CLP 6189 Cultural Humility in Clinical and Health Psychology 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Designed to introduce you to the theory, research, and practice of cultural humility, multiculturalism, and social justice in psychology. We will discuss topics related to identity, intersectionality, culture, power, privilege, and oppression. This course is experiential; therefore, we will reflect and articulate our personal values to support our professional identity development.

Prerequisite: CLP 4302 and CLP 6527.

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CLP 6307 Human Higher Cortical Functioning 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Models that explain linkages between brain and behavior. Focus on both functions and dysfunctions.

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CLP 6407 Psychological Treatment I 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Current dynamic and personality theories, practices, and related research in psychotherapy.

Prerequisite: admission to CLP or consent of instructor.

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CLP 6430 Clinical Psychological Assessment 4 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Introduction to concepts, theory, and practices in clinical psychological assessment across the lifespan.

Prerequisite: admission to the Clinical Psychology doctoral program.

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CLP 6476 Lifespan Psychopathology 4 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Diagnostic issues, theoretical formulas, clinical manifestations, and research related to child and adult psychopathology across the lifespan.

Prerequisite: admission to Clinical Psychology doctoral program.

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CLP 6527C Measurement, Research Design, and Statistical Analysis in Clinical Psychology I 3-4 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Integration and interaction among research design, tests and measurements, and statistics.

Prerequisite: admission to CLP.

CLP 6528C Measurement, Research Design, and Statistical Analysis in Clinical Psychology II 3-4 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Continuation of CLP 6527C.

Prerequisite: CLP 6527C.

CLP 6529 Applied Multivariate Methods in Psychology 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Application of multivariate methods (MANOVA, discriminant functions, factor analysis, SEM) to research problems in psychology.

Prerequisite: CLP 6528C or equivalent

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CLP 6905 Individual Work 1-4 Credits, Max 12 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Reading or research in areas in clinical psychology.

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CLP 6910 Supervised Research 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Supervised Research

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CLP 6940 Supervised Teaching 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Supervised Teaching

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CLP 6943 Core Practicum in Clinical Psychology 1-4 Credits, Max 8 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Supervised training in appropriate work settings.

Prerequisite: consent of program director.

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CLP 6945 Advanced Practicum in Neuropsychology 1-3 Credits, Max 12 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Supervised clinical experience in neuropsychological assessment and cognitive rehabilitation of patients with neurologic impairments.

Prerequisite: Consent of area head and program director.

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CLP 6946 Advanced Practicum in Applied Medical Psychology 1-3 Credits, Max 8 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Supervised clinical experience in inpatient and outpatient consultation, assessment and intervention with psychosomatic, stress-related, and somatopsychic disorders.

Prerequisite: consent of area head and program director.

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CLP 6947 Practicum in Intervention 1-4 Credits, Max 18 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Designed for individual with special interests and needs.

Prerequisite: consent of program director.

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CLP 6948 Advanced Practicum in Clinical Child Psychology 1-3 Credits, Max 8 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Supervised clinical experiences working with children or adolescents in either inpatient or outpatient settings.

Prerequisite: CLP 6943, consent of area head and program director.

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CLP 6971 Research for Master's Thesis 1-15 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for Master's Thesis

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CLP 7317 Advanced Health Psychology and Behavior Medicine 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Theory, research, and clinical applications related to core topic areas. Special attention to pathophysiology, research methods, issues of diversity, and ethical concerns.

Prerequisite: CLP 7936.

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CLP 7428C Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Research, theory, and basic procedures.

Prerequisite: PSB 6067 or consent of instructor.

CLP 7525 Best Methods for Studying Psychological Change 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Application of change methods (ongiudinal mixed effects, latent growth models, survival analysis) to research problems in psychology.

Prerequisite: CLP 6529

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CLP 7934 Special Topics In Clinical Psychology 1-9 Credits, Max 30 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Advanced seminar for in-depth examination of selected issues and topics.

Prerequisite: admission to CLP.

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CLP 7949 Internship 1-2 Credits, Max 6 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Reading assignments and conferences. Must include 1500 work hours; designed as a 2-semester sequence.

Prerequisite: admission to candidacy for the doctorate, successful completion of the qualifying examination, and consent of the program director.

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CLP 7979 Advanced Research 1-12 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.

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CLP 7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Credits

Grading Scheme: S/U

Research for Doctoral Dissertation

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PSB 6115C Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience: Methods and Theory 3 Credits

Grading Scheme: Letter Grade

Provides an overview of methods in clinical and cognitive neuroscience with lab-based exposure to methodology. Methods covered will include, but are not limited to, structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, transcranial electrical stimulation, TMS, PET, etc.

Prerequisite: Must be a graduate student in Clinical and Health Psychology. All others must petition to Dr. Woods. Prior coursework in neuroanatomy will be an important precursor, but can be waived (e.g., CLP 6945, PSB 6088, GMS 6007, CLP 7428).