Degrees Offered with a Major in Geography

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
      • optional second concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
  • Master of Arts
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Applications of Geographic Technologies
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
  • Master of Science
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Applications of Geographic Technologies
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Geographic Information Systems
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Hydrologic Sciences
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science
    • concentration in Wetland Sciences
      • optional second concentration in Climate Science

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Geography Courses

GEA 6419Seminar: South America3
GEA 6466Seminar on Geography of Amazonia3
GEO 5305Environmental Biogeography3
GEO 5920Geography Colloquium1
GEO 6118Contemporary Geographic Thought and Research3
GEO 6119Proposal Writing in Geography3
GEO 6160Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Geographers3
GEO 6161Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Geographers3
GEO 6166Advanced Quantitative Methods for Spatial Analysis3
GEO 6255Climatology3
GEO 6282Fluvial Morphology3
GEO 6348Floods Seminar3
GEO 6375Land Change Science Seminar3
GEO 6451Medical Geography3
GEO 6455Advanced Study Design in Medical Geography3
GEO 6905Individual Work1-5
GEO 6921How to Survive and Thrive in Academia1
GEO 6931Seminar in Cultural and Political Ecology3
GEO 6938Selected Topics in Geography1-5
GEO 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
GEO 7979Advanced Research1-12
GEO 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
GEY 6341Shelter and Care Options for U.S. Elderly3
GIS 5008CMaps and Graphs4
GIS 5028CAdvanced Aerial Photo Interpretation3
GIS 5038CRemote Sensing4
GIS 5107CGeographic Information Systems in Research4
GIS 6104Spatial Networks3
GIS 6117Appplied Geostats3
GIS 6425CGIS Models for Public Health3
MET 5504Weather and Forecasting3
MET 6530Hurricanes3
MET 6565Seminar in Atmospheric Teleconnections3
MET 6752Spatial Analysis of Atmospheric Data using GIS3

Geography Departmental Courses

GEA 6419Seminar: South America3
GEA 6466Seminar on Geography of Amazonia3
GEO 5305Environmental Biogeography3
GEO 5349Weather, Climate, and Society3
GEO 5920Geography Colloquium1
GEO 6118Contemporary Geographic Thought and Research3
GEO 6119Proposal Writing in Geography3
GEO 6160Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Geographers3
GEO 6161Intermediate Quantitative Methods for Geographers3
GEO 6166Advanced Quantitative Methods for Spatial Analysis3
GEO 6168Spatial Econometrics and Modeling3
GEO 6255Climatology3
GEO 6282Fluvial Morphology3
GEO 6335Managing for a Changing Climate3
GEO 6346Climate Change and Health3
GEO 6348Floods Seminar3
GEO 6375Land Change Science Seminar3
GEO 6408Parks and People3
GEO 6451Medical Geography3
GEO 6455Advanced Study Design in Medical Geography3
GEO 6706Transportation and Urban Accessibility3
GEO 6905Individual Work1-5
GEO 6921How to Survive and Thrive in Academia1
GEO 6931Seminar in Cultural and Political Ecology3
GEO 6938Selected Topics in Geography1-5
GEO 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
GEO 7979Advanced Research1-12
GEO 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
GEY 6341Shelter and Care Options for U.S. Elderly3
GIS 5008CMaps and Graphs4
GIS 5028CAdvanced Aerial Photo Interpretation3
GIS 5038CRemote Sensing4
GIS 5107CGeographic Information Systems in Research4
GIS 5505Population GIS3
GIS 6104Spatial Networks3
GIS 6106CGeoAI - Geographic Artificial Intelligence3
GIS 6117Appplied Geostats3
GIS 6125CGeocomputation using R Programming3
GIS 6325GIS Analysis of Hazard Vulnerability3
GIS 6425CGIS Models for Public Health3
GIS 6456CApplications in GIS for Zoonoses and Disease Ecology3
MET 5504Weather and Forecasting3
MET 6530Hurricanes3
MET 6565Seminar in Atmospheric Teleconnections3
MET 6752Spatial Analysis of Atmospheric Data using GIS3

Geography (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Students will describe, identify, and discuss both orally and in writing the subject matter related to their discipline.

SLO 2     Skills     
Students will identify, examine and explain the emerging science in their discipline.

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Students will exhibit professional behavior and ethical practice during the conduct of their research

Geography (MA)            

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Students will describe, identify, and discuss both orally and in writing the subject matter related to their discipline

SLO 2     Skills     
Students will identify, examine and explain the emerging science in their discipline

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Students will exhibit professional behavior and ethical practice during the conduct of their research

Geography (MS)              

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Students will describe, identify, and discuss both orally and in writing the subject matter related to their discipline

SLO 2     Skills     
Students will identify, examine and explain the emerging science in their discipline

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Students will exhibit professional behavior and ethical practice during the conduct of their research