assessment to Improve Mathematical Learning | 3 |
MAE 5945 | Secondary School Mathematics Practicum | 3-6 |
MAE 6313 | Problem Solving in School Mathematics | 3 |
MAE 6349 | Classroom Contexts that Support Self-Regulated Learning and Mathematical Understanding | 3 |
MAE 6916 | Inquiry in Mathematics Teaching | 3 |
MAE 7899 | Mathematics Education Seminar | 3 |
MUE 7938 | Music Education Seminar | 3 |
RED 5337 | Reading in the Secondary School | 3 |
RED 5355 | Reading Instruction in the Elementary School | 3 |
RED 5399 | Practices in Beginning Reading Instruction | 3 |
RED 6346 | Seminar in Reading | 3-6 |
RED 6448 | Diagnosing and Remediating Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6520 | Classroom Literacy Assessment and Instruction | 3 |
RED 6546C | Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6548C | Remediation of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6647 | Trends in Reading | 3 |
RED 6843 | Reading Practicum | 1 |
RED 6941 | Practicum in Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 7019 | Foundations of Literacy | 3 |
SCE 5140 | Science Curriculum Development | 3 |
SCE 5316 | Inquiry-Based Science Teaching | 3 |
SCE 5695 | Diversity and Equity in Science Teaching | 3 |
SCE 5765 | Data-Driven Science Instruction | 3 |
SCE 6117 | Science Education in the Elementary School | 3 |
SCE 6337 | Secondary Science Methods and Assessment | 3 |
SCE 6930 | Seminar in Science Education | 3 |
SCE 6947 | Practicum in Secondary Science Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
SMT 6066 | Data Wrangling and Visualization in Educational Research | 3 |
SMT 6106 | Informal STEM Practice | 3 |
SSE 5945C | Practicum in Secondary Social Studies Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
SSE 6117 | Social Studies Education––Elementary School | 3 |
SSE 6133 | Secondary School Social Studies Methods and Assessment | 3 |
SSE 6478 | Global Studies Methods for Social Studies | 3 |
TSL 5142 | ESOL Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment | 3 |
TSL 5335 | ESOL and Reading for Secondary Teachers | 3 |
TSL 6145 | Curriculum and Materials Development for ESOL K-12 | 3 |
TSL 6245 | Language Principles for ESOL Teachers | 3 |
TSL 6373 | Methods of Teaching ESOL K-12 | 3 |
TSL 6440 | Testing and Evaluation of ESOL | 3 |
TSL 6670 | Multilingualism from a Global Perspective | 3 |
TSL 6700 | Issues in ESOL for School Counselors and Psychologists | 3 |
General Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDG 6047 | Teacher Leadership for Educational Change | 3 |
EDG 6207 | Transforming the Curriculum | 3 |
EDG 6226 | Foundations of Research in Curriculum & Instruction | 3 |
EDG 6356 | Teaching, Learning and Assessment | 3 |
EDG 6905 | Individual Work | 1-6 |
EDG 6910 | Supervised Research | 1-5 |
EDG 6931 | Special Topics | 1-4 |
EDG 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-5 |
EDG 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
EDG 6973 | Project in Lieu of Thesis | 1-9 |
EDG 7224 | Critical Pedagogy | 3 |
EDG 7252 | Perspectives in Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education | 3 |
EDG 7303 | Teacher Learning and Socialization in High Poverty Schools | 3 |
EDG 7941 | Field Experience in Curriculum and Instruction | 1-4 |
EDG 7979 | Advanced Research | 1-12 |
EDG 7980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 1-15 |
EME 6156 | Games and Simulations for Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EME 6235 | Managing Educational Projects | 3 |
EME 6236 | Distance Education Leadership and Management | 3 |
Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDE 5940 | Integrated Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDE 6266 | Teaching and Learning in Elementary Classrooms | 3 |
EDE 6325 | Teacher Inquiry/Action Research | 3 |
EDE 6905 | Individual Work | 1-5 |
EDE 6948 | Internship in Elementary Schools | 3-12 |
EDE 7047 | Issues in Teacher Education | 3 |
EDG 6356 | Teaching, Learning and Assessment | 3 |
EDG 7224 | Critical Pedagogy | 3 |
EDG 7252 | Perspectives in Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education | 3 |
EDG 7303 | Teacher Learning and Socialization in High Poverty Schools | 3 |
EDG 7982 | Practitioner Research: Theory & Practice | 3 |
Educational Technology Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EME 5054 | Foundations of Educational Technology | 3 |
EME 5207 | Designing Technology-Rich Curricula | 3 |
EME 5404 | Instructional Computing II | 3 |
EME 5405 | Internet in K-12 Instruction | 3 |
EME 6066 | Issues and Trends in Educational Technology Research | 3 |
EME 6208 | Designing Integrated Media Environments I | 3 |
EME 6209 | Designing Integrated Media Environments II | 3 |
EME 6458 | Distance Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EME 6606 | Advanced Instructional Design | 3 |
EME 6609 | Instructional Design | 3 |
EME 6935 | Seminar: Distance Education Issues and Applications | 1 |
EME 6945 | Practicum in Educational Media and Instructional Design | 3-8 |
EME 7938 | Seminar in Educational Media and Instructional Design | 3 |
ESOL/Bilingual Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
FLE 6165 | Bilingual-Bicultural Education | 3 |
FLE 6167 | Cross-Cultural Communication for Teachers | 3 |
TSL 5142 | ESOL Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment | 3 |
TSL 6145 | Curriculum and Materials Development for ESOL K-12 | 3 |
TSL 6245 | Language Principles for ESOL Teachers | 3 |
TSL 6373 | Methods of Teaching ESOL K-12 | 3 |
TSL 6440 | Testing and Evaluation of ESOL | 3 |
TSL 6700 | Issues in ESOL for School Counselors and Psychologists | 3 |
Language and Literacy Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
LAE 6298 | Literacy & Language Instruction | 3 |
LAE 6339 | Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary English Language Arts | 3 |
LAE 6348 | Teaching Multiliteracies | 3 |
LAE 6407 | Early Childhood Children's Literature | 3 |
LAE 6446 | Multicultural Literature for Children and Adolescents | 3 |
LAE 6865 | Teaching Media Literacy with the Internet | 3 |
LAE 6869 | Teaching Digital Storytelling | 3 |
LAE 6939 | Literacy, Family, and Culture | 3 |
LAE 6945 | Practicum and Assessment for Teachers of Secondary School English | 3 |
LAE 6946 | Children's Literature in Educational Settings | 3 |
LAE 7934 | Seminar in Composition Theory and Practice | 3 |
LAE 7936 | Seminar in English Language Arts | 3 |
Mathematics Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
MAE 5332 | Secondary School Mathematics Methods and Assessment | 3 |
MAE 5396 | Using Formative Assessment to Improve Mathematical Learning | 3 |
MAE 5347 | Teaching K-8 Mathematics for Understanding | 3 |
MAE 5945 | Secondary School Mathematics Practicum | 3-6 |
MAE 6313 | Problem Solving in School Mathematics | 3 |
MAE 7899 | Mathematics Education Seminar | 3 |
Reading Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
RED 5337 | Reading in the Secondary School | 3 |
RED 5355 | Reading Instruction in the Elementary School | 3 |
RED 5399 | Practices in Beginning Reading Instruction | 3 |
RED 6346 | Seminar in Reading | 3-6 |
RED 6520 | Classroom Literacy Assessment and Instruction | 3 |
RED 6546C | Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6548C | Remediation of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6647 | Trends in Reading | 3 |
RED 6941 | Practicum in Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 7019 | Foundations of Literacy | 3 |
Science Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
SCE 5140 | Science Curriculum Development | 3 |
SCE 5316 | Inquiry-Based Science Teaching | 3 |
SCE 5695 | Diversity and Equity in Science Teaching | 3 |
SCE 5765 | Data-Driven Science Instruction | 3 |
SCE 6117 | Science Education in the Elementary School | 3 |
SCE 6337 | Secondary Science Methods and Assessment | 3 |
SCE 6947 | Practicum in Secondary Science Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
Secondary Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
ESE 6345 | Effective Teaching and Classroom Management | 3 |
ESE 6905 | Individual Work | 1-4 |
ESE 6939 | Special Topics | 3 |
ESE 6945 | Student Teaching in Secondary School | 3-9 |
Social Foundations of Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDF 5552 | Role of School in Democratic Society | 3 |
EDF 6520 | History of Education | 3 |
EDF 6544 | Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDF 6616 | Education and American Culture | 3 |
EDF 6812 | Comparative Education | 3 |
EDF 7934 | Seminar in Educational Foundations | 3 |
Social Studies Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
SSE 5945C | Practicum in Secondary Social Studies Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
SSE 6117 | Social Studies Education––Elementary School | 3 |
SSE 6133 | Secondary School Social Studies Methods and Assessment | 3 |
SSE 6478 | Global Studies Methods for Social Studies | 3 |
Teacher Leadership for School Improvement Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDE 6325 | Teacher Inquiry/Action Research | 3 |
EDG 6047 | Teacher Leadership for Educational Change | 3 |
EDG 6207 | Transforming the Curriculum | 3 |
EDG 6415 | Culturally Responsive Classroom Management | 3 |
EDG 6953 | TLSI Online Portfolio Preparation | 1-3 |
curriculum and instruction (PHD)
SLO 1 Knowledge
The student will master scholarly breadth of research about teaching and learning and neighboring academic fields.
SLO 2 Knowledge
The student will apply expertise of an original and significant question and issue in education.
SLO 3 Skills
The student will apply clarity of written and oral expression in the qualifying examination and the dissertation.
SLO 4 Professional Behavior
The student will address professional audiences through membership in professional organizations, research presentations, and/or scholarly publications.
curriculum and instruction (edd)
SLO 1 Knowledge
The student will explain and evaluate their conceptual and practical competence and critical stances in theory, pedagogy, and research.
SLO 2 Skills
The student will present results of research about resolving context-based problems of practice in written and oral format.
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
The student will disseminate and/or demonstrate professional knowledge in formal and informal settings about best curricular and pedagogical practices.
curriculum and instruction (eds)
SLO 1 Knowledge
The student will explain and evaluate their breadth of knowledge of content, methods, and contexts of schooling and education.
SLO 2 Skills
The student will utilize expertise developed in an area of specialization to pursue an original and significant inquiry or research question.
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
The student will demonstrate their implementation of an inquiry stance to improving teaching and on-going professional learning that can be shared with other professionals.
Curriculum & Instruction (MAE)
SLO 1 Knowledge
The student will explain and evaluate research-based knowledge of curriculum, teaching, and learning.
SLO 2 Skills
The student will apply knowledge to investigate a problem or question related to curriculum, teaching, and learning.
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
The student will present a written and an oral examination of a topic of investigation within the field of study.
Curriculum & Instruction (MEd)
SLO 1 Knowledge
The student will explain and evaluate their masterful use of research-based knowledge of general and specific subject area best practices in teaching and learning.
SLO 2 Skills
The student will use knowledge of teaching and learning to organize content for instruction, develop appropriate differentiated teaching practices, and evaluate the impact of instruction on student learning.
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
The student will collaborate with other professionals, reflect upon their own practice, and demonstrate a sense of efficacy and ethical practice.