Degrees Offered with a Major in Elementary Education
- Master of Arts in Education
- Master of Education
Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.
School of Teaching and Learning Departmental Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDE 5940 | Integrated Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDE 6266 | Teaching and Learning in Elementary Classrooms | 3 |
EDE 6325 | Teacher Inquiry/Action Research | 3 |
EDE 6905 | Individual Work | 1-5 |
EDE 6948 | Internship in Elementary Schools | 1-12 |
EDE 7047 | Issues in Teacher Education | 3 |
EDF 5552 | Role of School in Democratic Society | 3 |
EDF 6520 | History of Education | 3 |
EDF 6544 | Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDF 6616 | Education and American Culture | 3 |
EDF 6636 | Theorizing Race and Racism in Educational Research | 3 |
EDF 6639 | Anti-Black Racism in Education | 3 |
EDF 6812 | Comparative Education | 3 |
EDF 6866 | Education in Latin America | 3 |
EDF 6939 | Critical Race Theory in Educational Research | 3 |
EDF 7934 | Seminar in Educational Foundations | 3 |
EDG 5666 | Knowing and Learning in Secondary Schools | 3 |
EDG 6017 | Writing for Academic Purposes | 3 |
EDG 6047 | Teacher Leadership for Educational Change | 3 |
EDG 6207 | Transforming the Curriculum | 3 |
EDG 6226 | Foundations of Research in Curriculum & Instruction | 3 |
EDG 6228 | Qualitative Research for Practitioner Scholars | 3 |
EDG 6229 | Qualitative Research in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDG 6305 | Multiple Perspectives on Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDG 6348 | Instructional Coaching for Enhanced Student Learning | 3 |
EDG 6356 | Teaching, Learning and Assessment | 3 |
EDG 6378 | Learning Science with Technology | 3 |
EDG 6415 | Culturally Responsive Classroom Management | 3 |
EDG 6445 | Meeting the Educational Needs of Students Living in Poverty | 3 |
EDG 6648 | Research Design in Curriculum and Instruction | 3 |
EDG 6664 | Survey of Research on STEM Education | 3 |
EDG 6668 | Teaching Adults | 3 |
EDG 6805C | K-12 Computer Programming Foundations I | 3 |
EDG 6806C | K-12 Computer Programming Foundations II | 3 |
EDG 6807 | Issues and Trends in K-12 Computer Science Education | 3 |
EDG 6905 | Individual Work | 1-6 |
EDG 6910 | Supervised Research | 1-5 |
EDG 6930 | Schooling & the Marginalization of Students | 3 |
EDG 6931 | Special Topics | 1-4 |
EDG 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-5 |
EDG 6953 | TLSI Online Portfolio Preparation | 1-3 |
EDG 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
EDG 6973 | Project in Lieu of Thesis | 1-9 |
EDG 7224 | Critical Pedagogy | 3 |
EDG 7252 | Perspectives in Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education | 3 |
EDG 7303 | Teacher Learning and Socialization in High Poverty Schools | 3 |
EDG 7359 | Professional Development and Teacher Learning | 3 |
EDG 7365 | Practitioner Research: Data Collection and Analysis | 3 |
EDG 7941 | Field Experience in Curriculum and Instruction | 1-4 |
EDG 7979 | Advanced Research | 1-12 |
EDG 7980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 1-15 |
EDG 7982 | Practitioner Research: Theory & Practice | 3 |
EME 5054 | Foundations of Educational Technology | 3 |
EME 5207 | Designing Technology-Rich Curricula | 3 |
EME 5404 | Instructional Computing II | 3 |
EME 5405 | Internet in K-12 Instruction | 3 |
EME 6059 | Blended Learning Environments | 3 |
EME 6065 | Human-Computer Interaction and the Learner | 3 |
EME 6066 | Issues and Trends in Educational Technology Research | 3 |
EME 6067 | Emerging Learning Technologies | 3 |
EME 6074 | Mobile Technologies in Education | 3 |
EME 6156 | Games and Simulations for Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EME 6208 | Designing Integrated Media Environments I | 3 |
EME 6209 | Designing Integrated Media Environments II | 3 |
EME 6235 | Managing Educational Projects | 3 |
EME 6236 | Distance Education Leadership and Management | 3 |
EME 6458 | Distance Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EME 6480 | Quantitative Methods in Educational Technology Research | 3 |
EME 6606 | Advanced Instructional Design | 3 |
EME 6609 | Instructional Design | 3 |
EME 6637 | Managing and Analyzing Multimodal Educational Data | 3 |
EME 6638 | Theory, Design, and Development of Stealth Assessment for Learning | 3 |
EME 6645 | Neurotechnologies in Education | 3 |
EME 6651 | Learning Analytics Concepts and Techniques | 3 |
EME 6935 | Seminar: Distance Education Issues and Applications | 1 |
EME 6945 | Practicum in Educational Media and Instructional Design | 3-8 |
EME 7345 | Implementing Educational Technology Innovations (ETIs) | 3 |
EME 7938 | Seminar in Educational Media and Instructional Design | 3 |
ESE 5426 | Data-Driven Decision Making for Secondary Teachers | 3 |
ESE 6345 | Effective Teaching and Classroom Management | 3 |
ESE 6905 | Individual Work | 1-4 |
ESE 6939 | Special Topics | 3 |
ESE 6945 | Student Teaching in Secondary School | 2-9 |
ETE 6141 | K-12 Computer Sc Pedagogy I | 3 |
ETE 6142 | K-12 Computer Sc Pedagogy II | 3 |
FLE 6165 | Bilingual-Bicultural Education | 3 |
FLE 6167 | Cross-Cultural Communication for Teachers | 3 |
LAE 5341 | Language Arts: Teaching Nonfiction Writing | 3 |
LAE 6298 | Literacy & Language Instruction | 3 |
LAE 6339 | Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary English Language Arts | 3 |
LAE 6348 | Teaching Multiliteracies | 3 |
LAE 6407 | Early Childhood Children's Literature | 3 |
LAE 6446 | Multicultural Literature for Children and Adolescents | 3 |
LAE 6865 | Teaching Media Literacy with the Internet | 3 |
LAE 6869 | Teaching Digital Storytelling | 3 |
LAE 6939 | Literacy, Family, and Culture | 3 |
LAE 6945 | Practicum and Assessment for Teachers of Secondary School English | 3 |
LAE 6946 | Children's Literature in Educational Settings | 3 |
LAE 7934 | Seminar in Composition Theory and Practice | 3 |
LAE 7936 | Seminar in English Language Arts | 3 |
LAE 7938 | Lit, Cult and Politics | 3 |
MAE 5332 | Secondary School Mathematics Methods and Assessment | 3 |
MAE 5347 | Teaching K-8 Mathematics for Understanding | 3 |
MAE 5396 | Using Formative Assessment to Improve Mathematical Learning | 3 |
MAE 5945 | Secondary School Mathematics Practicum | 3-6 |
MAE 6313 | Problem Solving in School Mathematics | 3 |
MAE 6349 | Classroom Contexts that Support Self-Regulated Learning and Mathematical Understanding | 3 |
MAE 6916 | Inquiry in Mathematics Teaching | 3 |
MAE 7899 | Mathematics Education Seminar | 3 |
MUE 7938 | Music Education Seminar | 3 |
RED 5337 | Reading in the Secondary School | 3 |
RED 5355 | Reading Instruction in the Elementary School | 3 |
RED 5399 | Practices in Beginning Reading Instruction | 3 |
RED 6346 | Seminar in Reading | 3-6 |
RED 6448 | Diagnosing and Remediating Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6520 | Classroom Literacy Assessment and Instruction | 3 |
RED 6546C | Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6548C | Remediation of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6647 | Trends in Reading | 3 |
RED 6843 | Reading Practicum | 1 |
RED 6941 | Practicum in Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 7019 | Foundations of Literacy | 3 |
SCE 5140 | Science Curriculum Development | 3 |
SCE 5316 | Inquiry-Based Science Teaching | 3 |
SCE 5695 | Diversity and Equity in Science Teaching | 3 |
SCE 5765 | Data-Driven Science Instruction | 3 |
SCE 6117 | Science Education in the Elementary School | 3 |
SCE 6337 | Secondary Science Methods and Assessment | 3 |
SCE 6930 | Seminar in Science Education | 3 |
SCE 6947 | Practicum in Secondary Science Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
SMT 6066 | Data Wrangling and Visualization in Educational Research | 3 |
SMT 6106 | Informal STEM Practice | 3 |
SSE 5945C | Practicum in Secondary Social Studies Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
SSE 6117 | Social Studies Education––Elementary School | 3 |
SSE 6133 | Secondary School Social Studies Methods and Assessment | 3 |
SSE 6478 | Global Studies Methods for Social Studies | 3 |
TSL 5142 | ESOL Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment | 3 |
TSL 5335 | ESOL and Reading for Secondary Teachers | 3 |
TSL 6145 | Curriculum and Materials Development for ESOL K-12 | 3 |
TSL 6245 | Language Principles for ESOL Teachers | 3 |
TSL 6373 | Methods of Teaching ESOL K-12 | 3 |
TSL 6440 | Testing and Evaluation of ESOL | 3 |
TSL 6670 | Multilingualism from a Global Perspective | 3 |
TSL 6700 | Issues in ESOL for School Counselors and Psychologists | 3 |
General Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDG 6047 | Teacher Leadership for Educational Change | 3 |
EDG 6207 | Transforming the Curriculum | 3 |
EDG 6226 | Foundations of Research in Curriculum & Instruction | 3 |
EDG 6356 | Teaching, Learning and Assessment | 3 |
EDG 6905 | Individual Work | 1-6 |
EDG 6910 | Supervised Research | 1-5 |
EDG 6931 | Special Topics | 1-4 |
EDG 6940 | Supervised Teaching | 1-5 |
EDG 6971 | Research for Master's Thesis | 1-15 |
EDG 6973 | Project in Lieu of Thesis | 1-9 |
EDG 7224 | Critical Pedagogy | 3 |
EDG 7252 | Perspectives in Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education | 3 |
EDG 7303 | Teacher Learning and Socialization in High Poverty Schools | 3 |
EDG 7941 | Field Experience in Curriculum and Instruction | 1-4 |
EDG 7979 | Advanced Research | 1-12 |
EDG 7980 | Research for Doctoral Dissertation | 1-15 |
EME 6156 | Games and Simulations for Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EME 6235 | Managing Educational Projects | 3 |
EME 6236 | Distance Education Leadership and Management | 3 |
Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDE 5940 | Integrated Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EDE 6266 | Teaching and Learning in Elementary Classrooms | 3 |
EDE 6325 | Teacher Inquiry/Action Research | 3 |
EDE 6905 | Individual Work | 1-5 |
EDE 6948 | Internship in Elementary Schools | 3-12 |
EDE 7047 | Issues in Teacher Education | 3 |
EDG 6356 | Teaching, Learning and Assessment | 3 |
EDG 7224 | Critical Pedagogy | 3 |
EDG 7252 | Perspectives in Curriculum, Teaching, and Teacher Education | 3 |
EDG 7303 | Teacher Learning and Socialization in High Poverty Schools | 3 |
EDG 7982 | Practitioner Research: Theory & Practice | 3 |
Educational Technology Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EME 5054 | Foundations of Educational Technology | 3 |
EME 5207 | Designing Technology-Rich Curricula | 3 |
EME 5404 | Instructional Computing II | 3 |
EME 5405 | Internet in K-12 Instruction | 3 |
EME 6066 | Issues and Trends in Educational Technology Research | 3 |
EME 6208 | Designing Integrated Media Environments I | 3 |
EME 6209 | Designing Integrated Media Environments II | 3 |
EME 6458 | Distance Teaching and Learning | 3 |
EME 6606 | Advanced Instructional Design | 3 |
EME 6609 | Instructional Design | 3 |
EME 6935 | Seminar: Distance Education Issues and Applications | 1 |
EME 6945 | Practicum in Educational Media and Instructional Design | 3-8 |
EME 7938 | Seminar in Educational Media and Instructional Design | 3 |
ESOL/Bilingual Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
FLE 6165 | Bilingual-Bicultural Education | 3 |
FLE 6167 | Cross-Cultural Communication for Teachers | 3 |
TSL 5142 | ESOL Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment | 3 |
TSL 6145 | Curriculum and Materials Development for ESOL K-12 | 3 |
TSL 6245 | Language Principles for ESOL Teachers | 3 |
TSL 6373 | Methods of Teaching ESOL K-12 | 3 |
TSL 6440 | Testing and Evaluation of ESOL | 3 |
TSL 6700 | Issues in ESOL for School Counselors and Psychologists | 3 |
Language and Literacy Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
LAE 6298 | Literacy & Language Instruction | 3 |
LAE 6339 | Curriculum, Methods, and Assessment in Secondary English Language Arts | 3 |
LAE 6348 | Teaching Multiliteracies | 3 |
LAE 6407 | Early Childhood Children's Literature | 3 |
LAE 6446 | Multicultural Literature for Children and Adolescents | 3 |
LAE 6865 | Teaching Media Literacy with the Internet | 3 |
LAE 6869 | Teaching Digital Storytelling | 3 |
LAE 6939 | Literacy, Family, and Culture | 3 |
LAE 6945 | Practicum and Assessment for Teachers of Secondary School English | 3 |
LAE 6946 | Children's Literature in Educational Settings | 3 |
LAE 7934 | Seminar in Composition Theory and Practice | 3 |
LAE 7936 | Seminar in English Language Arts | 3 |
Mathematics Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
MAE 5332 | Secondary School Mathematics Methods and Assessment | 3 |
MAE 5396 | Using Formative Assessment to Improve Mathematical Learning | 3 |
MAE 5347 | Teaching K-8 Mathematics for Understanding | 3 |
MAE 5945 | Secondary School Mathematics Practicum | 3-6 |
MAE 6313 | Problem Solving in School Mathematics | 3 |
MAE 7899 | Mathematics Education Seminar | 3 |
Reading Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
RED 5337 | Reading in the Secondary School | 3 |
RED 5355 | Reading Instruction in the Elementary School | 3 |
RED 5399 | Practices in Beginning Reading Instruction | 3 |
RED 6346 | Seminar in Reading | 3-6 |
RED 6520 | Classroom Literacy Assessment and Instruction | 3 |
RED 6546C | Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6548C | Remediation of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 6647 | Trends in Reading | 3 |
RED 6941 | Practicum in Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Difficulties | 3 |
RED 7019 | Foundations of Literacy | 3 |
Science Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
SCE 5140 | Science Curriculum Development | 3 |
SCE 5316 | Inquiry-Based Science Teaching | 3 |
SCE 5695 | Diversity and Equity in Science Teaching | 3 |
SCE 5765 | Data-Driven Science Instruction | 3 |
SCE 6117 | Science Education in the Elementary School | 3 |
SCE 6337 | Secondary Science Methods and Assessment | 3 |
SCE 6947 | Practicum in Secondary Science Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
Secondary Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
ESE 6345 | Effective Teaching and Classroom Management | 3 |
ESE 6905 | Individual Work | 1-4 |
ESE 6939 | Special Topics | 3 |
ESE 6945 | Student Teaching in Secondary School | 3-9 |
Social Foundations of Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDF 5552 | Role of School in Democratic Society | 3 |
EDF 6520 | History of Education | 3 |
EDF 6544 | Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDF 6616 | Education and American Culture | 3 |
EDF 6812 | Comparative Education | 3 |
EDF 7934 | Seminar in Educational Foundations | 3 |
Social Studies Education Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
SSE 5945C | Practicum in Secondary Social Studies Teaching and Assessment | 3 |
SSE 6117 | Social Studies Education––Elementary School | 3 |
SSE 6133 | Secondary School Social Studies Methods and Assessment | 3 |
SSE 6478 | Global Studies Methods for Social Studies | 3 |
Teacher Leadership for School Improvement Courses
Code | Title | Credits |
EDE 6325 | Teacher Inquiry/Action Research | 3 |
EDG 6047 | Teacher Leadership for Educational Change | 3 |
EDG 6207 | Transforming the Curriculum | 3 |
EDG 6415 | Culturally Responsive Classroom Management | 3 |
EDG 6953 | TLSI Online Portfolio Preparation | 1-3 |
Elementary Education (MAE)
SLO 1 Knowledge
The student will master research-based knowledge of teaching and learning in elementary education.
SLO 2 Knowledge
The student will critique teaching practices based on knowledge of the developmental and socio-cultural context of the learner.
SLO 3 Skills
The student will investigate a problem or question within the field of elementary education.
SLO 4 Professional Behavior The student will present a written and oral presentation and defense of a topic of investigation in elementary education that demonstrates critical thinking and effective
communication skills.
Elementary Education (MEd)
SLO 1 Knowledge
The student will master research-based knowledge of best practices of teaching and learning in elementary education.
SLO 2 Skills
The student will use knowledge of teaching and learning to organize instruction, develop and apply appropriate inclusive teaching practices for elementary education, evaluate the impact of instruction on student learning, and create a positive learning environment.
SLO 3 Professional Behavior
The student will collaborate with other professionals, reflect upon and research their own practice, and demonstrate a sense of efficacy and ethical practice.