REL 6038 Religion and Fieldwork 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Combining classroom based learning with supervised field research, this class will introduce students to the theoretical and practical issues of religion and fieldwork and will focus on the “nuts and bolts” of fieldwork. We will read both classic and newer works that showcase issues and questions in religion and fieldwork.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing REL 6038
REL 6347 American Buddhism 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Exploration of relationship between Buddhism and American culture.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing REL 6347
RLG 5143 Religion and Social Change 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Religion's role in social movements and other forms of cultural, economic, and political transformation.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5143
RLG 5195 Topics in Religion and Society 3 Credits, Max 6 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines the interaction between religious bodies and the structures of the societies in which they function, with particular attention to the United States.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5195
RLG 5199 Religion and Nature in North America 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Investigation of ways that concepts of religion and nature have evolved and influenced one another during cultural, political and environmental history of North America since European contact.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5199
RLG 5297 Topics in Biblical Studies 3 Credits, Max 9 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines methods of interpreting particular texts or themes chosen from Hebrew scriptures or the Christian New Testament.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5297
RLG 5338 Topics in Asian Religions 3 Credits, Max 9 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines religious traditions that are indigenous to India, China, or Japan.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5338
RLG 5361 Global Islam 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Promotes a deeper understanding of the diversity of Muslim cultures and societies in the contemporary global context through an interdisciplinary approach that is both topical and geographical, drawing from perspectives from the social sciences and the humanities
Prerequisite: Currently enrolled UF graduate students may enroll in the course. Non-degree seeking students may enroll pending upon the approval of the Department of Religion.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5361
RLG 5365 Studies in Islam 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Historical study of development of selected doctrines, institutions, and practices, using primary and interpretive material.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5365
RLG 5396 Religion and Animals 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines the place of animals in the cosmologies and ethical systems of the world's diverse religions.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5396
RLG 5495 Topics in Religious Thought 3 Credits, Max 9 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Investigation of particular themes in a religious tradition or the comparative approach to intellectual dimensions of religious communities.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5495
RLG 5695 Ethics after the Holocaust 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Introduces graduate students to major philosophical and theological debates in the aftermath of the Holocaust: modernity, evil, theodicy, resentment and forgiveness, and visual representations. Engagement with major philosophical works, film, and new media.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5695
RLG 5696 Topics in Jewish Thought 3 Credits, Max 9 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Themes, issues, and personalities in the Jewish tradition, from the biblical period through modern times.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5696
RLG 5906 Individual Work 1-5 Credits, Max 12 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Study of chosen materials under the individual direction of a member of the Graduate Faculty. Plan of study and method of evaluation must be pre-approved by the supervisory committee.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5906
RLG 5937 Topics in Religious Studies 3 Credits, Max 9 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Issues and methods in the study of religion. Generally more than one religious tradition is studied.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 5937
RLG 6035 Method and Theory I 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines classical formulations of approaches to studying religion and to developing religious studies as an academic discipline.
Prerequisite: graduate standing. Required of all religion graduate students.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6035
RLG 6036 Method and Theory II 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Study of religion in light of recent challenges in the humanities and social sciences. Special attention to the concept of religion and its origins in Christian culture of Western Europe; and to the engagement of religion in colonial culture.
Prerequisite: RLG 6035 and graduate standing. Required of all religion graduate students.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6036
RLG 6038 Religion and Fieldwork 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Combining classroom based learning with supervised field research, this class will introduce students to the theoretical and practical issues of religion and fieldwork and will focus on the “nuts and bolts” of fieldwork. We will read both classic and newer works that showcase issues and questions in religion and fieldwork.
Prerequisite: Graduate status.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6038
RLG 6095 Utopias and Dystopias 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Ideal societies and their roles in religious movements, ideologies, and communities.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6095
RLG 6107 Core Seminar in Religion and Nature 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Religious dimensions of relationships between what humans call "nature" and "culture."
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6107
RLG 6126 Religion in the Americas 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Origins and interactions of religions in the Americas.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6126
RLG 6137 Religion in North America 3 Credits, Max 6 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Examines religious bodies in the United States, from historical, sociological, and theological perspectives.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6137
RLG 6167 Radical Environmentalism 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Critically examines the emergence and social impact of radical environmental groups.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6167
RLG 6183 Religion and Environmental Ethics 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Explorations in classic and contemporary theories and applications of environmental ethics, with special attention to religion.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6183
RLG 6185 Religion, Nature, and Society 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Explores relationships between religion, nature and society both in the context of religious traditions and as a means to understand how these relationships reflect and shape social relations among people. Covers approaches to studying the relationships between different societies and nonhuman nature.
Prerequisite: Graduate status.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6185
RLG 6319 Interpreting Asian Religions 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Critical assessment of the world-religions model for interpreting Asian religions.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6319
RLG 6385 Native Religions in the Americas 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Indigenous religious communities and traditions in North, Central, and South America.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6385
RLG 6387 Religions in Latin America 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Important historical developments and contemporary expressions of religions in Latin America.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6387
RLG 6709 Islam in Africa 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
The course examines processes of Islamization and the emergence of local Muslim cultures. It exposes students to the diversity of Islam in Africa. You will become familiar with contemporary African Islam, and understand how it interacts with broader political dynamics. You will acquire skills to assess issues with broad relevance.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6709
RLG 6910 Supervised Research 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Supervised Research
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6910
RLG 6936 Seminar Relig Studies 3 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Seminar Relig Studies
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RLG 6940 Supervised Teaching 1-5 Credits, Max 5 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Supervised Teaching
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6940
RLG 6957 Overseas Studies in Religion 1-3 Credits, Max 9 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Overseas Studies in Religion
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6957
RLG 6971 Research for Master's Thesis 1-15 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Required of all candidates for the M.A. degree.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 6971
RLG 7979 Advanced Research 1-15 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Research for doctoral students before admission to candidacy. Designed for students with a master's degree in the field of study or for students who have been admitted to a doctoral program. Not appropriate for students who have been admitted to candidacy.
Prerequisite: consent of graduate coordinator.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 7979
RLG 7980 Research for Doctoral Dissertation 1-15 Credits
Grading Scheme: S/U
Research for Doctoral Dissertation
Catalog Program Pages Referencing RLG 7980
SRK 6905 Individual Study in Sanskrit 1-4 Credits, Max 9 Credits
Grading Scheme: Letter Grade
Graduate reading in Sanskrit language and literature.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.