LAT 6425 Latin Prose Composition 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Translating English into Latin and imitation of various Latin prose styles.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LAT 6425

LNW 5325 Roman Elegiac Poetry 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings in Latin from one or all of the following: Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Ovid, or other Latin elegiac poetry.

Prerequisite: graduate student status or consent of instructor.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 5325

LNW 5655 Roman Poets: Horace 3 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Horace's poetry and metrics.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 5655

LNW 5665 Roman Poets: Vergil 3 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

The poetic art of Vergil and its literary, historical, and political background.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 5665

LNW 5675 Roman Poets: Ovid 3 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Ovid's poetic art against its literary, historical, and political background.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 5675

LNW 6105 The Roman Tradition 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Synoptic survey of Roman literature.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6105

LNW 6225 The Ancient Roman Novel 3 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings from Petronius and/or Apuleius.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6225

LNW 6315 Plautus and Terence 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Reading in Latin selections from the twenty extant plays of Plautus and six extant plays of Terence, with an introduction to the genre of comedy.

Prerequisite: Advanced reading proficiency

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6315

LNW 6335 Roman Oratory and Rhetoric 3 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Theory and practice of Roman oratory and rhetoric through Latin readings in Cicero, Seneca, and Quintilian, and other sources.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6335

LNW 6365 Studies in Roman Satire 3 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings from Horace, Persius, Petronius, Juvenal, Martial.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6365

LNW 6385 Roman Historians 3 Credits, Max 9 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings from major historians: Sallust, Caesar, Livy, Tacitus, Suetonius, and others.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6385

LNW 6495 Late Latin Literature 3 Credits, Max 9 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings from one or more of the following: Vulgate, Christian Church Fathers, Historia Apollonii, Peregrinatio Aetheriae, Harrington's Medieval Latin.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6495

LNW 6905 Individual Work 1-4 Credits, Max 15 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Readings and reports in language and literature.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6905

LNW 6933 Special Topics in Latin Literature 3 Credits, Max 9 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Intensive study of particular author, genre, period, or subject.

Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6933

LNW 6935 Proseminar in Classics 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Introduction to the study of classical literature, history of scholarship, bibliographies, areas of the discipline.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6935

LNW 6940 Supervised Teaching 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Supervised Teaching

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6940

LNW 6971 Research for Master's Thesis 1-15 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for Master's Thesis

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 6971

LNW 7979 Advanced Research 1-12 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 7979

LNW 7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for Doctoral Dissertation

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LNW 7980