Degrees Offered with a Major in Health and Human Performance

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Clinical and Translational Science

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Applied Physiology and Kinesiology Departmental Courses

APK 5102Kinetic Anatomy3
APK 5127Assessment in Exercise Science3
APK 5133Human Pathophysiology for the Exercise Sciences3
APK 5150CClinical Anatomy for the Exercise Sciences3
APK 5166Sports Supplements3
APK 5177Strength and Conditioning for Beginning Practitioners3
APK 5404Sport Psychology3
APK 5620Genetics of Human Performance3
APK 5702Applied Sport Science3
APK 6116CPhysiological Bases of Exercise and Sport Sciences3
APK 6118Neuromuscular Adaptation to Exercise3
APK 6124Extreme Environment Physiology3
APK 6145Movement Disorders3
APK 6167Nutrition Aspects of Human Performance3
APK 6170Advanced Exercise Physiology3
APK 6176Strength and Conditioning for Advanced Practitioners3
APK 6205CNature and Bases of Motor Performance3
APK 6206Planning Motor Actions3
APK 6225Biomechanical Instrumentation3
APK 6226CBiomechanics of Human Motion3
APK 6320CCorrective Exercise3
APK 6406Exercise Psychology3
APK 6408Performance Enhancement3
APK 6611Tactical Strength & Conditioning3
APK 6704MATLAB for Biomedical Sciences3
APK 6715Grant Writing in Health & Human Performance3
APK 6900Directed Independent Study1-5
APK 6940Advanced Practicum in Exercise and Sport Science1-5
APK 7107Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology3
APK 7108Environmental Stress Exercise Physiology3
APK 7117Exercise Metabolism3
ATR 6124Clinical Anatomy for the Exercise Sciences3
ATR 6215Evidence-Based Orthopedic Exam I: Upper-Extremity3
ATR 6216Evidence-Based Orthopedic Exam II: Lower-Extremity3
ATR 6304Rehabilitation and Modalities of Athletic Injuries3
ATR 6624Athletic Training Research and Technology I3
ATR 6625Athletic Training Research and Technology II3
ATR 6934Seminar in Athletic Training3
HLP 6515Evaluation Procedures in Health and Human Performance3
HLP 6535Research Methods in Health and Human Performance3
HLP 6911Research Seminar1
HLP 6935Variable International Topics1-6
HLP 7939HHP PhD Professional Development Seminar3
HLP 7979Advanced Research in Health and Human Performance1-12
HLP 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PET 5936Special Topics/Seminars1-3
PET 6910Supervised Research1-5
PET 6947Graduate Internship in Exercise and Sport Sciences3-9
PET 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15

Health Education and Behavior Departmental Courses

HLP 6515Evaluation Procedures in Health and Human Performance3
HLP 6535Research Methods in Health and Human Performance3
HLP 6911Research Seminar1
HLP 6935Variable International Topics1-6
HLP 7939HHP PhD Professional Development Seminar3
HLP 7979Advanced Research in Health and Human Performance1-12
HLP 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
HSC 5135Emotional Health Education3
HSC 5138Human Sexuality3
HSC 5142Drug Education and Behavior3
HSC 5536CMedical Terminology for the Health Professions3
HSC 5576Nutrition Education for Special Populations3
HSC 5606Spirituality and Health3
HSC 5618Advanced Exercise Therapy, Adapted Physical Activity, & Health3
HSC 5626Minority Health Issues3
HSC 5657Health and End-of-Life Issues3
HSC 5925Seminar in Health Education1-3
HSC 5956Writing for Professional Publications3
HSC 6037Philosophy and Principles of Health Education3
HSC 6235Patient Health Education3
HSC 6318Planning Health Education Programs3
HSC 6506Epidemiology3
HSC 6567Health Promotion and Programming in Gerontology3
HSC 6571Contemporary Issues in Health Promotion3
HSC 6575Women's Health Issues3
HSC 6595HIV/AIDS Education3
HSC 6603Theories of Health Behavior and Practice in Health Education3
HSC 6605Scientific Foundations of Holistic Health3
HSC 6625Trends in International Health3
HSC 6629Health Promotion for Priority Populations3
HSC 6637Social Marketing and Health3
HSC 6646Community Health Methods in Injury Prevention & Control3
HSC 6665Health Communication3
HSC 6695Worksite Health Promotion3
HSC 6712Evaluating Health Education Programs3
HSC 6735Research Methods in Health Education3
HSC 6850Internship in Health Education1-12
HSC 6904Readings in Health Education1-3
HSC 6905Independent Study1-3
HSC 6910Supervised Research1-5
HSC 6935Current Topics in Health Education1-3
HSC 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
HSC 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
HSC 6973Project in Lieu of Thesis1-9
HSC 7904Advanced Readings in Health Education1-3
HSC 7905Advanced Independent Study in Health Education1-3
HSC 7937Advanced Seminar in Health Education1-3

sport MANAGEMENT Departmental Courses

HLP 6515Evaluation Procedures in Health and Human Performance3
HLP 6535Research Methods in Health and Human Performance3
HLP 6911Research Seminar1
HLP 6935Variable International Topics1-6
HLP 7939HHP PhD Professional Development Seminar3
HLP 7979Advanced Research in Health and Human Performance1-12
HLP 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PET 6177Athlete-Centered Coaching and Leadership3
SPM 5016Sport Sociology3
SPM 5107Sport Event Management: Principles and Applications3
SPM 5181Athlete Development3
SPM 5206Sport Ethics3
SPM 5309Sport Marketing3
SPM 5405Sport Mass Media3
SPM 5506Sport Finance3
SPM 5726Sport Business Law3
SPM 5936Current Topics in Sport Management1-3
SPM 6036Research Seminar in Sport Management3
SPM 6106Management and Planning of Sport and Physical Activity Facilities3
SPM 6158Management and Leadership in Sport3
SPM 6308Study of Sport Consumer Behaviors3
SPM 6326Sport Marketing Analytics3
SPM 6606Management of Olympic Games Functional Areas3
SPM 6610Sport Events and Community Development3
SPM 6721Advanced Sport Law3
SPM 6726Issues in Sport Law3
SPM 6727The Application of Fair Competition Laws to Sport Management3
SPM 6905Directed Independent Study1-6
SPM 6910Supervised Research1-6
SPM 6947Graduate Internship in Sport Management3-9
SPM 6948Advanced Practicum in Sport Management1-3
SPM 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
SPM 7750Theories in Sport Management3
SPM 7900Readings in Sport Management3

Health and human performance

SLO 1   Knowledge        
Discuss, explain, and defend subject matter relevant to the discipline – exercise physiology, biobehavioral science, health behavior, recreation, parks and tourism, or sport management.

SLO 2   Knowledge        
Discuss, explain, and defend traditional and current research methods in their discipline - exercise physiology, biobehavioral science, health behavior, recreation, parks and tourism, or sport management.

SLO 3   Skills     
Discuss, explain, and defend the use of appropriate research methods as determined by the discipline and faculty committee.

SLO 4   Skills     
Articulate and defend, orally and in writing, the results of their research and scholarship.

SLO 5   Professional Behavior   
Ethically conduct research that is suitable for the discipline.

Courtesy Professor

  • Williams, Mark

Affiliated Faculty

  • Ko, Yong Jae