Degrees Offered with a Major in Philosophy

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration​
    • concentration in Ethics of Technology
  • Master of Arts

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Philosophy Courses

PHH 5405Modern Philosophy I3
PHH 5406Modern Philosophy II3
PHH 5605Studies in Continental Philosophy3
PHH 6105Seminar in Ancient Philosophy3
PHH 6425Seminar in Modern Philosophy3
PHI 5135Graduate Logic3
PHI 5225Philosophy of Language3
PHI 5325Philosophy of Mind3
PHI 5365Epistemology3
PHI 5405Philosophy of Science3
PHI 5425Philosophy of Social Science3
PHI 5505Metaphysics3
PHI 5665Ethical Theory3
PHI 5905Individual Work1-6
PHI 5934Topics in Philosophy3
PHI 5935Proseminar3
PHI 6105Seminar in Logic3
PHI 6226Seminar in Philosophy of Language3
PHI 6306Seminar in Epistemology3
PHI 6326Seminar in Philosophy of Mind3
PHI 6406Seminar in Philosophy of Science3
PHI 6506Seminar in Metaphysics3
PHI 6667Seminar in Ethics3
PHI 6905Individual Work1-9
PHI 6910Supervised Research1-5
PHI 6934Special Topics1-4
PHI 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
PHI 7979Advanced Research1-6
PHI 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PHP 5005Ancient Philosophy I3
PHP 5015Ancient Philosophy II3
PHP 5785Foundations of Analytic Philosophy3
PHP 6415Seminar in Kant3
PHP 6795Seminar in Analytic Philosophy3
PHP 6930Seminar in School or Thinker3

Philosophy Departmental Courses

PHH 5405Modern Philosophy I3
PHH 5406Modern Philosophy II3
PHH 5605Studies in Continental Philosophy3
PHH 6105Seminar in Ancient Philosophy3
PHH 6425Seminar in Modern Philosophy3
PHI 5135Graduate Logic3
PHI 5225Philosophy of Language3
PHI 5325Philosophy of Mind3
PHI 5365Epistemology3
PHI 5405Philosophy of Science3
PHI 5425Philosophy of Social Science3
PHI 5505Metaphysics3
PHI 5665Ethical Theory3
PHI 5696Ethics and Emerging Technology3
PHI 5905Individual Work1-6
PHI 5934Topics in Philosophy3
PHI 5935Proseminar3
PHI 6105Seminar in Logic3
PHI 6226Seminar in Philosophy of Language3
PHI 6306Seminar in Epistemology3
PHI 6326Seminar in Philosophy of Mind3
PHI 6406Seminar in Philosophy of Science3
PHI 6506Seminar in Metaphysics3
PHI 6639Topics in Ethics of Technology3
PHI 6667Seminar in Ethics3
PHI 6698Bioethics and Biotechnology3
PHI 6699Ethics, AI, and Data3
PHI 6905Individual Work1-9
PHI 6910Supervised Research1-5
PHI 6934Special Topics1-4
PHI 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
PHI 7979Advanced Research1-6
PHI 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
PHP 5005Ancient Philosophy I3
PHP 5015Ancient Philosophy II3
PHP 5785Foundations of Analytic Philosophy3
PHP 6415Seminar in Kant3
PHP 6795Seminar in Analytic Philosophy3
PHP 6930Seminar in School or Thinker3

Philosophy (PHD)

SLO 1     Specialist Knowledge     
Acquire specialist knowledge of one or more recognized major subfields in philosophy, understood to include the following areas, divided into the three broad categories of history, theoretical philosophy, and matters of value: history (ancient, medieval, modern, 19th century, 20th century); theoretical (metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language); value (normative ethics, meta-ethics, aesthetics, political)

SLO 2     Original Advanced Research        
Pursue an original and sustained line of philosophical research that results in a contribution to the body of philosophical knowledge

SLO 3     Professional Presentation           
Produce original research and prepare it in a way that makes it adequate for presentation at a professional conference

SLO 4     Professional-level Course Design and Teaching    
Design, teach, and manage an undergraduate course in philosophy entirely on one's own

Participate in such professional activities as (i) publishing in a professional journal; (ii) presenting work at a conference; (iii) commenting on someone else's work at a conference; (iv) refereeing submissions for a professional conference; (v) helping with the organization of a conference, including referee work, invitations for speakers, and the like.


Philosophy (MA)

SLO 1     Core Competence           
Identify, describe and explain key aspects of ancient Greek philosophy, the modern era (1600-1900), and core areas of contemporary philosophy

SLO 2     Formal Logic       
Employ and understand the tools of contemporary formal logic, including first-order predicate calculus and a substantial portion of meta-logical theory

SLO 3     Research Skills  
Read and comprehend contemporary philosophical work, present such work to others, analyze and critically evaluate the arguments therein, and formulate one's own position clearly and defend it in the context of philosophical discussion

SLO 4     Teaching Skills   
Present philosophical material in a lucid and concise fashion to audiences of varying backgrounds, lead discussions of philosophical material in a way that encourages clear and original thinking about the issues, and assess undergraduate work in philosophy classes, including grading written work for clarity of expression, comprehension of material, and cogency of argument