CCE 5035 Construction Planning and Scheduling 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Planning, scheduling, organizing, and control of civil engineering projects with CPM and PERT. Application of optimization techniques.

Prerequisite: Knowledge or experience with theory and practice of construction operations, equipment utilization and construction methods, and analysis of costs.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CCE 5035

CCE 6016 Advanced Engineering Cost Estimating 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

The application of scientific principles and techniques to the problem of cost estimation, cost control and profitability of infrastructure renewal projects, in support of engineering planning, design and construction practice.

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CCE 6016

CCE 6037 Civil Engineering Operations I 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Advanced construction engineering and management procedures at the project level to support quantitative decision making.

Prerequisite: graduate status.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CCE 6037

CCE 6515C Engineering and Construction Analytics using BIM 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Provides an exploration of model-based engineering and construction analytics using Building Information Modeling (BIM) to understand structural properties, constructability, and maintainability of structures. Topics include model-based designs; finite element analysis based on BIM; mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) models; constructability and maintainability assessment; model-informed construction time and cost analysis, and reality capture for infrastructure assessment.

Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

CEG 5105 Geotechnical Engineer 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Shallow foundations, bearing capacity, settlements, deep foundations, pile testing, earth pressures, excavations, retaining structures, dewatering.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CEG 5105

CEG 5114 Advanced Geotechnical Aspects of Landfill Design 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Settlement analysis, slope stability, liner design, and LCRS design.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation, slope stability, retaining walls and seepage.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CEG 5114

CEG 5115 Foundation Design 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Investigations, bearing capacity, and the analysis and design of shallow footings, walls, and deep pile foundations.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation, slope stability, retaining walls and seepage.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CEG 5115

CEG 5205C Insitu Measurement of Soil Properties 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Methods of soil exploration; techniques of soil sampling and insitu testing; field performance of insitu testing.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation, slope stability, retaining walls and seepage.

CEG 5805 Ground Modification Design 2 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Introduction to design of ground modification techniques for improvement of marginal construction sites.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation, slope stability, retaining walls and seepage.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CEG 5805

CEG 6015 Advanced Soil Mechanics 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Nature and origin of soil. Stresses within a soil body. Stress-strain behavior and shear strength of dry, saturated no flow, saturated transient flow soils.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation, slope stability, retaining walls and seepage.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CEG 6015

CEG 6116 Advanced Shallow Foundation Design 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Application of soil mechanics to design and analysis of shallow foundations.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation; fundamentals of structural analysis including loads, shear and moment diagrams, and classical methods for determining displacements.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CEG 6116

CEG 6117 Advanced Deep Foundation Design 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Application of soil mechanics to design and analysis of deep foundations.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation, slope stability, retaining walls and seepage.

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CEG 6206 Nondestructive Testing and Geophysical Methods 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Covers nondestructive and geophysical methods, and their engineering related applications. It includes (i) the principles of elastic waves and associated computational methods; (ii) the fundamentals on inverse theory and signal processing; (iii) inversion methods (e.g., global and deterministic); and (iv) real-world applications. The applications include geotechnical site characterization (soil/rock and sinkhole) and evaluation of concrete structural components (bridge deck/slab).

Prerequisite: CEG 4011 with a minimum grade of C.

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CEG 6405 Seepage in Soils 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Focusing on Darcy's law, coefficient of permeability, flownets, seepage forces; engineering applications: use of computer software for seepage and slope stability analyses in dewatering systems, embankment design, filter design, earth dams, and drainage problems.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation, slope stability, retaining walls and seepage.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CEG 6405

CEG 6515 Earth Retaining Systems and Slope Stability 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Applications of soil mechanics to design and analysis of earth retaining systems and slope stability.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering including soil classification, soil strength assessment, consolidation, slope stability, retaining walls and seepage.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CEG 6515

CES 5010 Probabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Civil Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Fundamental aspects of uncertainty and their roles in determining system reliability. Probability and statistics, stochastic processes, random data analysis, and reliability methods.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of structural analysis including loads, shear and moment diagrams, and classical methods for determining displacements.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 5010

CES 5116 Finite Elements in Civil Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Introduction to finite elements, use of finite element concepts for structural analysis. Application of 1-, 2-, and 3-D elements of structural problems.

Prerequisite: Theory and application of the direct stiffness method.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 5116

CES 5325 Design of Highway Bridges 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Analysis by influence lines, slab and girder bridges, composite design, prestressed concrete, continuity, arch bridges, design details, highway specifications.

Prerequisite: Behavior and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to flexure, shear, and compression. Behavior and design of steel members and connections subjected to tension, compression, flexure, and torsion.

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CES 5607 Behavior of Steel Structures 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Plastic analysis and designs of beams and frames. Buckling and stability problems. Shear and torsion.

Prerequisite: Behavior and design of steel members and connections subjected to tension, compression, flexure, and torsion.

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CES 5715 Prestressed Concrete 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Analysis and design of prestressed concrete flexural members; pre- and post-tensioned construction, allowable stress, strength evaluation; design for bending moments and shear; evaluation of serviceability requirements; design of simple bridges.

Prerequisite: Behavior and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to flexure, shear, and compression.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 5715

CES 5801 Design and Construction in Timber 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Analysis and design of beams, columns, connections, and diaphragm/shearwall structures using sawn timber, laminated timber, and plywood and including a comprehensive design project.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of structural analysis including loads, shear and moment diagrams, and classical methods for determining displacements.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 5801

CES 6106 Advanced Structural Analysis 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Traditional methods of analyses for forces and deformations; modern matrix methods including the direct stiffness method.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of structural analysis including loads, shear and moment diagrams, and classical methods for determining displacements.

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CES 6108 Structural Dynamics 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Evaluating structural response to the effect of dynamic loads for single-degree and multidegree of freedom systems. Considers seismic and wind effects, modal analysis, numerical methods, structural idealization, response spectra, and design codes.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of structural analysis including loads, shear and moment diagrams, and classical methods for determining displacements.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 6108

CES 6117 Advanced Finite Element Analysis in Civil Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

This course focuses on the application of advanced finite element techniques to the analysis of civil engineering systems. Topics covered include constraints, material nonlinearity, strain-rate effects, geometric nonlinearity, incrementation and iteration procedures, critical load analysis, dynamic analysis, contact analysis, nonlinear analysis of concrete structures with non-prestressed and prestressed reinforcement, analysis of staged construction.

Prerequisite: CES 5116.

Corequisite: CES 6018.

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CES 6164C Structural Health Monitoring 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Through the application of sensors, IoT systems, and data informatics students will gain skills to meaningfully evaluate structural condition. This course covers theoretical background and practical application of structural monitoring and assessment for a variety of infrastructure types. Includes end-to-end design of monitoring systems based on decision support needs and appropriate selection of sensors and components, sensor placement, data acquisition and processing, and result generation.

Prerequisite: Dynamics, structural analysis, basic programming, statistics.

CES 6165 Concrete Structural Rehabilitation 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

This course will cover the basic mechanisms that cause degradation of concrete pavements and structures, methods for diagnosing concrete degradation mechanisms, and structural repair and strengthening methods.

Prerequisite: Understanding of behavior of civil engineering materials (concrete, timber, steel, asphalt) with laboratory experience; analysis and design in reinforced concrete.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 6165

CES 6585 Wind Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

The nature of wind related to wind-structure interaction and design loads for extreme winds, tornadoes and hurricanes.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of structural analysis including loads, shear and moment diagrams, and classical methods for determining displacements.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 6585

CES 6588 Protective Structures 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Addressing a range of tissues to mitigate blast, shock, and impact effects. It will include extensive course notes, references, manuals, handouts, and special computer codes. Also, it is expected that guest lectures on several topics will be given by invited experts.

Prerequisite: BS in Civil Eng; CES 6108

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 6588

CES 6590 Impact Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Addressing a broad range of technical issues on mitigating the severe loading effects associated with impact loading incidents. The course will address static and dynamic structural behavior of elastic and elastic-perfectly-plastic systems that include: contact between bodies, classical impact problems for ideal systems, beams under concentrated or distributed loads, transverse shear and rotary inertia, strain rate effects, and instability.

Prerequisite: B.S. in Civil Engineering; CES 6108

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CES 6590

CES 6591 Applied Protective Structures 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Expanding knowledge gained from the course on protective structures for expedient applications that can be deployed under emergency situations associated with abnormal loading incidents (e.g., blast, shock, impact, etc.).

Prerequisite: B.S. in Civil Engineering; CES 6588

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CES 6592 Retrofit Protective Structures 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Focusing on engineering approaches, innovative materials, and structural systems for enhancing the performance of protective structures against blast, shock, impact.

Prerequisite: B.S. in Civil Engineering; CES 6588: Protective Structures

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CES 6593 Advanced Protective Structures 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Expanding the basic knowledge gained by the students in the previous course on Protective Structures by deeper treatments of the various key topics handled there.

Prerequisite: B.S. in Civil Engineering; CES 6588

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CES 6706 Advanced Reinforced Concrete 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Torsion in structural members. Ultimate load theories and application to design. Columns and beam columns. Shear walls, combined shear walls and frames. Research topics.

Prerequisite: Fundamentals of structural analysis including loads, shear and moment diagrams, and classical methods for determining displacements. Behavior and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to flexure, shear, and compression.

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CGN 5605 Public Works Planning 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Functional approach to planning and implementing public works needs with emphasis on role of engineer.

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CGN 5606 Public Works Management 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Nature of profession, duties, and administrative responsibilities. Organization and management of operating divisions with emphasis on role of engineer.

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CGN 6425 Applied Data Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Introduces the workflows of data science applications, covering the state-of-art techniques in data acquisition, data processing and management, analytics and modeling, and visualization. Critical application of data science concepts and techniques in complex socioeconomic and environmental contexts. Basics of problem formulation and major ethical considerations of applying data science in practice

Prerequisite: Computer programming and numerical methods for engineering.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CGN 6425

CGN 6504 Concrete Durability 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Mechanisms, test methods, and mitigation methods for concrete deterioration. Mechanisms covered include cracking, freeze-thaw, reinforcing steel corrosion, alkali silica reaction, sulfate attack, chemical attack, and abrasion.

Prerequisite: Instructor permission or understanding of behavior of civil engineering materials (concrete, timber, steel, asphalt) with laboratory experience, analysis and design in reinforced concrete.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CGN 6504

CGN 6505 Properties, Design and Control of Concrete 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Portland cement and aggregate properties relating to design, control, and performance of concrete. Concrete forming and construction methods. Laboratory testing and analysis.

Prerequisite: Course in introduction to civil engineering materials.

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CGN 6506 Bituminous Materials 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Analysis of strength and deformation mechanism for asphalt concrete, properties, and their effect on flexible pavement performance. Pavement construction and quality assurance methods, testing and evaluation of asphalts and mixture.

Prerequisite: Course in introduction to pavement design.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CGN 6506

CGN 6525 Sustainable Materials 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Providing a contemporary perspective to the sustainability problems associated with our dependence on materials and the consequences of their use. It introduces a method of decision making regarding materials selection, and design with materials, that considers the environmental and social impacts, in addition to the traditional assessment of the economic impact.

Prerequisite: Graduate standing.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CGN 6525

CGN 6877C Nondestructive Evaluation of Civil Infrastructure 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

This course provides students’ knowledge and experience to evaluate existing civil infrastructure. The course covers nondestructive and geophysical methods and their engineering related applications, including (i) the principles of elastic waves and associated computational method; (ii) the fundamentals on inverse theory and signal processing; (iii) inversion methods; and (iv) real-world applications. Applications include geotechnical site characterization and evaluation of concrete components.

Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.

CGN 6905 Special Problems in Civil Engineering 1-6 Credits, Max 18 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Studies in areas not covered by other graduate courses.

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CGN 6910 Supervised Research 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Credits do not apply to any graduate degree.

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CGN 6936 Civil Engineering Graduate Seminar 1 Credit, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Lectures by graduate students, faculty members, and invited speakers.

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CGN 6940 Supervised Teaching 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Supervised Teaching

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CGN 6971 Research for Master's Thesis 1-15 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for Master's Thesis

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CGN 6974 Master of Engineering or Engineer Degree Report 1-6 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Individual work culminating in a professional practice-oriented report suitable for the requirements of the Master of Engineering or Engineer degree. Three credits only are applicable toward the requirements of each degree.

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CGN 7979 Advanced Research 1-12 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.

Prerequisite: CVE_PhD & Academic Level 7 or Academic Level 8.

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CGN 7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for Doctoral Dissertation

Prerequisite: CVE_PhD & Academic Level 9.

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CWR 5125 Groundwater Flow I 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Porous media flow. Darcy's law. Conservation of mass. Laplace equation. Flownets. Well hydraulics.

Prerequisite: Undergraduate coursework including Differential Equations, Dynamics, Hydrodynamics (Fluid Mechanics), and Hydraulics.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CWR 5125

CWR 5127 Evaluation of Groundwater Quality 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Characteristics of flow in saturated and unsaturated zones; solute convection and dispersion; effects of chemical reactions and adsorption; management of groundwater quality.

Prerequisite: CWR 5125.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CWR 5127

CWR 5235 Open Channel Hydraulics 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Classification of flow, Normal depth. Specific energy and critical depth. Gradually varied flow. Transitions.

Prerequisite: Undergraduate coursework including Differential Equations, Dynamics, Hydrodynamics (Fluid Mechanics), and Hydraulics.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CWR 5235

CWR 6116 Advanced Surface Hydrology 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Physical and quantitative concepts and principles of hydrologic processes and their engineering applications. Reynolds Transport Theorem, the Continuity and Momentum Equations applied to phenomena and processes. Hydrologic analyses, including unit hydrograph theory, lumped flow routing, and distributed flow routing. Engineering concepts of hydrologic design, design storms and hydrologic chemistry.

Prerequisite: ENV3040C or equivalent numerical methods, STA 3032 or equivalent statistics, CWR3201 or equivalent hydrodynamics

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CWR 6116

CWR 6240 Mixing and Transport in Turbulent Flow 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Applying fluid mechanics to problems of turbulent mixing and transport of substances in the natural environment.

Prerequisite: Undergraduate coursework including Differential Equations, Dynamics, Hydrodynamics (Fluid Mechanics), and Hydraulics.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CWR 6240

CWR 6537 Contaminant Subsurface Hydrology 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Physical-chemical-biological concepts and modeling of retention and transport of water and solutes in unsaturated and saturated media. Applications of environmental aspects of soil and groundwater contamination.

Prerequisite: None.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing CWR 6537

EGM 5816 Intermediate Fluid Dynamics 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Basic laws of fluid dynamics. Introduction to potential flow, viscous flow, boundary layer theory, and turbulence.

Prerequisite: A proficiency in Fluid Mechanics and Differential equations is needed.

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EGN 5949 Practicum/Internship/Cooperative Work Experience 1-6 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Practical cooperative engineering work under approved industrial and faculty supervision.

Prerequisite: graduate student.

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EGN 6640 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Introduction to entrepreneurship, idea generating and feasibility analysis, and business planning. Lectures, case studies, student-led discussions, team business plans, and investor presentations.

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EGN 6913 Engineering Graduate Research 0-3 Credits, Max 12 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Course will provide the student with supervised research in a laboratory setting.

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EOC 5860 Port and Harbor Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Principles of port design; wave penetration; harbor oscillations; sediment movement and pollutant mixing; port structures, port operations; case studies.

Prerequisite: A proficiency in Fluid Mechanics and Differential equations is needed.

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EOC 6085 Field Methods for Coastal Engineers 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Introduces basic coastal engineering and physical oceanographic tools used to obtain and analyze field data. Data processing and analysis techniques will be introduced for spatially and temporally varying data sets collected via commonly employed instruments such as conductivity-temperature-depth profilers and recorders, current profilers, tide gauges, wave gauges, and meteorological instruments.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing EOC 6085

EOC 6116 Nearshore Coastal Processes 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Introduction to coastal engineering and coastal processes highlighting practical coastal engineering projects. Coastal geology, wave generation and propagation, coastal nearshore hydrodynamics, coastal sediment processes, coastal inlet behavior, and coastal protection measures. Recent innovations in coastal engineering practice will be discussed.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

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EOC 6196 Littoral Processes 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Shoreline developments; nearshore hydrodynamics; sediment transport phenomena by waves and wind; methods of determining littoral transport quantities; effects of groins, jetties, and other coastal structures on littoral processes.

Prerequisite: OCP 6165.

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EOC 6430 Coastal Structures 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Planning and design for beach nourishment, breakwaters, jetties, seawalls and coastal protection structures.

Prerequisite: OCP 6165.

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EOC 6850 Numerical Simulation Techniques in Coastal and Ocean Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Numerical treatment of problems in ordinary and partial differential equations with application to incompressible geophysical fluid flows.

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EOC 6905 Individual Study in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering 1-4 Credits, Max 8 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Individual Study in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering

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EOC 6934 Advanced Topics in Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering 1-6 Credits, Max 18 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Waves; wave-structure interaction; coastal structures; ocean structures; sediment transport; instrumentation; advanced data analysis techniques; turbulent flow and its applications.

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EOC 6939 Graduate Seminar 1 Credit, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Guest lecturers; lectures by COE faculty and students.

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EOC 6971 Research for Master's Thesis 1-15 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for Master's Thesis

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EOC 7979 Advanced Research 1-12 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.

Prerequisite: COA_PhD & Academic Level 7 or Academic Level 8.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing EOC 7979

EOC 7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for Doctoral Dissertation

Prerequisite: COA_PhD & Academic Level 9.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing EOC 7980

OCP 6050 Physical Oceanography 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Structure of ocean basins; physical and chemical properties of sea water; basic physical laws used in oceanography; ocean current; thermohaline effects; numerical models; heat budget.

Prerequisite: A proficiency in Fluid Mechanics and Differential equations is needed.

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OCP 6165 Ocean Waves I: Linear Theory 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Ocean wave classification, solution of the linearized boundary value problem; simple harmonic waves; shoaling effects; internal waves.

Prerequisite: This is an obligatory course and should be taken the first semester. A proficiency in Fluid Mechanics and Differential equations is needed.

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OCP 6167 Ocean Waves II: Nonlinear Theory 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Perturbation development of nonlinear water wave theories; regions of validity of various theories; dynamics and kinematics of nonlinear wave trains composed of single and multiple fundamental components.

Prerequisite: OCP 6165: Ocean Waves I: Linear Theory.

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OCP 6168 Data Analysis Techniques for Coastal and Ocean Engineers 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Data editing, fundamentals of spectral analysis, subsurface and surface signal analysis, directional spectral analysis.

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OCP 6298 Coastal Sediment Transport Processes 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Physical sedimentation processes, including boundary layer hydrodynamics, suspended sediment dynamics, and bedload mechanics under wave and current conditions.

Prerequisite: CWR 6236, OCP 6165.

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OCP 6605 Estuarine Circulation 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Physical and environmental aspects of estuaries with a special emphasis on engineering challenges within complex ecosystems at the interface between coastal and terrestrial environments. Estuarine classification, tidal processes and dynamics, transport of sediment and salinity, estuarine modeling, natural and anthropogenic change and impacts, and estuarine ecology. A field trip to a local estuary will allow students to experience estuarine environments.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing OCP 6605

TTE 5006 Advanced Urban Transportation Planning 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Analytical techniques for estimating future travel demands; and for for planning transportation facilities and locations. Review of transportation technology and future systems.

Prerequisite: Students are expected to be familiar with elementary statistics and have the ability for analytical/quantitative problem solving.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 5006

TTE 5256 Traffic Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Traffic characteristics, studies and analyses, street operations, level of service analysis, congestion and access management, signs and markings, pedestrians, bicycles, parking, roadway lighting.

Prerequisite: Students are expected to be familiar with elementary statistics and have the ability for analytical/quantitative problem solving.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 5256

TTE 5305 Advanced Transportation Systems Analysis 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Systems analysis in transportation planning and engineering, including supply, demand, equilibrium, evaluation, and decision analysis.

Prerequisite: Students are expected to be familiar with elementary statistics and have the ability for analytical/quantitative problem solving.

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TTE 5805 Geometric Design of Transportation Facilities 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Geometric design criteria and controls of highways and intersections.

Prerequisite: Students are expected to be familiar with elementary statistics and have the ability for analytical/quantitative problem solving.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 5805

TTE 5837 Pavement Management Systems 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Evaluation, analysis, design, performance prediction, planning, and maintenance of pavements.

Prerequisite: Background in fundamentals of Civil Engineering Materials and Pavement Design.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 5837

TTE 6008 Fundamentals of the Transportation Profession 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Provides a holistic view of the professional practice of transportation including history, organizational structures, legal aspects, finances, human resources, asset management, leadership, marketing and communications, innovation, and technical overview of select topics to prepare students for a career in the field of transportation rapidly undergoing transformation.

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

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TTE 6205 Freeway Operations and Simulation 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Uninterrupted traffic flow theory. Highway capacity analysis. Microscopic simulation. Freeway management and control methods.

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TTE 6207 Advanced Highway Capacity Analysis 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Procedures defined within the current Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), including analytical chapters for uninterrupted and interrupted flow.

Prerequisite: Students are expected to be familiar with elementary statistics and have the ability for analytical/quantitative problem solving.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6207

TTE 6259 Urban Streets Simulation and Control 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Principles of simulation modeling and applications. Simulating urban street operations using commercially available packages; traffic signal control and optimization for urban streets; signal control hardware.

Prerequisite: TTE 5256.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6259

TTE 6267 Traffic Flow Theory 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Vehicle-roadway-infrastructure interactions, equations of motion, and car-following; microscopic and macroscopic traffic characteristics and traffic stream models; simulation, queueing theory, and shockwave analysis.

Prerequisite: TTE 5256.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6267

TTE 6275 Connected & Automated Vehicles 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Prepares students to understand Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) and address the myriad of issues related to the safe and efficient deployment of CAVs in the transportation system. Technology, policy/legal aspects, human factors, traffic operations/safety, and ethics/equity will be addressed in the context of passenger vehicles, public transit vehicles, and freight vehicles.

Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6275

TTE 6306 Computational Methods in Transportation Engineering 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Applying numeric methods to traffic engineering/analysis. Key issues in implementing a computational methodology into a software format. Fundamentals of developing simulation software.

Corequisite: TTE 5256.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6306

TTE 6315 Highway Safety Analysis 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Statistics and characteristics of accidents, accident reconstruction, accident causation and reduction.

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TTE 6505 Discrete Choice Analysis 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Theory and models of individual choice behavior, unordered and ordered multinomial choice models, empirical specifications, maximum likelihood estimation, state-of-the-art methods, travel modeling applications.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6505

TTE 6605 Smart Multimodal Transportation Systems 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Prepares students to operate multimodal transportation systems (intersections, urban streets, freeways, and transit systems) efficiently and safely in the light of all the transformation happening in the field of transportation engineering such as intelligent infrastructure and data for real-time decision making. Real world data will be used for quantitative analyses using emerging visualization techniques and optimization/ modeling methods.

Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6605

TTE 6606 Urban Transportation Models 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Mathematical models for decision making in planning and operations of urban highway and transit systems.

Prerequisite: TTE 5305.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6606

TTE 6615 Electric, Shared, and Micro Mobility 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Prepares students to understand three critical trends in transportation namely electrification, shared mobility (Uber/Lyft etc.), and micro mobility (e-scooters, micro transit, etc.). Technology, policy/legal aspects, human factors, traffic operations/safety, and equity are addressed. Analyses will be undertaken using emerging visualization techniques and optimization/ modeling methods

Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing TTE 6615