Degrees Offered with a Major in Anthropology

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Clinical and Translational Science
    • concentration in Historic Preservation
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
    • concentration in Women's/Gender Studies
  • Master of Arts
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Historic Preservation
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
  • Master of Arts in Teaching
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Anthropology Departmental Courses

ANG 5012Fantastic Anthropology and Fringe Science3
ANG 5126Zooarcheology3
ANG 5164The Inca and Their Ancestors3
ANG 5172Historical Archeology3
ANG 5184Principles of Archaeology3
ANG 5265Methods in Ethnoecology3
ANG 5266Economic Anthropology3
ANG 5303Women and Development3
ANG 5336The Peoples of Brazil3
ANG 5354Anthropology of Modern Africa3
ANG 5393Media Anthropology3
ANG 5395Visual Anthropology3
ANG 5420Social Network Analysis in Cultural Anthropology3
ANG 5464Culture and Aging3
ANG 5485Research Design in Anthropology3
ANG 5488Geospatial Analysis in Cultural Anthropology3
ANG 5494Text Analysis3
ANG 5525Human Osteology and Osteometry3
ANG 5531Culture and Nutrition3
ANG 5536Bioarchaeology3
ANG 5595Proseminar in Biological and Archaeological Anthropology3
ANG 5620Language and Culture3
ANG 5621Proseminar in Cultural and Linguistic Anthropology3
ANG 5702Anthropology and Development3
ANG 5802Methods for the Observation of Behavior3
ANG 5824LField Sessions in Archeology6
ANG 5931Special Topics1-6
ANG 6034Seminar in Anthropological History and Theory3
ANG 6070Digital Methods in Archaeology3
ANG 6086Historical Ecology3
ANG 6110Archaeological Theory3
ANG 6113Ideology and Symbolic Approaches in Archaeology3
ANG 6120CEnvironmental Archaeology3
ANG 6122CArchaeological Ceramics3
ANG 6128Lithic Technology3
ANG 6146Archaeology of Maritime Adaptations3
ANG 6155Southeastern U.S. Prehistory3
ANG 6161Problems in Caribbean Prehistory3
ANG 6165Problems in South American Archaeology3
ANG 6183Laboratory Training in Archeology3
ANG 6185Ethnoarchaeology3
ANG 6186Seminar in Archeology3
ANG 6187Experimental Archaeology3
ANG 6191Archaeology of Death3
ANG 6192Archaeological Data Analysis and Visualization3
ANG 6241Special Topics in Ecology of Religion3
ANG 6267Anthropology, Geographic Information System, and Human Ecosystems3
ANG 6273Legal Anthropology3
ANG 6274Principles of Political Anthropology3
ANG 6286Seminar in Contemporary Theory3
ANG 6304Seminar in Gender and International Development3
ANG 6314Peoples of the Arctic3
ANG 6366Family, Gender, and Population in China3
ANG 6391Ethnographic Writing3
ANG 6394Hospital Ethnography: Theory, Method, and Ethics3
ANG 6407Sickness and Power3
ANG 6408Enviro/Cultre/Disease3
ANG 6421Landscape, Place, Dwelling3
ANG 6427The Social Lives of Things3
ANG 6452Race and Racism in Anthropological Theory3
ANG 6453Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
ANG 6481Research Methods in Cognitive Anthropology3
ANG 6514Human Origins3
ANG 6524Skeletal Mechanics in Biological Anthropology3
ANG 6532Molecular Genetics of Disease3
ANG 6555Issues in Evolutionary Anthropology3
ANG 6583Primate Functional Morphology3
ANG 6591LAdvanced Molecular Anthropology Laboratory1-3
ANG 6592Genetic Perspectives on Human Diversity3
ANG 6701Seminar on Applied Anthropology3
ANG 6734Anthropology of Pregnancy, Birth, & Child Dev3
ANG 6737Medical Anthropology3
ANG 6740Advanced Techniques in Forensic Anthropology3
ANG 6780Foundations for a Career in Anthropology3
ANG 6801Ethnographic Field Methods3
ANG 6804Ethnographic Writing3
ANG 6853Applying GIS in Archaeological Research3
ANG 6905Individual Work1-3
ANG 6910Supervised Research1-5
ANG 6915Research Projects in Social, Cultural, and Applied Anthropology1-3
ANG 6930Special Topics in Anthropology1-3
ANG 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
ANG 6945Internship in Anthropology1-8
ANG 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
ANG 7979Advanced Research1-12
ANG 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Anthropology (PHD)

SLO 1     Foundational Knowledge             
Identify, define and describe the foundational concepts of the discipline of Anthropology and its subfields.

SLO 2     Professionalization         
Prepare and deliver conference-level presentations.

SLO 3     Methodology   
Students apply appropriate research methods and skills in the discipline to formulate a cogent research problem for the Ph.D. thesis.

Anthropology (MA)

SLO 1     Foundational Knowledge             
Identify, define and describe the foundational concepts of the discipline of Anthropology and its subfields.

SLO 2     Skills     
Identify, describe and explain research methods in the discipline, and apply those skills to formulate a cogent research problem for the M.A. paper or thesis.

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Conduct research and report findings in a written publication-qualify paper.