BME 6221 Biomolecular Cell Mechanics 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Biomolecular basis of cell mechanics and cell motility, emphasizing quantitative models and systems-biology approaches.
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BME 6322 Dynamics of Cellular Processes 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Develops research skills, including generation of questions, hypotheses testing, reporting, interpretation, and discussion of findings.
Prerequisite: a course on kinetics and/or transport, or consent of instructor.
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BME 6644 Pharmacokinetics 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Basic pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic concepts and models. Use of these concepts in the drug discovery process.
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CHM 5275 The Organic Chemistry of Polymers 2 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Classification of polymerization types and mechanisms from a mechanistic organic point of view. The structure of synthetic and natural polymers and polyelectrolytes. Reaction of polymers. Practical synthetic methods of polymer preparation.
Prerequisite: CHM 2200, 2210, or equivalent.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing CHM 5275
CHM 5511 Physical Chemistry of Polymers 2 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Structure, configuration, conformation, and thermodynamics of polymer solutions, gels, and solids. Thermal, mechanical, optical, and rheological properties of plastics and rubbers.
Prerequisite: CHM 4411 or equivalent.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing CHM 5511
ECH 5938 Topics in Colloid Science 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Colloids and interfacial phenomena, colloid interaction forces, electrokinetic phenomena, transport phenomena influenced by colloidal forces, and electrokinetic phenomena. Examples and applications.
Prerequisite: PHY 2049 and 2056L, CHM 2046 and 2046L, MAC 2312 or equivalent.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 5938
ECH 6052 Research Methods in Chemical Engineering 1 Credit
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Methods, mechanics, and best practices of the research process in the discipline of Chemical Engineering. Through guided modules and open discussion with accomplished researchers, students learn how to evaluate published research papers, plan independent research studies, keep a record of experimental data, and how to disseminate key results through oral presentations and written publications.
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ECH 6126 Thermodynamics of Reaction and Phase Equilibria 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Methods of treating chemical and phase equilibria in multi-component systems through application of thermodynamics and molecular theory.
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ECH 6225 Electron Transport Phenomena in Semiconductors 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Application of fundamental chemical engineering concepts of transport phenomena (e.g., fluid, heat, and mass) to the principles of electron transport in solid-state semiconductors. Special emphasis will be placed in relating electronic transport to fundamental chemical and material properties.
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ECH 6270 Continuum Basis of Chemical Engineering 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Integrated introduction to transport processes in continuous media with emphasis on fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer.
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ECH 6272 Molecular Thermodynamics of Chemical Engineering 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Statistical mechanics and microscopic explanation of macroscopic laws of classical thermodynamics, transport phenomena, and chemical kinetics. Statistical mechanical theories that connect molecular structure to macroscopic properties.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6272
ECH 6275 Nanoscale Transport 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
This course focuses on concepts and approaches used to analyze, describe, and quantify mass transport on small length scales when the relevant transport rates can be a function of the displacement length scale. Students learn how to approach such nanoscale transport problems using random walk and other formalisms. Several case studies including diffusion in cell membranes, nanoporous membranes, and catalysts will be considered in detail.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6275
ECH 6285 Transport Phenomena 3 Credits, Max 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Integrated introduction to transport processes in continuous media with emphasis on fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer.
Prerequisite: Admission to the ChE graduate program or by consent of instructor, dependent upon prior background in undergraduate fluid mechanics and heat and mass transfer, at a level required to obtain an undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6285
ECH 6326 Computer Control of Processes 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Introduction to digital computers, sampled data systems and Z-transforms, control of multiple input-multiple output systems, optimal control, state estimation and filtering, and self-tuning regulators.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6326
ECH 6506 Chemical Engineering Kinetics 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Fundamental aspects of chemical reactors, including collision theory, transition rate theory, unimolecular rate theory, homogeneous gas and liquid phase kinetics, and heterogeneous kinetics.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6506
ECH 6526 Reactor Design and Optimization 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Fundamentals of heterogeneous reactor design including the characterization of catalytic reactions and support, the development of global rate of the intrinsic reaction affected by chemical and physical deactivation of catalyst, intraphase and interphase mass and heat transfer, and the design and optimization of various types of heterogeneous reactors.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6526
ECH 6537 Molecular Understanding of Catalysis 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Catalysts are key to the development of renewable energy, fuel, and chemicals, as well as in cleaning pollutants from waste streams. This course teaches topics relevant to modern catalysis, with an emphasis on heterogeneous catalysis, including techniques of catalyst synthesis, characterization, and kinetic testing. Students are introduced to computational tools that assist in understanding catalysis at the molecular level. Case studies of catalyzed reactions are presented.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6537
ECH 6538 Surface Science 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
The principles of adsorption and reactions on the surfaces of metals, semiconductors and insulators are covered. Surface structure, the nature of molecule binding on surfaces, surface electronic structure, adsorption isotherms, adsorbate phase behavior, and the kinetics and mechanisms of adsorption and surface reactions will be discussed. The course provides particular emphasis on developing quantitative descriptions of adsorption and surface reaction rates.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6538
ECH 6709 Electrochemical Engineering Fundamentals and Design 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Fundamentals of electrodics and ionics applied to systems of interest in electrochemical engineering.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6709
ECH 6716 Managing Safety in the Chemical Industry 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Safety is an important aspect of chemical engineering. The present course covers the importance of chemical properties, including transport properties, fluid dynamics, turbulence, thermodynamics, and kinetics, in safety analysis. Applied mathematics and computational methods are employed for the assessment of safety in separation processes, reactor design, particulate systems, biochemical and electrochemical systems.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6716
ECH 6726 Interfacial Phenomena I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Introduction to the forces responsible for unique physical properties at interfaces, including wetting phenomena, the adsorption of polymers and surface-active molecules at interfaces, and the structure of these solutions.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6726
ECH 6727 Interfacial Phenomena II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Discussion on the forces responsible for unique physical properties at solid-liquid interfaces and their application in various engineering problems. Topics include the role and application of colloids, spreading of liquids on surfaces, lubrication, flotation, and nanomaterial synthesis.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6727
ECH 6728 Material Self-Assembly Over All Length Scales 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Students are introduced to interdisciplinary nanoscience and nanotechnology. This course shows how nano-and micrometer-scale building blocks with a variety of shapes, compositions and surface functionalities can be assembled spontaneously into unprecedented and functional nanostructures. Examples of self-assembly systems discussed in this course include self-assembled monolayers, layer-by-layer self-assembly, microsphere self-assembly, and block copolymer self-assembly.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6728
ECH 6828 Polymer Science & Engineering for Chemical Engineers 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
An overview of polymer science and engineering for chemical engineers. Special emphasis will be placed on polymer research in chemical engineering derives its engineering relevance from answering fundamental questions underlying polymerization, polymer phase separation, and processing technology.
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ECH 6829 Polymer Processing 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Polymer Processing
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ECH 6836 Semiconductor Device Fabrication Principles for Chemical Engineers 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Provides students with knowledge in semiconductor material characterization, device fabrication techniques, and the role that chemical engineers have in these processes. The semiconductor industry relies on several processing steps that are reliant on transport phenomena, kinetics, and the handling of dangerous chemicals. As chemical engineers have a great grasp on these concepts, many chemical engineers are employed at both semiconductor fabrication facilities and equipment manufacturers.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6836
ECH 6837 Complex Fluids 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Chemical engineers frequently design, process, and test specialty fluids having a wide range of non-Newtonian properties. This course is an elective that prepares students to address these from a fundamental physics-based perspective while focusing on microhydrodynamics.
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ECH 6843 Design and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Experiments 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Statistical design of experiments and treatment of data, including regression analysis, interpolation, and integration.
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ECH 6845 Chemical Process Data Science 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Applications of fundamental data science visualization methods and algorithms, with a strong emphasis on examples from integrated chemical processes and computational materials design and discovery.
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ECH 6847 Advanced Mathematics for Chemical Engineering 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Methods of linear systems, chemical engineering applications in finite and infinite dimensional spaces, concepts of stability, application to transport phenomena.
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ECH 6851 Impedance Spectroscopy 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Intended for chemists, physicists, materials scientists, and engineers with an interest in applying electrochemical impedance techniques to study a broad variety of electrochemical processes.
Prerequisite: familiarity with applications of differential equations.
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ECH 6905 Individual Work 1-6 Credits, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Independent study to gain knowledge of a topic not offered in other coursework that is guided by an instructor. Not intended for students actively participating in efforts contributing to work of a specific research group.
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ECH 6910 Supervised Research 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Supervised Research
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ECH 6926 Graduate Seminar 1 Credit, Max 10 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Graduate Seminar
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ECH 6937 Topics in Chemical Engineering I 1-4 Credits, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Covers advanced and contemporary topics in chemical engineering.
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ECH 6939 Topics in Chemical Engineering III 1-4 Credits, Max 9 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Topics in Chemical Engineering III
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ECH 6940 Supervised Teaching 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Supervised Teaching
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ECH 6971 Research for Master's Thesis 1-15 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Research for Master's Thesis
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 6971
ECH 7938 Advanced Special Chemical Engineering Topics for Doctoral Candidates 1-4 Credits, Max 8 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Advanced Special Chemical Engineering Topics for Doctoral Candidates
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ECH 7979 Advanced Research 1-12 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.
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ECH 7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Research for Doctoral Dissertation
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ECH 7980
EGN 5949 Practicum/Internship/Cooperative Work Experience 1-6 Credits, Max 6 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Practical cooperative engineering work under approved industrial and faculty supervision.
Prerequisite: graduate student.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing EGN 5949
EGN 6640 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Introduction to entrepreneurship, idea generating and feasibility analysis, and business planning. Lectures, case studies, student-led discussions, team business plans, and investor presentations.
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EGN 6913 Engineering Graduate Research 0-3 Credits, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Course will provide the student with supervised research in a laboratory setting.