Interim Chair: Y. J. Koe
Graduate Coordinator: K. Kaplanidou
Complete faculty listing: Follow this link.
The Master of Science in Sport Management is offered by the Department of Sport Management. This program offers thesis and non-thesis formats. The Department participates in the Ph.D. program in Health and Human Performance. Minimum requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.
The Master's program provides advanced preparation of sport management professionals for positions of leadership in planning, developing, administering, and marketing of programs in a variety of employment settings in the sports industry. Major coursework may be taken in a number of areas, such as:
- Sport Marketing
- Management and Leadership
- Sport Finance
- Sport Law
- Sport Sociology
Doctoral program: The Doctoral program in Sport Management is offered as a concentration through the College of Health and Human Performance. The doctoral program blends course work and research. The curriculum is individualized, and applicants with degrees from unrelated fields can be accepted into the program. However, their previous work will be evaluated and their programs planned according to their individual needs, interests, and career objectives.
Combination program: The Department offers a combination bachelor's/master's degree program. This program allows qualified students to earn both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree with a savings of approximately one semester. Up to 12 approved graduate credit hours can be utilized toward both degrees.
Sport Event Management Graduate Certificate: The Department offers a graduate certificate in sport event management. The sport event management graduate certificate offers a tremendous opportunity for individuals with a Bachelor's degree interested to acquire sport event management skills and gain insights into how to run large and small scale sport events. The Graduate certificate includes three courses that can be completed in three semesters (Fall, Spring, Summer). All students enrolled in the certificate program will gain knowledge in sport event management principles and applications, the management of mega events such as the Olympic Games and also how to manage the impacts of these sport events for their community.
MS/MSM Concurrent Degree Program: This joint degree program is offered through the College of Business Administration (Master of Science in Business Management [MSM]) and the College of Health and Human Performance's, Department of Sport Management (Master of Science in Sport Management [MS]). Applicants must apply to both programs and be admitted to both to participate. The MS/MSM is a non-thesis degree. The MS/MSM is designed for students who seek a graduate business degree and who lack the work experience necessary for admission to the MBA program. The MS/MSM curriculum is similar to the first year of the MBA program, giving students a good foundation in business principles. Concurrent degree students can share up to 9 credit hours of the same coursework towards both degree programs. They do not have to graduate during the same semester. Students admitted into the concurrent program must work closely with both departments to verify all requirements are being met during their course of study.
M.S./J.D. joint program: This 98-credit-hour joint degree program culminates in the Master of Science and the Juris Doctor degrees. Applicants must meet the entrance requirements for the Department of Sport Management and the College of Law. Admission to the second degree program is required no later than the end of the fourth consecutive semester after beginning one of the degree programs. The student's supervisory committee comprises faculty members from both the Department of Sport Management and the College of Law. Students admitted into the joint program are permitted to share up to 12 credit hours of the same coursework towards both degree programs. Students must graduate during the same semester from both programs.