Below is the full list of graduate majors available through the University of Florida's Graduate School.  Clicking on the major's name in the list below will take you to the program's information pages in this catalog.  For a full list of graduate degrees offered, please also visit the list of available graduate degree offerings within this catalog. 

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

College of the Arts

Warrington College of Business

College of Dentistry

College of Design, Construction and Planning

College of Education

Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

College of Health and Human Performance

College of Journalism and Communications

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

College of Medicine

College of Nursing

College of Pharmacy

College of Public Health and Health Professions

College of Veterinary Medicine


For information about the colleges and departments, visit

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Catalog updates:  Please report any revisions or discrepancies via email to gradcatalog@aa.ufl.eduUpdates are very much appreciated.