PHY 5905 Individual Work 1-4 Credits, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Assigned reading and problems program, special topics, or development of special experimental or theoretical problems. Work selected according to student's needs and interests.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 5905
PHY 6246 Classical Mechanics 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Review of Lagrangian formulation and special relativity. Hamiltonian mechanics, canonical transforms and Hamilton-Jacobi theories, action angle variables, rigid rotators, normal modes, mechanics of continuous media. Fluid mechanics.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6246
PHY 6346 Electromagnetic Theory I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Electrostatics, special function expansions, magnetostatics, linear media, time dependent Maxwell theory, wave propagation and dispersion, diffraction, scattering, radiation, relativistic covariance, applications.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6346
PHY 6347 Electromagnetic Theory II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Continuation of PHY 6346.
Prerequisite: PHY 6346.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6347
PHY 6536 Statistical Mechanics I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Equilibrium ensembles for classical and quantum systems, fluctuations, applications to normal fluids, phase transitions and critical phenomena, plasmas.
Prerequisite: PHY 6645 and PHY 6246.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6536
PHY 6555C Cryogenics 4 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Production and use of cryogenic fluids; temperature measurement and control; use of cryogenics in science and industry, superconducting magnet and power generator, and electronics. Hands-on experience.
Prerequisite: PHY 3101 and consent of instructor.
PHY 6645 Quantum Mechanics I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Hilbert space, Heisenberg and Schrodinger dynamics, invariance properties and symmetry operations, spin, perturbation, and variational methods.
Prerequisite: MAP 5304, PHY 4605.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6645
PHY 6646 Quantum Mechanics II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Time dependent perturbation theory, scattering theory, identical particles and second quantization, Dirac equation.
Prerequisite: PHY 6645.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6646
PHY 6648 Quantum Field Theory I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
The Poincare group; the Dirac equation; quantization of free fields; the scattering matrix; applications.
Prerequisite: PHY 6646.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6648
PHY 6905 Individual Work 1-4 Credits, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Treatment of an experimental or theoretical problem or topic assigned on the basis of student's needs and interests.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6905
PHY 6910 Supervised Research 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Supervised Research
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PHY 6920 Departmental Colloquium 1 Credit, Max 14 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Summary presentation of contemporary topics by visiting and local researchers.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6920
PHY 6932 Seminar in Molecular and Computational Physics 1 Credit, Max 10 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Invited speakers on topics of current interest in computation and theory in dynamics, and molecular and solid state physics.
Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6932
PHY 6943 Internship in College Teaching 2-4 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Required for Master of Science in Teaching students, but available for students needing additional practice and direction in college-level teaching.
Prerequisite: graduate standing.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6943
PHY 6971 Research for Master's Thesis 1-15 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Research for Master's Thesis
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 6971
PHY 7097 Advanced Topics in Theoretical Physics 3 Credits, Max 10 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Special studies in mathematical methods and applications of current interest at the forefront of one or more specialties in theoretical physics.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 7097
PHY 7669 Quantum Field Theory II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Path integral quantization; perturbation theory; renormalization; quantization of gauge fields; applications.
Prerequisite: PHY 6648.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 7669
PHY 7979 Advanced Research 1-12 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been accepted for a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 7979
PHY 7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Research for Doctoral Dissertation
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHY 7980
PHZ 5155C Physical Modeling and Simulation 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Principles and applications of physical modeling and computer simulation. Fundamental interactions among particles such as atoms, molecules, condensed matter, and planets. Introduction to variety of simulation techniques in modern research.
PHZ 5354 Introduction to Particle Physics 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Descriptive survey of particle and nuclear phenomena and states: conserved quantities and quantum numbes, invariance principles.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 5354
PHZ 6355 Elementary Particle Physics I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Dirac and Klein-Gordon equations, Feynman diagrams, scattering amplitudes; the standard model of weak, electromagnetic, and strong interactions; phenomenology of high energy physics.
Prerequisite: PHY 6646.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 6355
PHZ 6358 Standard Model of Elementary Particles I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Nonabelian gauge theory, Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model of electromagnetic and weak interactions. Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism, theory of weak processes focusing on quantum corrections and their physical consequences.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 6358
PHZ 6391 Seminar in Astrophysics 1 Credit, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Seminar in Astrophysics
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 6391
PHZ 6392 Seminar in Particle Physics 1 Credit, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Seminar in Particle Physics
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 6392
PHZ 6426 Solid State I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Quantum theory of crystalline solids: Bloch theorem, electronic structure, thermodynamic and transport properties of metals, lattice dynamics, electronic interactions in solids, semiconductors and insulators.
Prerequisite: PHY 6536.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 6426
PHZ 6493 Seminar in Condensed Matter Physics 1 Credit, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Seminar in Condensed Matter Physics
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 6493
PHZ 6607 Special and General Relativity 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Special relativity, tensor analysis, covariant electromagnetism and hydrodynamics; general relativity, Riemannian geometry, gravity as curvature, exact solutions; relativistic astrophysics, cosmology.
Prerequisite: PHY 6246.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 6607
PHZ 7357 Elementary Particle Physics II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Continuation of PHZ 6355. Extensions of the standard model. Calculations of QCD corrections.
Prerequisite: PHZ 6355.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 7357
PHZ 7359 Standard Model of Elementary Particles II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Strong interactions, perturbation study of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) of quarks and gluons. Chiral description of long-range QCD, supersymmetric extensions of standard model, grand unification
Prerequisite: PHZ 6358.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 7359
PHZ 7427 Solid State II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Physics of collective phenomena in condensed matter systems: electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions, magnetism, superconductivity, and quantum transport.
Prerequisite: PHZ 6426.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 7427
PHZ 7428 Modern Condensed Matter Physics 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Green's functions and many-body perturbation theory, with applications to topics in modern condensed matter physics. Superconductors, quantum magnetism, quantum transport, quantum hall effect. Other modern techniques and numerical methods.
Prerequisite: PHZ 6426.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 7428
PHZ 7429 Phases of Condensed Matter 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Focus on structural properties, transitions and properties of topological defects in crystalline solids, liquid crystals, incommensurate crystals, quasicrystals, magnetically ordered systems, and random fractals.
Prerequisite: PHZ 6426 or consent of instructor.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHZ 7429
PHZ 7608 Special and General Relativity II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Relativistic stars, black holes, gravitational radiation; advanced topics in general relativity and cosmology.
Prerequisite: PHZ 6607.