Degrees Offered with a Major in Religion

  • Doctor of Philosophy
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
    • concentration in Women's/Gender Studies
  • Master of Arts
    • without a concentration
    • concentration in Jewish Studies
    • concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development
    • concentration in Women's/Gender Studies

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Religion Departmental Courses

REL 6038Religion and Fieldwork3
REL 6347American Buddhism3
RLG 5143Religion and Social Change3
RLG 5195Topics in Religion and Society3
RLG 5199Religion and Nature in North America3
RLG 5297Topics in Biblical Studies3
RLG 5338Topics in Asian Religions3
RLG 5361Global Islam3
RLG 5365Studies in Islam3
RLG 5396Religion and Animals3
RLG 5495Topics in Religious Thought3
RLG 5695Ethics after the Holocaust3
RLG 5696Topics in Jewish Thought3
RLG 5906Individual Work1-5
RLG 5937Topics in Religious Studies3
RLG 6035Method and Theory I3
RLG 6036Method and Theory II3
RLG 6038Religion and Fieldwork3
RLG 6095Utopias and Dystopias3
RLG 6107Core Seminar in Religion and Nature3
RLG 6126Religion in the Americas3
RLG 6137Religion in North America3
RLG 6167Radical Environmentalism3
RLG 6183Religion and Environmental Ethics3
RLG 6185Religion, Nature, and Society3
RLG 6319Interpreting Asian Religions3
RLG 6385Native Religions in the Americas3
RLG 6387Religions in Latin America3
RLG 6709Islam in Africa3
RLG 6910Supervised Research1-5
RLG 6936Seminar Relig Studies3
RLG 6940Supervised Teaching1-5
RLG 6957Overseas Studies in Religion1-3
RLG 6971Research for Master's Thesis1-15
RLG 7979Advanced Research1-15
RLG 7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
SRK 6905Individual Study in Sanskrit1-4

religion (PHD)

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Students will identify, define, and describe classical and contemporary methods and theories in the study of religion and the sub-fields of religions of Asia, religions of the Americas, and religion and nature.

SLO 2     Knowledge        
Students will translate one research language other than English as approved by their dissertation committees

SLO 3     Skills     
Students will articulate orally and in writing the results, significance, and applications of their scholarship and research

SLO 4     Skills     
Students will teach in their particular sub-fields, as well as in the broad field of comparative religions

SLO 5     Professional Behavior   
Students will produce original research and scholarship that meet the professional standards of the field

Religion (MA)   

SLO 1     Knowledge        
Students will identify, define, and describe classical and contemporary methods and theories in the study of religion and
the sub-fields of religions of Asia, religions of the Americas, and religion and nature

SLO 2     Skills     
Students will teach in their particular sub-fields, as well as in the broad field of comparative religions

SLO 3     Professional Behavior   
Students will produce research and scholarship that meet the professional standards of the field