Degrees Offered with a Major in Latin

  • Master of Arts
  • Master of Latin

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Classics Departmental Courses

CLA 6125Augustan Age3
CLA 6795Greek and Roman Archeology3
CLA 6805The Classical Research Tradition3
CLA 6895Athenian Law and Society3
CLA 6905Individual Work2-4
CLA 6930Greece and the Near East3
CLA 6932Topics in Classical Civilization3

greek courses

GRE 6425Greek Prose Composition3
GRE 6755Epigraphy3
GRK 6905Individual Work in Modern Greek3-5
GRW 6105The Greek Tradition3
GRW 6216Greek Novel3
GRW 6316Greek Tragedy3
GRW 6317Ancient Greek Comedy3
GRW 6345Greek Lyric Poetry3
GRW 6346Pindar3
GRW 6347Homer3
GRW 6386Greek Historians3
GRW 6506Plato3
GRW 6705Attic Orators3
GRW 6905Individual Work2-4
GRW 6930Special Topics in Greek Literature3
GRW 6931Comparative Study of Greek and Latin Literature3
GRW 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
GRW 7979Advanced Research1-15
GRW 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Latin Courses

LAT 6425Latin Prose Composition3
LNW 5325Roman Elegiac Poetry3
LNW 5655Roman Poets: Horace3
LNW 5665Roman Poets: Vergil3
LNW 5675Roman Poets: Ovid3
LNW 6105The Roman Tradition3
LNW 6225The Ancient Roman Novel3
LNW 6315Plautus and Terence3
LNW 6335Roman Oratory and Rhetoric3
LNW 6365Studies in Roman Satire3
LNW 6385Roman Historians3
LNW 6495Late Latin Literature3
LNW 6905Individual Work1-4
LNW 6933Special Topics in Latin Literature3
LNW 6935Proseminar in Classics3
LNW 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
LNW 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
LNW 7979Advanced Research1-12
LNW 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15