Degrees Offered with a Major in Computer Science

  • Master of Science

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Computer and Information Science and Engineering Departmental Courses

CAI 5026AI Ethics and Alignment in Health3
CAI 5720Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine I3
CAI 5721Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine II3
CAI 5724AI in Health Design Studio I1
CAI 5730AI in Medical Image Analysis3
CAI 6108Machine Learning Engineering3
CAI 6307Natural Language Processing3
CAI 6725AI in Health Design Studio II3
CAI 6826Project in Artificial Intelligence Systems3
CAP 5100Human-Computer Interaction3
CAP 5108Research Methods for Human-Centered Computing3
CAP 5404Deep Learning for Computer Graphics3
CAP 5416Computer Vision3
CAP 5510Bioinformatics3
CAP 5705Computer Graphics3
CAP 5771Introduction to Data Science3
CAP 5841Modeling and Computing with Geometry3
CAP 6137Malware Reverse Engineering3
CAP 6516Medical Image Analysis3
CAP 6610Machine Learning3
CAP 6615Neural Networks for Computing3
CAP 6617Advanced Machine Learning3
CAP 6701Advanced Computer Graphics3
CAP 6769Advanced Topics in Data Science3
CAP 6779Projects in Data Science3
CDA 5155Computer Architecture Principles3
CDA 5636Embedded Systems3
CDA 6325CCyber-physical System Security3
CEN 5035Software Engineering3
CEN 5726Natural User Interaction3
CEN 5728User Experience Design3
CEN 5735Human-Centered Input Recognition Algorithms3
CEN 6070Software Testing and Verification3
CEN 6075Software Specification3
CIS 5209Penetration Testing -- Ethical Hacking3
CIS 5370Computer and Information Security3
CIS 5371Introduction to Cryptology3
CIS 6261Trustworthy Machine Learning3
CIS 6307Internet Data Streaming3
CIS 6905Individual Study1-3
CIS 6910Supervised Research1-5
CIS 6930Special Topics in CIS3
CIS 6935Graduate Seminar1-12
CIS 6940Supervised Teaching3
CIS 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
CIS 7979Advanced Research1-12
CIS 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
CNT 5106CComputer Networks3
CNT 5410Computer and Network Security3
CNT 5517Mobile Computing3
CNT 6107Advanced Computer Networks3
CNT 6530Mobile Networking3
CNT 6885Distributed Multimedia Systems3
COP 5536Advanced Data Structures3
COP 5556Programming Language Principles3
COP 5615Distributed Operating System Principles3
COP 5618Concurrent Programming3
COP 5725Database Management Systems3
COP 6726Database System Implementation3
COT 5405Analysis of Algorithms3
COT 5442Approximation Algorithms3
COT 5520Computational Geometry3
COT 5615Mathematics for Intelligent Systems3
COT 6315Formal Languages and Computation Theory3
EGN 5949Practicum/Internship/Cooperative Work Experience1-6
EGN 6913Engineering Graduate Research0-3
IDC 5715Virtual Reality for the Social Good3

Computer Science - Liberal Arts (MS)

SLO 1     Knowledge       
Students identify, formulate, and solve computer science problems

SLO 2     Knowledge       
Students can critically read computer science literature

SLO 3     Skills    
Students use the techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computer science practice at an advanced level.

SLO 4     Professional Behavior  
Professional experience: an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility

SLO 5     Professional Behavior  
Professional experience: Students can communicate effectively